[h] podcast

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What would you want them to do?

"Hey guys. Kyle here. Um...check out the news and reviews on the front page. That's hard O-C-P dot com. Bennett out. (Brought to you buy Corsair)"

Do podcasts work on non-iPods?
Well if there is a Podcast then we need a ZuneCast, ZenCast, and don't forget MP3cast!

Frankly either way I do not care, I am not into those kind of things. I like the good ole text based news personally.
What would you want them to do?

"Hey guys. Kyle here. Um...check out the news and reviews on the front page. That's hard O-C-P dot com. Bennett out. (Brought to you buy Corsair)"

Do podcasts work on non-iPods?

uhh look what Diggnation does for Digg:rolleyes:
What would you want them to do?

"Hey guys. Kyle here. Um...check out the news and reviews on the front page. That's hard O-C-P dot com. Bennett out. (Brought to you buy Corsair)"

Do podcasts work on non-iPods?

lol awesome....

I might listen to one, as long as Steve is there.
I'd definitely listen if there were podcast's for [H].
And a podcast is just an audio file right? Never bothered
putting it on my mp3 player just listened to some once in Itunes
...Itunes :(
podcasts = gay name for, "hi everybody, did you know that I can record onto my pc with only a microphone and a soundcard in mp3 or wma format and make up some cool sounding ( stupid fucking ) name for it, so that people can then listen to me bumping my gums and speaking a pile of shit"

omg, teh internet's is made up of a touch of voodoo magik's and bad karma.

That's how much I detest fucking pudcast's, and the idiot/s who spawn'd that name should get raped by bigfoot for bringing that shit to the internets, me is not amused...
or is it because most microphones are shaped like pods?

Seriously though, lots of publications manage to talk about things on the podcast that are not covered on the magazine/website. MaximumPC comes to mind.
I would want to listen to it. and I wouldn't mind listening to a few advertisements either. that could bring some revenue in for [H]ocp right?

Sometimes, at school or work, I cant just sit down in front of a computer and read the [H] news and forums and reviews. I get distracted all of the time, and my performance is tainted because the anxiety that is brought forth from the deprivation and withdrawal of [H]ard|OCP.

I think it's a great idea. Not extremely expensive or time consuming... and [H] could possibly make a few more bucks in advertisements. And then I could live a much more meaningful and complete life. :cool:
True, its not very hard to do. 1 hour a week talking over skype, and 1 and 1/2 an hour editing, and your set.
I'd be happy with Kyle ranting about caned benchmarks, or anything for that matter.

Even if you made the casts for paid members only, that would probably be enough to make me cough up $15 for a life time...
Itunes is the largest distributer of podcasts by far, and it against their Terms and Conditions to require payment, or membership, to download a podcast.

I recently set up my podcast, and iTunes is pretty picky. They review the podcast before they let you get listed, and require special code in the RSS feed.
If the podcasts were hosted by hardocp, I'd pay the subscription fee.

ps. whatever happened to the [H] energy drink idea? Can't find the thread without the search...
"Podcasts" are lame. I would not subscribe/listen to one from the[H], and I would respect Kyle a little less for making one.
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