Half Life 2 by Metahedron

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Sep 1, 2004
It has arrived!
Exordium is upon us, Half-Life 2 has finally released...
I must now develop a case mod for this purpose...
...yes, I am considering the inumberable other HL2(as well as all of the FPS cases in or of production, namely Doom3) case mods in existence, but I assure you mine wiill be spectacular!(no vanity or self indulgence intended)

I have recently purchased a computer case(far beyond sufficiency) for which to produce such a computer...


here it is, in its utterly glorious obscurity.

expect more soon, but please, donate much knowledge and creativity(hopefully a number of other things as well [not well funded]) I wish to create on the same level as those responsible for Gordon Freeman and his maniacal whim to survive throuhout city 17.


As one requested...
I purchased this case at newegg,com(relatively good retailer),
I'd imagine it to be more frequently used for mods, but I have yet to see it used elsewhere...
mine was just received, but my digital camera has failed me, regardless
the case is referred to as the
Lian-Li Black Aluminum ATX Full Tower Case, Model "PC-V2100B"

...and yes, it is HUGE, comparable to a server chieftec, but slightly shorter, yet much longer



Plumbing!(wretched cables will be plumbed in a VALVe-esque manner)

The Maniputator!(likely to be placed atop the case in a hyperbolic proportion)

The large resevoirs in the background should be self explicative...

A large window probability(circular space in media player bearing the lamba will likely be acryllic or mesh

Of course, the combine.


more to come(please be patient, for I currently have no functioning camera, and no third party funding)...

Can't wait to see your interpretation of a HL2 theme - I don't think you can have too many 'yet another <fill in the blank> -themed PC'. As soon as I get moved (new job), I plan on entering the Doom 3 fray myself.....

Good luck- keep us posted!
I am merely 15, and have recently had appendectomy(horrendous downside of evolutionary development) please sympathize...

The only difficulty I imagine I will have will be with these ridiculously non-thematic wheels, I've been considering removing them-but they look so incredible with the case in its current form and there is certain to be no other way to carry it.

Have yet to purchase a new digital camera!
expect more soon, but please, donate much knowledge and creativity(hopefully a number of other things as well [not well funded]) I wish to create on the same level as those responsible for Gordon Freeman and his maniacal whim to survive throuhout city 17.

So you'll delay this mod for a few years? Since that is, what the creators of Half Life like to do with all their products :)
thats a sweet case - only problem I have with it is its kind of backwards - no biggie. And that is a LOT of hd space in there...I can't imagine having that much storage... I about flipped when I got my little 160g..

personally, I'd ditch the wheels. I don't really think they'll be able to fit in. I'd suggest just using the flat base or building some cool lookin feet that fit in with the theme of the mod.
just try not to make it too much like the HL2 pc in the november issue of maximum PC 2004. :)

if you havent seen it, ill try and snap a picture with my digicam for you later on.
that one was good....if u want to really want check it out, go to bit-tech.net
Remember the other HL 2 that won the CompUSSR mod contest?
anyway good luck :)
Metahedronox said:
I am merely 15, and have recently had appendectomy(horrendous downside of evolutionary development) please sympathize...

The only difficulty I imagine I will have will be with these ridiculously non-thematic wheels, I've been considering removing them-but they look so incredible with the case in its current form and there is certain to be no other way to carry it.

Have yet to purchase a new digital camera!

LOL where did u get the money? :)
Sorry, for I have neglected this thread a bit too long

I imagine I can complete what I have in mind within a week or so, so don't expect less, that is unless I should state otherwise. Unfortunately I am no condition to start developing on the case until a week from now.

Additionally, yes, as I had previously stated: I am considering ALL(if not most) of the renown FPS cases.... I must say I have every intention of reinterpreting HL2 entirely, for I was unsatisfied with the rust-themed case, as I was with several others, but my oppinion is extraneous; I only wish to say that I will do something VERY different.

In hopes of satisfying your curiosity...
-Though 15, Ihave many accessible resources in this field for which I am likely to utilize
-My funding is a bizarre parental loan based contribution.... I dare not say I am anything but spoiled, though I do work much for such treatment.

Regardless, please send me screenshots, media, sketches, oppinions, or any contribution, for it will assuredly be considered, and possibly incorporated into this project.

