[H]orde Icons 2.0

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testing... I think they're neat-o, but maybe they could be a little taller so they don't look as squashed down?
You'll probably get used to it in a few days. The [H] isn't important, the colors are... and the colors are more visible with the new ones....
Testing, Testing.........
1. 2. 3........

Luck.......... :D
Since the last time this question came up I've worked out this sceme for the [H]'s


Its nicely logical so expanding it more should be easy.
One colour in two shades does each exponent so you can see the approx points at a glance.
A nice logarithmic points value with no big jumps.
Only three [H]'s needed so it will keep the bandwidth down.
Just needs the colours tweaked a bit as it was run up quick.

Sorry if you put a lot of work into your new sceme xENo but.........

Luck............. :D
Just apply a slightly different colour scheme to the current style H's and i'll be happy .. well actually the colours for my score atm are cool, too cool for 30 k :p

I have been out of town attending class so maybe I've missed something here, but when did Kyle give anyone permission to start changing what was already authorized and start adding to it, much less putting two different ones in posts ? Incase some don't remember let me refresh some memories. This forum does not allow graphics to be in Sigs or placed in posts like a Sig. Kyle made AN exception for the Folding team, but that doesn't mean anyone has a free license to do or change whatever without clearing it with him first.
Well, we would need something to show him as an example so he can yay/nay it... but even if the new style is disallowed, hopefully he should allow at least a colour/number equivalency change of the [H]'s to remove the problems with the current system...
I think the main point here is not whether or not a newer system may need to be looked at, but getting a proposal together and asking first vs just doing it. I already see people using these newer graphics in posts in the other forums and nothing has been approved for such.
CIWS said:
I have been out of town attending class so maybe I've missed something here, but when did Kyle give anyone permission to start changing what was already authorized and start adding to it, much less putting two different ones in posts ? Incase some don't remember let me refresh some memories. This forum does not allow graphics to be in Sigs or placed in posts like a Sig. Kyle made AN exception for the Folding team, but that doesn't mean anyone has a free license to do or change whatever without clearing it with him first.

By anyone I assume you mean everyone.... Didn't mean to piss anyone off, but the old graphics are still available untouched. Since you're an admin, do you know how we could go about getting these approved?
Tigerbiten said:
Since the last time this question came up I've worked out this sceme for the [H]'s


Its nicely logical so expanding it more should be easy.
One colour in two shades does each exponent so you can see the approx points at a glance.
A nice logarithmic points value with no big jumps.
Only three [H]'s needed so it will keep the bandwidth down.
Just needs the colours tweaked a bit as it was run up quick.

Sorry if you put a lot of work into your new sceme xENo but.........

Luck............. :D

It's all good. Mind if I use that schematic? (I'm also going to modify the new [H]'s)
xENo said:
It's all good. Mind if I use that schematic? (I'm also going to modify the new [H]'s)

Not at all. Feel free. Etc. Etc.
That 1, 2, 2.5,5 system is the easiest one I've developed which shows approx where you are at a glance.
Most other systems I tried broke down at either 4.5 or 9 as they need five [H]'s once to be logical.

Royalites will be charged later. :p

Luck............ :D
xENo said:
Since you're an admin, do you know how we could go about getting these approved?

Sure, If everyone is in agreement that they want to transition to the newer style and drop the old (unless he will allow both) and you have a finished completed product to ask him about then I would e-mail and ask if he has any problem with the change, the way it looks, etc. Just explain simply why it's needed and even reference this thread if he wishes to look at the examples / posts and then decide. In any event we need to clear what we do with him first since he has allowed an exception in this case and we certainly wouldn't want it to be stopped completely.
Sounds good.

Everyone, switch back to the originals for now and lets get the new one agreed on and then approved.
CIWS, What all would we have to do to get a link on the front page to either this forum or Hardfolding.com once it's back up? Most of the other pages that have folding teams have a link on their front page... just curious... We discussed it briefly in another thread within the last few days... Granted, we love the occasional front page pimpage, but, a permanent link will probably draw more interest.

Keep on Folding!!

just testing

Cool, for the first time in months it works!! Yeeeee Hawwww!1 Yes, I get excited easily, no I don't get out much anymore.. :D
Well the short answer would be to ask and see if he is willing to add one, but there was some issue with the previous team before Folding was started and a front page link. So if he's not receptive to it, I wouldn't personally be too suprised. However you can still always ask, the worst he will say is no.
being one of the people that switched to the new graphic, sorry. i will switch back now.

Printing the numerical score and a graphic based on the score seems a bit redundant imho...what if you changed the number to team rank instead? Just an idea

p3n said:
say what now ?
sorry, bad monty python reference. Y'know, the french guy?

yeah. edited my [H] button back to version 1 pending kyle query.
phixt said:
Printing the numerical score and a graphic based on the score seems a bit redundant imho...what if you changed the number to team rank instead? Just an idea


I actually kinda liked the numerical score + graphic, though I guess team rank would be kinda cool too
Yep, I love these threads. They give me a cheap way to bump up my post count.



EDIT: Oh, it's points instead of WU's. Cool.
Im not so sure I have an icon, but I know i do folding, im like 1000th rank, which isnt THAT bad comsodering all the people

edit: I dont get an icon?
theres an exam every monday night around 5pm central. its 40 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer sections. IP's will be traced...

good luck

xEno, man, that's awesome. i really like what u have done. i think we all should pass the offering plate for ya ;)
change [ with %5B and ] with %5D inside your links, moose...
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