Half-Life 2 by Metahedron 2 (Reauthoring due to maliciousness)

It seems as if the first thread hath become overcome. Hath doth thee maketh a neweth one? Meaning, this what? Worklogs are here for user input bud, if you start putting rules in your threads theres no point to even having a worklog. Put up or shut up or stop posting hence forth :D
Metahedronox said:
These are two additional photos of the case's door; The quadrilateral is representative of an LCD window I will be removing. Unfortunately, this is about where my dremel failed and came relatively close to saturating my lungs with for what I might as well assume to be arsenic compounds and carcinogens, as well as incinerating some of my palm's skin.

You should probably get a respirator for Dremel usage. Nothing like your lungs lighting up like a Christmas tree when the doctor does an X-Ray of your chest!

I look forward to seeing how the front comes out.

And please people, let's not start complaining already. Just leave it be and watch this work log like you would any other.
A Dremel and handpiece attachment really has no place trying to cut the thick (probably 6mm) front bezel of that lianLi--That is way beyond what it is rated for--You'd have better luck without the flex-shaft attachment--but not much more. Any slight kinking of those Dremel flex shafts while it is in use, and you will be throwing it in the trash in about 8 seconds.

The mysterious image you posted of the Dremel doesnt help us help you--to prevent this from happening again--so try to keep the worklog pics well lighted, composed and in focus--this way we can give good sound advice based on clear evidence.

A jigsaw with a metal blade might be your best bet for cutting the front bezel openings, and even the intricate lettering.
To those who commented on a protective mask, a few cuts wont kill you. I'm sure it takes years upon years of exposure to even effect you a little.
n64man120 said:
To those who commented on a protective mask, a few cuts wont kill you. I'm sure it takes years upon years of exposure to even effect you a little.
You mean to say that inhaling the plastics gears in a vapor wouldn't be harmful?
n64man120 said:
To those who commented on a protective mask, a few cuts wont kill you. I'm sure it takes years upon years of exposure to even effect you a little.

Have you ever seen how much metal dust accumulates when cutting metal with a Dremel? I have and I sure as hell wouldn't want to take a single breath of it.

Inhaling metal == bad
Metahedronox said:
You mean to say that inhaling the plastics gears in a vapor wouldn't be harmful?

You would have to burn out 5 dremels a day in a sealed room and inhale the fumes for years before it would have an impact on health . Tough it out. It's all part of someday becoming a craftsman.
greetings again, Most Verbose Modder, Magnificently Multi-Sided Conciousness, worshipper of Roget and Webster, Bringer of Obtuse and Obscure Words, Maker of Nearly-Workless Worklogs and Hey, You!

:D sorry all, i just couldn't resist myself.

i'm quite interested in seeing what this mod will look like (and if it will even take place :rolleyes: ) forgive my skepticism but if you look at the old thread you will understand.
That thar case is purty neato! but yur gosh darn fancy words art given me a blooming achen head that a felt like my pappa's mule done gone and kicked me in the noggen! Woooo WEE! :rolleyes:

Seriously now. Project wise this looks pretty interesting. I'd remove the clamps from the mouse cord, that looks really gheto. Heat shrink alone should hold it together. I personally would get some carbon wire sleeve. Here's one vendor that I had bookmarked. I have a V2000 as well and I'm wondering how your dremel will take cutting into that beast. Good Luck!
Nice work so far, looking forward to more.

Screw it, i retracted my flame that formerly rested here. Just be nice to meta, it's his project log after all.

Rock On!
appywhoseit, flaming will get you nothing but smoldering hair. i don't care if it IS christmas, if i see another post like that, i'm gonna report it.

as i have said to many, many posters before (usually for the fourth time) who never seem to get it: IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS THREAD THEN GO READ ANOTHER!

you don't have to read this thread. you don't have to even be in this forum. i can't make you go away, but that doesn't mean that you can't go yourself.
Geez ride him cuz he's different. I like reading his posts I find them very detailed and proffesional, whats wrong with that? Anyway rock on Metah. Im lookign forward to seeing more dude.
I think everyone is ragging on this guy because he uses big words which, while it makes him sound extremely intelligent, the dumb flammers here have to go to dictionary.com every few words to find out what he is trying to say. Keep up the good modding Metahedronox and amazing word use and just ignore the people who are just ragging on you because they cannot comprehend what you are saying and wish that they could sound as intelligent as you.
i can't say it makes him sound intelligent... but i'm not saying what it does make him sound ;)

and i can understand every word he's saying without using the dictionary, online or otherwise.
i can comprehend everything he says just fine. Just because people get annoyed reading it doesn't make them less educated (not all cases anyway). I myself find it annoying but its his thread, not mine.....i dont even really read it anymore, i just look for pictures.
i think domo's gonna be looking a looooooooong time folks... i certainly have been.

i probably shouldn't mention this... but there's a gentleman's bet going on between me and a fellow [H]er (who will remain unnamed) as to whether or not this mod will be completed.
I will bet he finishes and makes all you of look like retards for ever doubting him. Maybe he actually has a life unlike the majority of the people here. Just because he is going at a differnent pace than most mods does not mean he will not finish it.
lets behave people... play nice
I really hope not, it's a promising mod that I would really like to see.
Wow, stop talking about how he writes. Who friggin' cares. That's why they have dictionary.com, and these things called, like, books. That's why he started a new thread; the old one got shitted all over by people talking about his writing instead of his project. Just stop.

As for your project, I've been watching since you first made the thread, and the slow progress is frustrating because I want to see where this is going. I like your plans for this, and am interested to see where you take the project.

Keep moddin', brother!
we're all frusturated at the pace of this mod... in fact, that's the EXACT reason i haven't made a thread about the mod i'm (sporadically at best) working on... it's at the pace of one new thing every one to two months right now and making a thread for it would result in a lot of spam and mess.
lol, you exceeded your bandwith on photobucket...
Why doesn't he create a seperate thread where only he posts, like CrimsonSky did with the the Doom 3 project(Great mod)?
I am just wondering what happened to Meta... No posts in a while...
Is he still working on it? ever buy new tools?