Half-Life 2: Episode 1

Beat it in about 4 hours, not bad considering it only cost 20 bucks. Awsome level desgin, story left a little to be desired but still excellent. I think I'm ready for episode 2.
2nd run through took about 90 minutes. Damn scripted events get annoying when you're trying to breeze through something, especially the beginning of the game. Oh, and Alyx can die (which slowed me down). I think I'll try it with commentary.
trek554 said:
from i understand the episodes take the place of HL3.

Not Completely, Now these Three episodes are direct continuations of the Story arcs in HL2 and therefore pretty much expantions like Blue shift and AP.

Now Whos to say HL3 (if they use that name) won't be the start of a series much like a TV series, where its like 10-12 episodes spread over 3-4 yrs.

My guess is they finish all three episodes and then decide where to go from there. If they decide to do only episodic then It will probably be about a year after EP3 before they start back up. If they decide to do a Full game, it will probably be 3-5 years before we get the continuation of our beloved HL story.
The_Dark_Abyss said:
What did it take to kill her?
I think if you leave her too far behind.

She died on me in the stage where there isn't any lights (Which to me was a really cool/freaky battle)

Not to bring up this tired old argument but Doom3 should have done something more along those lines. I thought it was pretty tense watching my flashlight going out and knows a bunch of things are out there.
Man, I'm glad this is out, because I really need to curl up with a good single player FPS with awesome graphics and features.

If I only had some way to completely disassociate from reality while playing to enhance the experience. :D
I think the episodic thing worked well in this situation and not in Sin is because all the development of characters and scenes have already been done. Half Life 2 is like a 2 hour premiere of a tv show while the rest of the episodes are only a half hour long. If you know the show you don't need to keep reiterating who's the bad guy who's the good guy and how you got where you are. So now it's like an episode of Lost or something. It keeps going forward and you got to keep going with the story. There is no buildup that takes you from a calm happy setting to one of complete chaos your already in the middle of it when you start. You can tell a story with action not overdrawn lengthy dialoge
Netrat33 said:
I think if you leave her too far behind.

you can't leave her behind, I tried that many times by blocking doorways with objects, and she just walked right through them.
OK, I'm stuck and in need of help. After you get out of the fallen vent (the last picture shown here - thanks alphaone) and fall into the water in the evelator, how do you get back up? Sorry if I missed something obivious. Thanks.
EnderXC said:
OK, I'm stuck and in need of help. After you get out of the fallen vent (the last picture shown here - thanks alphaone) and fall into the water in the evelator, how do you get back up? Sorry if I missed something obivious. Thanks.

To the left of picture there should be a door walk (jumping on and running fast mor like it) on the objects above the triggers towards the door.
Topweasel said:
To the left of picture there should be a door walk (jumping on and running fast mor like it) on the objects above the triggers towards the door.

Right, And once through the door in the evelator, it falls into the water. After escaping through the roof of the evelator, I find myself in a second room of explosive barrels and triggers, at the bottom of the evelator shaft. where do I go from there? Thanks, there no walkthroughs out there yet.
EnderXC said:
Right, And once through the door in the evelator, it falls into the water. After escaping through the roof of the evelator, I find myself in a second room of explosive barrels and triggers, at the bottom of the evelator shaft. where do I go from there? Thanks, there no walkthroughs out there yet.

Shoot at the barrels twice with your pistol until it lights on fire, take a dive underwater while the explosions go off, go up into the room. :)
WTF mate??

Somehow my episode one directory got corrupted. I tried playing today and the sound and textures were all corrupted. I restarted the computer and Windows started to run chkdsk and fixed a bunch of errors. Then when i tried to play again Steam started downloading the game agian. :confused: I don't think that's a good sign.
Holy god this game is great. Make sure you listen to Dr Kleiner on the big screen once you get outside. :D
That son of a bitch DOG flung me into the air and I died !!!
(Right at the beginning, I was standing near where he pulls the door off the car and next thing I know I'm launched into the air)
I really liked the game, it felt very polished and had some really good sequences, most notably the undergound levels with Alex. However, I do feel a bit ripped off... I played through the game on normal difficulty, and it only took 3 hours to beat. Plus it had a couple of annoying filler chapters, especially like the "escort" one... blah. Whatever happened to the 6-8 hours gameplay promised by valve employees durring the prerelease coverage? Maybe they meant 3-4 hours of playtime on the hardest difficulty, times two, if you decide to replay the game with then "developer commentary" mode.

