H70 + Antec P182


Dec 27, 2008
Been reading up on the H70 cooler for a possible addition to my rig. Right now I have an Antec P182 case and a Intel Quad Core Q9650 running @ 3.6 Ghz. I read Corsair suggests making this an intake rather then exhaust. I was wondering if anyone had done this using the Front fan placement in the Antec 182? I dont have and HDD's in that bay so I could remove it and install there, but I dont know if it will reach.

Also wondered about other possible placements such as using the top fan location and still as an intake, or the rear fan location as an intake.

Would greatly appreciate anyones input that is using this cooler. Anxiously waiting the [H] review of the cooler as well.
i dont think it will reach.. H50 might reach but the hoses on the H70 are a good 3-4 inches shorter then the H50..
i dont think it will reach.. H50 might reach but the hoses on the H70 are a good 3-4 inches shorter then the H50..

Yeah I noticed that. I might just sit and wait to see what happens as more show up in the forums. I am by no means disappointing in my temps now, but always want to do better. Right now at idle I am sitting at 38 C which is decent for this overclock I believe.
I love my h50 in my p180b

I set it up as exhaust in the rear spot, temps are very good with the side panel off(my tri-cools are shit) and the corsair fan is pull thru the rad
I love my h50 in my p180b

I set it up as exhaust in the rear spot, temps are very good with the side panel off(my tri-cools are shit) and the corsair fan is pull thru the rad

Yeah I switched all of those out for Noctua P12's. Also running their U12P cooler, although with just one fan at this point, its so close to the exhaust it seemed pointless to run 2 fans.

I have a 1600rpm Coolermaster fan on the bottom, 2 1300 rpm P12's on the middle HDD rack and then 2 P12s on the exhausts as well.

All the fans w/ the exception of the CPU fan are connected to a NXZT Sentry LX fan controller. Keeps everything decently quite (also added Acoustimat Noise Dampening material all over)
I too would wait, but looking at that case, the top rear as intake is the way to go, that top fan will pull the warm air out just as fast as it comes in. Replace it (top fan) with a med speed 38mm thick fan if you are worried about it or fabricate a deflector that fits on the lower two mounting screws of the top rear fan inside the case that helps direct the incoming air H70 air toward the top fan. Wish that top fan was larger or there where two as the ideal situation is to have everything blowing in except a big (or pair) of top fans blowing out.