Hackers Steal Millions in Carbon Credits

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Hackers are now stealing carbon credits? What the hell? Think about that for a minute, not only do they have to steal the credits, they have to resell them to other companies.

Today’s hackers know the real powerhouse data to steal is emission certificates. The hackers launched a targeted phishing attack against employees of numerous companies in Europe, New Zealand and Japan, which appeared to come from the German Emissions Trading Authority. The workers were told that their companies needed to re-register their accounts with the Authority, where carbon credits and transactions are recorded.
Since selling emissions credits is completely stupid, I applaud these hackers for gaming the system.

And yes, they sold them.
"The credits were resold for an undisclosed sum. The buyers, who likely believed the transactions were legitimate, haven’t been named."
how absurd.. not the hacking part.. the whole "carbon credits" bs. Just another deritive like sham instrument people already at the top of the economic food chain can use to make themselves even more wealthy at our expense =(
how absurd.. not the hacking part.. the whole "carbon credits" bs. Just another deritive like sham instrument people already at the top of the economic food chain can use to make themselves even more wealthy at our expense =(

No, its about socialist governments taxing profitable business in the name of "mother earth."
Nothing to do with making the rich richer.

The entire notion of a carbon credit is a scam beyond scams. If this continues, it will make what Madoff did seem tiny by comparison. Look at the people engaged in the carbon credit business and you will see the pattern of this scam emerge. It's all sand and fog.
I can't believe anyone is actually still buying "carbon credits", or that anyone was dumb enough to do so in the first place for that matter. These hackers have the right idea, stupid people are easy prey.

It's funny that this should be on the front page, I just finished reading an article by Michael Barone and this particular paragraph of his article really rings true:

"The secular religion of global warming has all the elements of a religious faith: original sin (we are polluting the planet), ritual (separate your waste for recycling), redemption (renounce economic growth) and the sale of indulgences (carbon offsets). We are told that we must have faith (all argument must end, as Al Gore likes to say) and must persecute heretics (global warming skeptics are like Holocaust deniers, we are told)."
No, its about socialist governments taxing profitable business in the name of "mother earth."
Nothing to do with making the rich richer.


maybe you are unaware, but in most soc alled socialst governemnets, there remain elite at the top, above the rest.

umm.. frickin Marx was sponsored by the Elite Wealthy at the time, sir.

Socialism / Globalism / our own US Fascism ( Mousolini definintion ) are all fictions, just the smoke n mirrors. Truth is pick one, any one of the current major countries gov style, and its all about centralization of power. Why? Centralization of power monopolizes business, and power, in the hands of a few elite, uber rich
Carbon credits= the new snake oil.

Hell, even buying a Bridge makes more sense than carbon credits! At least you would have something to show for it!!
There's a black market for saving the environment.

Al Gore has won.
Soon oxygen tax will be coming. If you breath free oxygen you need to pay tax.
So they stole the virtual funds of a conceptual idea... How is this even possible?
So they stole the virtual funds of a conceptual idea... How is this even possible?

Yes, but someone gave them money for that conceptual idea of a carbon credit. As long as money changes hands then a transaction has taken place. People pay for conceptual ideas all the time. I'm not even going to start to enumerate them.
This is like stealing a bunch of coal, and then saying it's valuable because it will one day be diamonds. Just dumb, almost as dumb as the idea of carbon credits in the first place.
Come on, nobody saw this coming? These morons are gullible enough to fall for the "legit" carbon credit scam in the first place and its some kind of surprise when they fall for the hackers' phishing attempts? No way. Thats what they get for being gullible idiots... I wonder if they'd buy my bridge........ ;)
I bet the hardest part was after stealing the credits, trying to find enough gullible companies with enough money to in turn buy the credits from them. It's almost like stealing a truckload of recycleable mercury. Great to have that Mercury but now you have to find a company who wants a posionous material for their industrial processes who won't ask where it came from.
Who wants to buy Masturbation credits? With these, you can do it all you want and you won't go blind because you bought the credit. Only $9.95 plus shipping. 4-6 weeks delivery.
Who wants to buy Masturbation credits? With these, you can do it all you want and you won't go blind because you bought the credit. Only $9.95 plus shipping. 4-6 weeks delivery.

I linked to your post in [H]otdeals.

Everyone agrees that this is the best deal ever posted.