Even though it was an overall enjoyable experience while it lasted, the game disappointed me and left me feeling empty and cheated once it was completed(read:to be continued). I had the same problem with the first SiN episode, although it made up for it with including a whole other game as a bonus, so I ended up enjoying it quite a bit more than the HL2:E1.

So far I have to say that I'm not liking this episodic gaming at all. For the next episodes, I'm just gonna wait till one of my friends gets it, and then play throught it on their computer or play through it on their steam account once they're done with it to see if it's really worth owning. Anyone thinking about buying this, I'd advise you to do the same.
Ok, I finished Episode 1, I took my time so I could look around and stuff, took me 5 hours to complete. Kinda short, BUT, it was fun, got a little repetitive there at the end though.

Make sure to stay to the end of the credits for a preview of Episode 2.

BTW, I played this at 2560x1600 4X TR SSAA/16XAF with 2 BFG 7900 GTX OC's in SLI on a 30" display :D That rocked.

It was weird not having weapons for so long in the game, just the gravity gun, but once you got weapons boy did you need them!
trek554 said:
from i understand the episodes take the place of HL3.

that's whack trying to make people buy all the episodes so we won't miss out what happened before hl3...
They don't take the place of HL3, they take the place of the Expansion Pack, these episodes are the expansion pack broken up into pieces.

As far as I know HL3 will be a brand new full game like HL2 was.
Brent_Justice said:
They don't take the place of HL3, they take the place of the Expansion Pack, these episodes are the expansion pack broken up into pieces.

As far as I know HL3 will be a brand new full game like HL2 was.
well in an interview they said that HL3 would take too long so they decided to do episodic content. i took that as meaning there would be only episodes from now on and no full HL3 game. hopefully there will be a HL3 but if there working on episodes when would they have time to make it.
trek554 said:
well in an interview they said that HL3 would take too long so they decided to do episodic content. i took that as meaning there would be only episodes from now on and no full HL3 game. hopefully there will be a HL3 but if there working on episodes when would they have time to make it.

No this is the expansion "Aftermath" There will be a HL3 but in the mean time we get episodes to keep us busy until then.

I LOVE episodic gaming. So freakin cool. This game was well worth the 20 for 4 hours of play (5 an hour) I can't wait till the next one.
Possible spoiler below - no story-line thing, just some puzzle that I need help with

I'm about 3-4 hours in, and I'm stuck at the part where the room is flooded with water with all the alien tongue things. Once you power on the room/door, the water becomes electrified. I think I'm supposed ride the tongues to the top, but I always freak out and shoot the damn thing.
Yeah Valve will most likely come out with HL3 eventually. If they were smart enough, which they are, they would do episodic gaming to build up the characters backstories and all that good stuff. Episode 1 deals with Alyx. There still are a good amount of people to deal with. One episode on Eli, episode on Dr. Breen, Barney(maybe not a good choice, but his role seemed pretty significant with the posing as a combine and all), even a story on the orgins of the combine coming to earth with the war and all. Then in HL3 put all those characters in and make it so suspenseful and dramatic and awesome.
fromage said:
I'm about 3-4 hours in, and I'm stuck at the part where the room is flooded with water with all the alien tongue things. Once you power on the room/door, the water becomes electrified. I think I'm supposed ride the tongues to the top, but I always freak out and shoot the damn thing.

SPOILER: Find the blue barrel and prop up the sinking ramp. Turn off the electricity to open the door. Jump to the median and then just jump/swim across to the door. You will take some electrical damage but not enough to kill you since you're leaving from the half-way point.
Episode 1 kicked ass!!!! Just finished it over three days taking my time. Now I'm going to play it with commentary on. Sweet!
aldamon said:
Episode 1 kicked ass!!!! Just finished it over three days taking my time. Now I'm going to play it with commentary on. Sweet!
the commentary makes you appreciate the game even more.
aldamon said:
SPOILER: Find the blue barrel and prop up the sinking ramp. Turn off the electricity to open the door. Jump to the median and then just jump/swim across to the door. You will take some electrical damage but not enough to kill you since you're leaving from the half-way point.

