[H]OT! X800XTPE AGP $206.10

this is not the x800 XT PE
Dont know if anyone has checked the link again, lists as $199 "IN STOCK" apply original coupon code takes it down to $189.05 before tax/shipping.
Im not a ATI fan so have fun....
Dont see it as a HOT deal as newegg has them NEW for 225 with only 5 bucks shipping...
ATI wants 15 bucks shipping... Shows a refurb, Chances of a refurb are definatly present here, as people return them from this last order...
Good deal, definatly not HOT
Tazzman said:
For those who missed
Dont know if anyone has checked the link again, lists as $199 "IN STOCK"
The x800 Pro has been in stock for over a week. But who wants a 12 pipeline card at lower clock speeds? :p This deal was for the x800 XT PE.
pxc said:
The x800 Pro has been in stock for over a week. But who wants a 12 pipeline card at lower clock speeds? :p This deal was for the x800 XT PE.
:p I checked Link from original post, Guess it is a direct to there re furb lines...
sabrewolf732 said:
what processor do you have? sounds like you are bottlenecking it. I hit like 22k with a 9800 pro and sempron k8. Im guessing you have a p4?Edit *ahhh axp"

Oh yeah, I KNOW I'm bottlenecking it. I keep on saying I'm not upgrading the board & CPU until the X2's come down in price. But in reality it may have to happen as soon as I get the next check with some overtime in it.
Tazzman said:
this is not the x800 XT PE
Dont know if anyone has checked the link again, lists as $199 "IN STOCK" apply original coupon code takes it down to $189.05 before tax/shipping.
Im not a ATI fan so have fun....
Dont see it as a HOT deal as newegg has them NEW for 225 with only 5 bucks shipping...
ATI wants 15 bucks shipping... Shows a refurb, Chances of a refurb are definatly present here, as people return them from this last order...
Good deal, definatly not HOT

You missed the boat, the X800 XT PE's were sold out a couple of weeks ago. It was a hot deal while it lasted, and I am happy that I am one of the people who got in on it.
The link in the original post is no good anymore. This was for teh X800XTPE which they have since pulled from the link. Still no charge here btw :D
Got mine yesterday, just installed it and everything seems well (looks perfectly new, nothing on the AGP contacts or anything). Now, off to run some benchies and then games! :D
Got 5918 on 'Mark05 at stock on an AXP-M at 2.2GHz. Messed a bit with OC'ing but I think I'll leave it alone for now.

Everything I've tried so far runs perfectly, and wow....so much faster than my 9800 (even on my mid-range system). Thanks again OP for posting this deal! :D
At stock 520/560, got 6017 on 3DMark05. 800 point improvement over my x800 pro.

Should my score be higher? (s754 3400+ is the CPU, 2 gigs of ram.)
Why?! Why!!! Why did ATI ship without signature required?

Looks like someone swiped my package! :mad:
chewy2314 said:
Why?! Why!!! Why did ATI ship without signature required?

Looks like someone swiped my package! :mad:

Ouch. Sorry to hear that. Mine didn't require a sig either, but I was lucky and was arriving home as the FedEx truck was leaving.

Other posts have indicated that their card required a signature. Any ideas on how FedEx/ATi determine who needs a signature and who doesn't?

LabRat said:
Ouch. Sorry to hear that. Mine didn't require a sig either, but I was lucky and was arriving home as the FedEx truck was leaving.

Other posts have indicated that their card required a signature. Any ideas on how FedEx/ATi determine who needs a signature and who doesn't?


ATI Rep said they were adding signature service... worst part is that i may not see another card, just a refund.
I was one of the first to receive my card, and it required a signature, however, I believe it was becasue mine was sent overnight. Possibly?
Shinare said:
I was one of the first to receive my card, and it required a signature, however, I believe it was becasue mine was sent overnight. Possibly?

Most likely, i chose the cheapest option. well, i guess i'll move over to the A8N-SLI and use the 7800GT from the dell deal.
LeArN2LiVe said:
My card needed signature confirmation from FedEx.

you would think, if you were delivering a package to a business on saturday @ 7:00PM, you would consider leaving it on the truck.

Nope, let's leave it on the front door and see if the receipient gets it on Monday morning.
chewy2314 said:
you would think, if you were delivering a package to a business on saturday @ 7:00PM, you would consider leaving it on the truck.

Nope, let's leave it on the front door and see if the receipient gets it on Monday morning.

FedEx pulls this kind of crap all the time. I had a fedEx guy leave my Klipsh 5.1 speakers on the floor of the mailroom at my last apartment, not even at my door, but in the mailroom in the basement. Not hard to imagine that a huge box with pictures of the speakers on it got stolen in an instant. All that was left when I got there was the FedEx tag on my little mail door with an arrow drawn on it pointing down and a note writen on it, "package on floor for 1003." Best part was that it required a sig and on the tracking page it had MAILROOM as the recieving party.... Klipsh sent me a replacement overnight by DHL and all was well though. I hope you get your card though.
Scar1.8T said:
FedEx pulls this kind of crap all the time. I had a fedEx guy leave my Klipsh 5.1 speakers on the floor of the mailroom at my last apartment, not even at my door, but in the mailroom in the basement. Not hard to imagine that a huge box with pictures of the speakers on it got stolen in an instant. All that was left when I got there was the FedEx tag on my little mail door with an arrow drawn on it pointing down and a note writen on it, "package on floor for 1003." Best part was that it required a sig and on the tracking page it had MAILROOM as the recieving party.... Klipsh sent me a replacement overnight by DHL and all was well though. I hope you get your card though.

