Half-Life 2 Refuses to Run on AGP System


Limp Gawd
Jun 22, 2005
Hi everyone,

My friend (a music composer and gamer) recently finished a project and decided to treat himself to some Half-Life 2, so he went out and bought the game.

It wouldn't work on his sytem, so he went and bought a 6800 AGP video card.

He scoured the internet for info, and found none. At first it locked up at the menu (which was blurry), then it locked up when loading.

He replaced the 6800 and bought a Radeon, which still didn't work.

His system specs are:
Dell Dimension 4600
AGP Mobo
P4 3.0 ghz
2 gb RAM
Everything else is default.

He did update all his drivers, so that's not a problem.

I can provide additional information, but since he lives on the other side of the country, responses will be delayed.

I'd really appreciate if you could help him out, since he's really angry about it and it's getting him in all sorts of trouble (delaying projects and getting extremely mad at it). I'd hate to see him return the system, as well.

Thanks for your help.
Did he unistall the old drivers and disable the onboard graphics? Did he run a driver cleaner to remove the Nvidia drivers before install the ATI ones? They dont get along too well with each other.

Yeah, he forgot to disable onboard video but isn't going to try everything until tomorrow (since he uninstalled everything today).

I'll post again tomorrow with an update on the situation, since he's having audio problems too, I think.

Thanks for your help so far.