Thanks but I figured out a way without losing any damage.
fromage said:
Thanks but I figured out a way without losing any damage.

So did I.

You jump onto the concrete pillar to the right of you after you jump onto the little "island" part of the ramp. Then you walk on the beams into that concrete wall with a window. Jump through it, and watch out for the stairs, as they are electrified, I think i lost maybe 1 or 2 HP from that. Then you have a straight shot to the door.

I played the game wall the way through on 1280 x 1024 at 4xAA and 8xAF, just so it is very playable on my x1900xt. Then, went back and felt stupid because it played fine at 6xAA 16xAF. Oh well. I'll play it again, if just to get more looks at Alyx's ass.

On that note, I don't remember anything about the game besides how hot Alyx is. I have a cyber-crush on her. I thought she was much more realistic and expressive in this game than HL2 itself.

All in all, I really liked Ep1. It was actually a lot of game. I didn't time it, but it probably took me as long as everyone else.

I really don't mind the shortness of it. It's less stressful than HL2. I got to hate all the criters, especially the black thing that stings you... In E1, you didn't have to deal with a lot of difficult enemies for long periods on end the way that you did in HL2. And, if I want to replay it, (I do) it is much easier to take it on that say, replaying HL2, which would take a while and DOES consume you.

E1 was immersive. The graphics are even better. I consider HL2 to be a major standard in PC Gaming, and E1 built on that. Every circumstance that HDR was used, it was absolutely breathtaking. I'm thankful that I've got an X1900XT which can really take whatever graphical punishment E1 put out.

All in all, I give Episode 1 a thumbs up.
This game really dind't break a whole lot of new ground for me, except one area. The lighting was astoundingly convincing to me on my 24".

At the very beginning of the game, after the first obstacle, you climb up and DOG is standing in front of you. The sunset is to your right, and a crumbled rock wall is to your left. The sun would bounce of those rocks in a way that seemed very realistic to me. The rocks didn't glow, but it was so obviously being hit by a direct light source like the sun. I truely expected to see my own shadow on the rocks when I walked near them, and I even started to squint my own eyes.

And the dark areas, WOW. the The fine details on shadows in the dark warehouse that you fight in before getting on the elevator is amazing.

Perhaps other people didn't notice the small lighting details like this, but I would say that Valve has the absolute best HDR out there right now. It seems to work a lot more like your eye instead of a camera lens.

The only thing that seemed out of place for lighting is the gravity gun. I found it frustrating that, while the gravity gun obviously emits some sort off light, that light never gleams off of any nearby walls. This would be a very nice touch when you are crawling thorugh a pitch black air duct.
I recommend playing with the commentary on and listening to it, there is some good stuff in there!
Brent_Justice said:
I recommend playing with the commentary on and listening to it, there is some good stuff in there!
it was done much better than Chronicles of Riddick. i could actually understand the Valve guys.
Brent_Justice said:
I recommend playing with the commentary on and listening to it, there is some good stuff in there!

Yeah, I'm enjoying the commentary almost as much as the game. I loved the piece on the Dr. Mossman scene. It was very cool to see how the screens worked.
aldamon said:
Yeah, I'm enjoying the commentary almost as much as the game. I loved the piece on the Dr. Mossman scene. It was very cool to see how the screens worked.

Yeah, I was impressed by that, they actually render the scenes in real time 3D with the game engine and then just show it on the monitors, pretty neat.
aldamon said:
Episode 1 kicked ass!!!! Just finished it over three days taking my time. Now I'm going to play it with commentary on. Sweet!

Yea But when I got to chapter 3 why where some levels a little bit laggy? stutter

I played It on A 7800Gtx 1680X1050 - 4xAA and 8xAF everything high.