Much Thanks,

P.S. Feel free to AIM me at Metahedronox
I am currently developing "photo-chops" for which to express my ideas, but expect them to be rather primitive... all future contributions greatly apreciated
siege said:
Damn dude, for 15 you write really well :cool:
Sounds like he just finished reading A Tale of Two Cities, some pretty flowery language. Good luck on the mod, sounds like a winnar to me! Have fun.
Blackdog said:
whats up with all the pics being in a Red Hue? :confused:

I had wondered that myself......but I have to admit they look pretty cool that way....
I'm pretty sure this guys 43, and just talks like a jackass so he can pass him self off as an intellect 15 Year Old.
wow, that case is freakin awesome. i havent shopped for cases in a while, so this was my first time seeing it. i was ready to buy it until i saw the price.... 300 bones, ouch!
eh, no offense slugger ... but you'd probably be better off just explaining what you're doing. nothing kills a project log than long diatribes about ones-self.
Well, by previous recommendation, I will continue with several textual descriptions, for I don't currently have a digital camera, or much time to develop any photoshop images.
(My age is extraneous to the project, perhaps you have some personal insecurities that have led you to extrapolate as far, Taaj)

Primarily I wish to develop a Half-Life 2 environment for the interrior of the case; This suggests that there will be a number of elements taken either directly or indirectly from the games, more particularly I wish to replicate a number of images in a three dimensional, and possibly functional manner. I explained that I would incorporate all of those items "hued"(gradient mapping would be the actual method I employed) in red-So I wish to further explain how...

The combine is likely to be replicated on the front bezel of the case I have purchased, I also wish to create it so that it articulates to reveal a small LCD(6-7"). As had been made apparent with my prior posts, I wish to use the motor(s) from Ravenholm in order to model a sort of pump encasement. The reservoirs that appear in the background of the image with Eli and Alyx Vance are to be uttilized to replicate a reservoir(for water cooling) at the near center of the case. The Gravity Gun or Manipulator will be regenerated proportionally similar to the one in the game and mounted in such a method as to aim upward at a 20 degree angle. The motherboard is likely to be shrouded in a cover(of sorts) where the water blocks(VGA & CPU), memory modules, are to be the only items of the motherboard presented. The vacant area above the VGA (Upside-down motherboard) will be given a window(likely to have blood splatter and residual shattered pieces) which will reveal a hooked headcrab and feature a flickering red light. The upper level of the case will have created for it integrated plumbing(of cables as well) as well as textures involving some rust and wear as well as a miniature light fixture similar to those in the game. I then, for the exterrior window wish to replace the anodized metal with a sheet of acrylic or mesh, and plan to recreate the media player skin(in monochrome it shall be made) I had posted previously, which will feature a blood splattered(with the recess of a lambda) disc of acrylic for the central lamda disc. Finally I wish to have airbrushed artwork and a lit HL2 log place on the entirely empty side.

Currently I am working on a generic mouse, which will unfortunately go without a worklog(no digital camera).... But have encountered a problem; For I had planned to paint an image from the game on the mouse, but cannot locate it. I believe it is a relatively common image, but may I request someone post it? It features a closing hand with a lambda logo branded upon its palm as well as subtext stating "BORN." as I recollect.

Please contribute!
I apologize, but I have neglected The [H]ard forums for some inexplicable reason, but forgive my absenteeism-for I have conveened a compilation of my progress, which has been regularly published on Gruntville...

"Oh yes! I have neglected to give you all my contacts...
I may be reached at the AIM account: Metahedronox, Email account [email protected], or MSN account: [email protected]
You may contact me regarding the project nearly anytime I am available.

I wish to successfully complete this mod in a matter of weeks
Please post further,

"I cannot promise much work until this weekend, so please post screenshots, links, absolutely anything you can. Though I am certain I have said it far too much, I assure you it will may influence this mod greatly.

I recently encountered an extraordinary idea involving a shuttle case, in compromise for the size of the Lian-Li; So directly after I have completed this mod, I will start a shuttle one... It is likely to feature a crowbar where this one will a Gravity gun, as well as two parallel walls of the combine and water cooling... please submit feedback, for it is merely conceptual at this point."
As Posted on Gruntville:
"AMD Athlon 64 FX-53 (939 Pin, WILL OC)

MSI "K8N Neo2 Platinum" NVIDIA nForce3 ULTRA Chipset (939 pin Mobo)

PowerColor ATI RADEON X800 XT Video Card, 256MB GDDR3, 256-Bit, DVI/VIVO (Likely to OC)

(4 Gigs)Corsair XMS Extreme Memory Speed Series DDR PC-3200

(2/4) Hitachi 250GB 7200RPM SATA Hard Drive (Terabyte is the new requirement)


ENERMAX Noisetaker Series 600W Power Supply

These are to be considered preferably the likely* components For my primary HL2 Project (compromises may be made, this excludes the case and water cooling which I assure you will be beyond affordable)
...I must ask, Would any one of experience recognize any preformance difference between 939 and 940?

