[H] BF2 Chopper Pilot who helped me out


Jun 26, 2004
I don’t remember your game name but thanks! I had a lot of fun even when I wasn’t shooting at anything.

For anyone wondering that wasn’t playing. I logged in to the BF2 server a little after two. I had only got the game last night after work and got maybe 2-3 hours of SP practice in so I was quite intimidated by the thought of jumping in and trying to play with you all. But this unknown chopper pilot changed all that for me. When I got in to the game I only found 2 other people. One of them was on my team and asked me if I could gun. I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about until I turned around and seen the chopper coming. So I hoped in and informed him I would try as I had very little practice in the chopper. This didn’t seem to discourage him as he proceeded to give me tips on what to do and how to use the TV guided missiles. We headed out and killed a few things before I let us get shot down. I thought that was the end of my ride in the chopper but nope. He came and found me so I could hop back in for some more practice. Actually he did this a number of times while trying to guide me on how to spawn back with him and the chopper.

We teamed up on the chopper for quite awhile, until the enemy chopper pilot and gunner got smart and took us out while we were waiting for the chopper to respawn and then his gunner made off with our chopper before we could respawn. Anyway I guess I am just hoping he sees this since I really appreciated him helping me out.

Oh and too anyway one who might be to intimidated to come play in the [H] BF2 weekend don’t be. As I said I was a total noob to the game and still had a great time and don’t think I pissed off any of my team mates.
I just got BF2 this past week as well after playing out BF:V for the longest time. Where and when does [H] put up their BF2 server?
Heh, I had a good time playing with you today. It was pretty funny when I came up behind you in the chopper. :D
Hope you come and join us again in future weekends, its always a blast. I'm pretty sure y'all owned me a few times in the chopper during pre-game. :p
I will be back next Sunday. I work on Saturday every week. I hope to play BF2 a few nights a week for about an hour or two assuming I can find a decent game to join. I need to work on linking up with a squad. I like playing as Special Forces and Anti Tank the most. I have no clue what unlock I should go for first. You get one each time you move up in rank right?
i haven't played any of the BF series but now i think i'll get BF2 and AF pack. [H} BF2 weekends sounds like fun :)
Flying around in a chopper with a skilled pilot is awesome, prolly the best in the game. Wait til your dog fighting with another chopper and you TV missle them, and then TV missle them again, and then shoot both of em outta the thing while it spins off and hits something.
Heh its real fun to solo fly the chopper and just TV Missile everything. Just love hearing the angry cries of the enemy chopper whores because they get one shotted over and over and over and over... :p
topcat989 said:
... [H} BF2 weekends sounds like fun :)

They are quite fun - I've mostly had a good time when there were more than just a few [H]ers on the server. Squad up and have some fun! :)

Man I missed out. I will be joining in.

BF2 Name Chocolatemilk

There are lots of fun groups out there, I play with a group that plays about 2-4 times a week. One more should be fun!