Half-Life 2 Problem


Limp Gawd
Nov 3, 2007
whenever i move it sort of jumps its very annoying also tested an xbox 360 controller but the same thing would happen

i made a video using fraps its low quality because of compression but notice the problem when i move


here is a vid just using the mouse to look around as soon as i press w to move it does it again


note: i tried lowering the settings but it didn't help

nvm i gave up and uninstalled the game
Hmm... looks like a performance issue to me. How much RAM do you have in your computer? Does performance improve if you turn down the texture detail?
its not performance related only happens when using wasd or left analog stick on wireless xbox 360 controller
lol, you give up too easily.
Pathetic effort to fix the problem.

Since you already have it uninstalled. Why don't you try reinstalling it?
its not that its just i thought i would give half-life a try on the pc where its played best but had a bad experience(which is weird i haven't had problems with gears of war, crysis, or ut3 all games known to have problems on the pc) and having the 360 version just found it easier to play it on that (i know half-life on a console is...)

thanks for wanting to help though