[H]awt Indeed - CoolerMaster Hyper212+ for $10.99 @ MC before MIR

That is a pretty awesome deal on an awesome HSF. I've had one on my i7-860 for a couple years, and just bought a 212 Evo for a new 3770K build, but I don't think there's enough difference between the 212+ and Evo to not have gone with this had it come up sooner. Heck at this price I may still get one to keep on the shelf or to upgrade a cooler in a secondary box.

EDIT: $6 shipping + sales tax makes it a bit less hot, although still a good deal especially if you don't mind MIR's.
As people on SD have been reporting... adding to cart doesn't work. Seems to be having server issues, and I'm sure as soon as they fix the server issue, they'll also fix the price. I doubt it was meant to be that low... if it is, I'm in for a few.
lots of people on SD are having troubles adding it to their cart

EDIT: well, i was able to order 2, lets hope they honor the price and rebate (i realize i'll probably only be able to do one rebate, but still, ~$15 each (after shipping) is awesome)
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No trouble adding to my cart. I'm just sitting at the CC entry page trying to decide if I want to spend $18 out of pocket for a spare cooler...

EDIT: Ordered. No problemo.
Yeah I just went back to try and add a second one to see what all the fuss is about, and I get the error about "Removed items that are inactive or no longer valid." Sounds like they ran out of stock then. But it worked first time when I saw this post and tried it, and my order has been confirmed.
Wow great deal if only I had a car to get to MC. :D

Using one of these in my rig and a great bang for the buck under more normal pricing, with this sale it really should be a no-brainer for those seeking a good CPU cooler.
I got a cancellation email and then a ship confirmation email, they might be allowing one per person or something, would be nice to have 2 more but one will do
It shows up as $30.00 for me ($20.00 after rebate). I can add it to my cart, but when I go to my cart page, I get the same error:

Removed items that are inactive or no longer valid.

As a Memorial Day weekend event... wouldn't it make sense that this would start tomorrow (Saturday)? Maybe they've got it in the system but it's not good until the actual weekend.
I'm getting 1, just logged in and saw they cancelled 1 and shipped 1 to me
It shows up as $30.00 for me ($20.00 after rebate)

I got a cancellation email and then a ship confirmation email, they might be allowing one per person or something, would be nice to have 2 more but one will do

I'm getting 1, just logged in and saw they cancelled 1 and shipped 1 to me

From all of the above I'm beginning to expect this was a pricing mistake but they went ahead and honored it at 1 per person. Kudos to MC if so. And lucky me for not missing a deal for a change.
$20 after MIR... And then auto removes it when switching to the cart page after add item button. :(
its 10.99 in the store if they say its different call them on it with the web page listing and your supposed to get a $10 mir for it that makes the heatsink $1 this is a smokeing hot deal... i got my yesterday 6pm in the westmont il store...
got mine in the mail today, gotta respect MC for making good on one at least (they cancelled my other one that i ordered)