[H]ot! Sony DVD Burner $150 @ Fry's, 9/23-9/27

Jul 12, 2005
The Sony RDRGX300, which usually retails for about $300, is going to be sold for $149.99 beginning the 23rd to the 27th. No MIR or anything, strieght up sale (donno if it's limited 1 per person though). This is one sweeeet deal for those wanting to hook up their TiVo boxes to a burner and finally get all those House episodes on disc ;)

Again, model # is: Sony RDRGX300
PLU # : 4176643

I work at the concord store, and i know for a fact that there are atleast 15 of these things in stock because they recently moved their entire DVD players/burner stock on the floor.
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hey this is a good deal damn it, and i got it to you ppl a day before the actual sale itself!