WooHoo! FedEx guy did keep the package in his truck.. just received it! :D
chewy2314 said:
WooHoo! FedEx guy did keep the package in his truck.. just received it! :D
i've had the same thing happen. i check the status online and it says "delivered" but it hasn't been. i freaked out before when that happened to a laptop. :p
Received my X800XT-PE in on last Thursday. I paid $238 shipped (charged sales tax in Texas). The card o/c to 535/570 on stock heatsink. What makes the deal sweeter to me is my 3 yr old 9700Pro fan died and the card overheated and will not work, that happened 2 days before I received this card, talk about luck!
I'm in Montreal Canada and ordered on 07/29. Just received an email from ATI saying the card shipped!!! :D
Sparrow_69 said:
I'm in Montreal Canada and ordered on 07/29. Just received an email from ATI saying the card shipped!!! :D
Flippin' ditto, man! 9:06PM EST. (Toronto) (Ordered 7/29)

Well, that's just great. Now I have to replace my !#$!ing 1333 T-Bird and mobo...

Sparrow_69 said:
I'm in Montreal Canada and ordered on 07/29. Just received an email from ATI saying the card shipped!!! :D

Me too!! Ordered on the same date, and I'm in Montreal too! Can't wait!!
Good to see that some of our neighbors up north are getting their cards too. I just finished playing through HL2 with mine on my 37" LCD HDTV at 1280x720 with everything turned up and it was amazing! This has to be the best deal I have gotten in on for a while. I did finally get charged for it yesterday too. :(
Wow, this really is a nice card. Even when paired with my old 2ghz AMD XP, it plays FarCry wonderfully at 1280x1040. Of course, on a 110" projected screen it made me physically ill after an hour or so. :D

Why are the Canadians getting their cards so late? Isn't ATi a Canadian company?
Because they like American cash. :p

Apparently ATi charged me for the order already, but I haven't got a shipping confirmation yet. That's kinda bad I think...
LabRat said:
Wow, this really is a nice card. Even when paired with my old 2ghz AMD XP, it plays FarCry wonderfully at 1280x1040. Of course, on a 110" projected screen it made me physically ill after an hour or so. :D

Why are the Canadians getting their cards so late? Isn't ATi a Canadian company?
The US and Canadian ATIs could only sell their allotments of cards to their respective country's customers, with the US getting a larger shipment first. (Bigger market.)

I remember reading this thread when it first started, I was about to go to bed. Of course, I dismissed it as bs.

Every page of "sweet, its on my doorstep" hurts. Waahhhh :(
Here piggy piggy piggy. I have a nice new 800xt pe smiling at me from inside my rig. $221, man I'm glad I saw this!
Have you guys noticed heat issues with your cards?

Without adjusting the fan speed with ATi tray tools, my card overheats very very quickly in Counterstrike.
Apallohadas said:
Have you guys noticed heat issues with your cards?
nope. i'm running at 570/600 in a closed case, and the fan is noisy under load (same as @ stock speed).
well i think i need te replace my power supply now lol. i got this powers supply 4 years ago, and with a pentium 4, 3 hard drives, 2 dvd drives, and now this card i think its starting to be overwhealmed


went from 500 some 3dmark05 to 5000 some 3dmakr05, now i gotta fiddle with other stuff.
Arkham said:
Flippin' ditto, man! 9:06PM EST. (Toronto) (Ordered 7/29)

Well, that's just great. Now I have to replace my !#$!ing 1333 T-Bird and mobo...

Shipped yesterday, on truck in Mississauga today -- expected delivery: Today!

I just noticed the same thing. $179 isn't bad at all for the pro. I went there hoping to see if the XT PE deal was back up (I want another one).
damn wish i had 180 bucks to shell out...

Ok much of a difference would it make over a 9600xt on a 3000+ a64 system with 512mb ram? Worth the 180??
If you don't have $180 to shell out.... it probably doesn't matter.

However, if you're getting into hardcore gaming and are suffering some lag or don't feel like your image quality settings are up to snuff... and you find you DO have $180 to shell out, then it is going to a pretty noticeable upgrade. And that card you have isn't terrible... you could sell it to the right buyer.
Mine runs pretty hot with the stock cooler (my gosh, this thing has hardly any fins!) but I haven't had any stability issues at stock.

For the fan noise, might want to try ATI Tray Tools and modify some fan thresholds, it seems to have helped me (ie, it doesn't get really loud now unless it's under heavy load).