[H]orde|Bowl II, and the winner is....


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - October 2006
Sep 27, 2004

As another season drew to a close, the last two teams remaining put together quite a run toward the championship. RPh was back, in an attempt to avenge the defeat he suffered at the end of last season to poddo. joeb0b came out of nowhere to take his conference and get to the title game.

It was a crazy season, longer than the last, all sorts of new things thrown into the mix. QMD's were gone, but a whole new breed of WU's were in the house... they took forever, didn't always drop alot of points, and made timing incredibly important.

You guys don't care about all of that though ;), you just want to know who's going home with those new pieces of equipment Viper has been getting ready to roll. Without further adieu:

Points Breakdown
Total weekly points - RPhArrow (10 points)
Total weekly WU's - RPhArrow (14 points)
PPD Average - RPhÅrrow (5 points)
WU per day Average - RPhArrow (5 points)
Points per WU - RPhArrow (3 points)
Higest points in one day - RPhArrow (6 points)
Highest WU count in one day - Tie (0 points)
Daily High points and WU's - joeb0b (3 points), RPhArrow (7 points)

And based on that breakdown, we have RPhArrow coming out on top with the 50 to 3 victory!!

Congratulations to RPhArrow, the second annual [H]orde|Bowl Champion and first player to put together a completely undefeated season!!!

Congrats you grumpy girlscout!


HA !! LOL.... I haven't been grumpy for nearly a year now & I can not remember my last girlscout influence (was she hot ?) :p

[BRO]Alaskan;1030589522 said:
Yea. Congrats. Enjoy the new folding system

Thanks [BRO] ! I'm finally going to get to try those SMP's !


Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Hey joeb0b ! ! You made a great playoff run that I think surprised even yourself ! I was pretty astonished that you beat the rest of your conference at the end ;)

It has been a tough season with these lamda_melt WU's being the primary handout from Stanford ... You pulled off a great season !

RPhArrow --\\\-------------------------------------->

Post some system stats!! I wanna see what power house you were using.
ummm....wasnt there something about "seeing" the almighty Arrow?

and congrats on a job well done :D
Post some system stats!! I wanna see what power house you were using.

Hah ! I KNEW ICE_9 would be asking about my Intel system :p

C2D E6400 -- overclocked to 3.2GHZ from day 1 .... Rock stable 24/7 from the day I fired it up ! Started with factory HSF, changed to CoolerMaster Hiper 48 (because I had one on the shelf) which lowered CPU temp by 10C degrees.
CM2X1024-6400 Corsair RAM (2 GB but I ran the other core under my regular name)
The 3.2GHZ OC allowed RAM to sync 1:1
I did find certain WU that did better when only one core was running. So my second core (under my own name) only ran about 2/3 of the time. Even with 2GB RAM, so I figure it was memory bus restricted.
Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3 motherboard

So here was my initial & unreversable risk: All running on Vista Beta :eek: Because I was too cheap to buy an OS !

When ICE_9 posted something about bad Vista builds having memory holes, I started rebooting twice a week....it made a difference !! Frame times often dropped. I also found that when I was in a crunch situation I stopped FAH on the second core which frequently (but not always) improved frame times .... and that was with 2GB of ram on board !

Thanks to poddo who taught me to pay attention to every detail every week ! No week wen by where I didn't think what I could do to improve my chances the next week. While I didn't mess with my hardware, I did make many flag changes & reboots through the whole season. Little things like if you know you are blowing out your opponent one week, hold that last WU on Saturday & drop it at the right time to show up at 1AM Sunday....

Hell, this is too much fun !!!!!!!!!!

Yep. Screw Vista for now. I really didn't like the way it played with my P4 560. Might I suggest Linux for future. I have liked the SMP clients on Suse 10.2. The user interface has gotten WAY better since my last encounter with Linux. At least my loss to you was by a Core processor. TAKE THAT AMD BOYS!!!

/lights flamethrower
Congrats and the Colts suck (just thought i'd throw that in, I'm bitter from when they moved from Baltimore, even though I wasn't alive then)
[BRO]Alaskan;1030590829 said:
When you get the computer post pics and make sure Viper assembled it right. :rolleyes:

LOL ... Just because Viper does great exploded diagrams doesn't mean that's what it really looks like :D
[BRO]Alaskan;1030591018 said:
did you forget this pic already?

Just messing with you Viper. BTW welcome back

Hey, don't pick on the man's #1 system;) Maybe we could all chip in and buy him a case?:rolleyes:

[BRO]Alaskan;1030591018 said:
did you forget this pic already?

Just messing with you Viper. BTW welcome back

Forget, no. I guess I just didn't find it to alarming. Every PC I have ever built in this house has stared its journey that way :p
I haven't actually read through this thread yet but I wanted to say Congrats RPh and thanks to p[H]antom and Viper and everyone for putting on this contest. I bet it was a lot of work and once again I think it was fun for us contestants :).

Also, I was running a 3.6ghz p4 with 1gig of ram. This is my work computer, my production was much better when i had a few days off, which i have been taking recently. Towards the end I was getting a steady diet of 392 point lambda 5-way melts. I could do about 2.4 of them a week and I just got kind of lucky to drop 3 of them against a hard opponent and 2 against not as hard.


Thanks Moose ! Thanks joeb0b ! You're right, p[H]ant0m, Viper and everyone that helped then did a great job putting on this contest :)

Congrats RPH! I have to say you have a lot of dedication (and spare time?) to babysit your box that way throughout the season.

Hopefully next year I will have a box that can compete a bit better!
Nice going RPhArrow!

And a nice system as well!

I was running a socket 939 AMD 3200+ with stock everything. The box was a file server running XP Pro.

Saving up some money for some memory for my new Core 2 Duo.
[BRO]Alaskan;1030590829 said:
When you get the computer post pics and make sure Viper assembled it right. :rolleyes:

QFT x2 :D

and i was just running an AMD64 3200+ Socktet 754 with 512 ram :eek:
I was running a A64 3200+ as well, with a gig of ram and the Vista beta.
I was thinking the machine was performing slower under Vista, but since RPH managed to WIN with Vista I don't know anymore!
I was running a A64 3200+ as well, with a gig of ram and the Vista beta.
I was thinking the machine was performing slower under Vista, but since RPH managed to WIN with Vista I don't know anymore!

I noticed about half way into the season that my Vista Beta build 5384 would show slower frame times than the previous week for the same protein ! So I started rebooting twice a week... Then ICE_9 posted a similar comment and for the playoffs to the end I rebooted every other day. And for much of the last 4 weeks I would periodically shut down the second core to see if I got better frame times... and frequently I did. I figured that over a period of 100 frames, anything that improved frame times by 15 seconds was worth doing.

Cool !! I just noticed my new Title "2006 [H]ordeBowl Champion" ... Much better than "Lame Gawd" :p
Thanks to p[H] for setting that up !!

Cool !! I just noticed my new Title "2006 [H]ordeBowl Champion" ... Much better than "Lame Gawd" :p
Thanks to p[H] for setting that up !!

Don't thank me, thank the Moose, that's his doing! ;)