Much graditude,
Further Gruntville publication(11-25-04):
"Today, Having finally completed Half-Life 2(in between large school
projects mind you) I have rethought my approach to this mod; Once
again I mustn't promise much until this weekend(hopefully friday) ; As it
were, the thematic value retrievable from the citadel and combine are far
more signifficant, as well as apreciable than the many screenshots I had
anticipated to have much value. So rather than making it a considerably
bear-case mod as I had originally planned for several portions of the
case, I have decided to redevelop a plan involving the ENHANCED Gravity
Gun, As it shall be referred, rather than the orange lit, less adequate
Gravity Gun. I imagine blue light and white light is to replace all
previously suggested exterrior lighting. My motherboard is to be covered
and made to appear as the combine does, intruding buildings and such.
The rest of the interrior is likely to be very similar to what I had
previously planned just a bit more replication shall be implied....


I had made several selections in watercooling...
(it seems likely I will have to create my own reservoir... that is unless
there are any suggestions)"
My most recent display of non conceptual, but actual, progress:
"Here are some hopefully anticipated images...

I have been unable to take progressional images of this mouse I have modded, but here are the resulting appearances, keep in mind they are far from complete.



My prospective motherboard(Abit AV8):

This may prepare you for the futurity of peculiarity due to the case's obscure schematic.
Hopefully we can see some concept drawings soon to let us in on your ideas/vision--I guess the photoshop pics will let us in on that. If you run into any snags, I may be able to help you out with some fabrication ;) Good luck with it!
Certainly Crimson,
I have been generating concept art for quite a while, and only recently have been satisfied with any of it...

Once I have an operating scanner I'll be certain to post my ideas

Oh, and additionally, I am trying to create a highly detailed 3-D window...
Your work on Mars City has introduced me to Styrene plastics, and model fabrications,
I am more particularly trying to replicate the media player based upon Half-Life 2...
Would you recommend any material(s)?

Much gratitude,
Metahedronox said:
Certainly Crimson,
I have been generating concept art for quite a while, and only recently have been satisfied with any of it...

Once I have an operating scanner I'll be certain to post my ideas

Oh, and additionally, I am trying to create a highly detailed 3-D window...
Your work on Mars City has introduced me to Styrene plastics, and model fabrications,
I am more particularly trying to replicate the media player based upon Half-Life 2...
Would you recommend any material(s)?

Much gratitude,

As soon as you're able to post some good images of this media player, i can give you an idea of materials.
what mouse is that.. i've never seen double scroll wheels before
ummm.... this was posted on the front page? :mad: there's nothing here, but some red screenshots? and a mouse? Where's the modded case.... I dont see any MODS???
Looks like it might be a fun and interesting mod :)

The dual wheel mouse might be an AMI brand. They make a few like that.

I'd cut down on the excessive wording though Metahedronox. It comes off as overly complicated :

"This may prepare you for the futurity of peculiarity due to the case's obscure schematic.

Come on now.. :p

I'll follow this mod :)
That mouse is cool, but that vocabulary - ouch. Try not to use a paragraph where a sentence will do, and avoid making up words as you go - "futurity"? C'mon. You're going to look back on this thread in a few years and CRINGE.
Lol, y'all don't be riding him too high now, y'hear? He's from southern california!
(just kidding, I'm from texas myself)

Man, looks like you've set yourself up for quite a ride. Hope it will pull through nicely. I wish I had this kind of time and money.

Best of luck!
i got the raising the bar book. lots of artworks... if anything you need to see, i can do some scanning for ya. pm if ya need
chrisf6969 said:
ummm.... this was posted on the front page? :mad: there's nothing here, but some red screenshots? and a mouse? Where's the modded case.... I dont see any MODS???

The mod appears to be in progress. Though lacking from the physical state at this time it appears to be in the concept stage. He also is looking for contributions for the mod.
He may be getting a little ahead of himself posting this as a worklog--should at least have a digi camera, some sketches and a good physical start before posting here--then again he is looking for ideas--so let's do what we can :D
Boy, this kid is prepared for the SAT 2 years ahead of schedule (although math skills will be much more valuable for case modding).
save yourself the headache and ditch that abit... i went through 3 of them and none of them had a working pci/agp lock... so even 50mhz over stock speeds was a no go. granted if you actually get an fx it will be multiplier unlocked but you will be severly limiting youself performance wise giving up the memory bandwidth.

may i ask why all the screen shots are in red? or is it just my computer?
nice mouse that case provides some ample moding room Mod on i'll keep an eye on this one.
ooo if I had the money Id get a black Lili case and do a parallel mod. I like your basic ideas so far. I havent modded in a while :(
I |hope soon to post|(Thank you Crimson, it was rather late in the evening) images of the stock mouse, as well as the detail my friend neglected to capture on the sides of the mouse....

I'll be certain to mod with such vehemence and ferocity as to have several images up this weekend; I am currently attending to academics...

(Futurity is a word, but expect much wordovation, as it is |habitua| (Thank you twyztyrl, you are absolutely correct about the second)
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