[H]OT! Logitech G7 $16.82SHIPPED NOW

I'm getting one and ultimatley I am going to get paid about $15 to take it. Amazon has a Visa card promotion where you get $30 off your first purchase if you sign up for and qualify for the card. :D
MixManSC said:
I'm getting one and ultimatley I am going to get paid about $15 to take it. Amazon has a Visa card promotion where you get $30 off your first purchase if you sign up for and qualify for the card. :D
I rec always using your Amazon card with all Amazon purchases. I get a $25 GC about every 3 weeks from the points system they have.

This is a great deal!
I bought a G7 for $69 off ZZF about 3 weeks ago, and now I just bought another one.

Thanks OP :D
I wonder if they're trying to get rid of them because they'll be releasing a revision soon? That or they're not selling well. :p

This is an awesome deal, considering how much I paid for mine. :D

If the battery life was better, I'd buy another one, but I'm getting a G5 and I have my G7, don't need five mice (left over from previous computer). :p

I didn't even need a new mouse and I got one! Now I just need to find a good deal on a wireless keyboard. :D
To those of you who ordered it at 74.99 yesterday, hurry up and call Amazon now to do a price adjustment before it goes OOS. I got credited back $8.17.

Amazon Phone Number
Too good I had to bite, and I have the MX3100 on he way. Heh, I now will have an MX518, MX700, MX1000, and a G7
may need to jump on this. I've stuck with the logitech two button and a wheel mice for the last few years. they do me just fine. But this is a pretty good price.
A new thread is a bit much, the other one has the new info, just needs the title updated.

Anyways, I jumped on it. Two friends of mine also put in their orders.
how is the battery life on these things? one thing i hate about cordless mice is having to replace the batteries.
Depends on usage. If you're not gaming, maybe day and a half. Gaming/using it a lot really shortens it.

The batteries charge in ~three hours, though, so you'll likely never run out.
I ordered. I have a MX1000 right now and I'm on my computer way too much and the battery lasts a week or more... I wouldn't expect G7 to be too different... Though it's not impossible.
Oh my god, I'm going to kill myself. I decided to give myself an hour to think if it's really worth it to buy this and go through the rebate hassle when my 2-year-old MX700 works just fine. Eventually, I had pretty much come to the conclusion that I would buy this. I refresh the page and the rebate is no longer available. I guess it was never meant to be.
Why don't any of these mice use bluetooth? :( This is a sweet deal, but I'd prefer not to have yet another dongle hanging off my computer...
Yes but the only rebate I see is the one for BOTH the G15 keyboard and the G7 together. And according to the date, it's already expired. I see nothing about the one rebate. Maybe you could attach it on here? lol
We're sorry. The item Logitech G7 Laser Cordless Mouse is no longer available from the seller you selected. We've moved it to the Saved Items section of your Shopping Cart. To see if it's available from another seller, click here to return to the item's product detail page.

Is what i'm getting now, grrr.......
d00000000d i was in the middle of my check out and now it's showing not available anymore from amazon BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Keep trying guys, it showed OOS for me about an hour ago and I just kept adding it to my cart and it eventually went though.
aznpxdd said:
Keep trying guys, it showed OOS for me about an hour ago and I just kept adding it to my cart and it eventually went though.
i think they took it off the new and used link page now cause i don't see amazon on there anymore.