Half life 2 stuck

The Saint

Mar 18, 2003

I'm stuck at the point where you have to setup the 3 turrets, and keep the enemies at bay until the stupid lady come to rescue! :D

Do you guys have any save game just after that part?
Its been a very long time I am there and I am ready to give up....

thank you.

I just carried a 4th turret in from earlier in the level. Made the job much easier.
I remember that part. Took me a couple tries. This is what I did, I put the turrets in one of those middle hallways. Put 1 at each door, and one in the middle pointing in a direction of your choosing. Then you crouch in one of those "Turrets Storage" rooms and just let the turrets do that job to take care of the combine. Once the Manhacks(right name right?) come in, just have your gravity gun out and they will bunch up because you will be in that little spot. Just grab and shoot away. When the turrets fall, just run out quickly and put them back up. Pretty easy that way, but it is a "pussy" way :D
I blocked up one of the cell block doors with all those boxes to limit access and the three turrets were plenty enough to control everything else.
Lazy_Moron said:
I remember that part. Took me a couple tries. This is what I did, I put the turrets in one of those middle hallways. Put 1 at each door, and one in the middle pointing in a direction of your choosing. Then you crouch in one of those "Turrets Storage" rooms and just let the turrets do that job to take care of the combine. Once the Manhacks(right name right?) come in, just have your gravity gun out and they will bunch up because you will be in that little spot. Just grab and shoot away. When the turrets fall, just run out quickly and put them back up. Pretty easy that way, but it is a "pussy" way :D

That's basically what I did too. Everytime I would see one of them go down I'd go ahead and toss it right back up.
Lazy_Moron said:
I remember that part. Took me a couple tries. This is what I did, I put the turrets in one of those middle hallways. Put 1 at each door, and one in the middle pointing in a direction of your choosing. Then you crouch in one of those "Turrets Storage" rooms and just let the turrets do that job to take care of the combine. Once the Manhacks(right name right?) come in, just have your gravity gun out and they will bunch up because you will be in that little spot. Just grab and shoot away. When the turrets fall, just run out quickly and put them back up. Pretty easy that way, but it is a "pussy" way :D

Yep. That's pretty much the way I did it too.

"pussy" way or not....I survived. :p
Worldhammer said:
I blocked up one of the cell block doors with all those boxes to limit access and the three turrets were plenty enough to control everything else.

Exactly what I did. Worked well for me.
If you activate the turrets when they're in the thin stalls they can't be knocked over, I put one on each end and crouched in one of the middle ones. I can't really remember what I did with the 3rd, but I didn't even need to do anything but watch the combine die.
Pick up two of the turrets, turn them around and put them back in their holes facing OUT. Carry the third one to use to conserve ammo.
theres actually a second story that you can get up to if you pile up all the wooden boxes. all you have to do is get the turrets up there by shooting them; then you can jump up on the boxes, get in the back of the room on the second story (its fairly large) and watch. i think i had to pick up a turret once. yeah i saw it in a game guide, kinda cheap, but after failing that part like 20 times it was a relief.
Lazy_Moron said:
I remember that part. Took me a couple tries. This is what I did, I put the turrets in one of those middle hallways. Put 1 at each door, and one in the middle pointing in a direction of your choosing. Then you crouch in one of those "Turrets Storage" rooms and just let the turrets do that job to take care of the combine. Once the Manhacks(right name right?) come in, just have your gravity gun out and they will bunch up because you will be in that little spot. Just grab and shoot away. When the turrets fall, just run out quickly and put them back up. Pretty easy that way, but it is a "pussy" way :D

I did exactly that, even backed the frigging things up into the corners, and they still got knocked over. I kept dying cos i had so little health.

A good tactic i found was just to carry one around in front of you, it takes most of the hits and just spams at the combine. I ended up putting on godmode though cos i was impatient.
Carry the first 2 turrets from the first stand off with the combine soldiers. You can pick them up and launch em across that room with the water and the electricity running through it pretty easily. Once you do that you basically insured your success for that level. Bc now you have (5) turrets overall.

Placement is key too, just set them up wherever there's a door/archway. Another thing you can do is block off a primary combine flow entrance. Just take whatever boxes and barrels that are lying around and stack them on top of each other to block ONE exit (or 2 if there's enough). You'll see if it works because the guards just stop behind the barrels and mumble crap over the radio, they wont bust the boxes/barrels over as they're not that smart.

So now you've got 1 blocked door and 5 turrets. Set these mothers up pointing at every entrance. 2-2-1 order. (two turrets two turrets one remaining.) Just remember to hang around because any stray grenade can make a mess.
Kankykur7 said:
theres actually a second story that you can get up to if you pile up all the wooden boxes. all you have to do is get the turrets up there by shooting them; then you can jump up on the boxes, get in the back of the room on the second story (its fairly large) and watch. i think i had to pick up a turret once. yeah i saw it in a game guide, kinda cheap, but after failing that part like 20 times it was a relief.

I figured this out myself, figuring that I would be in a better defensive position to fire from above rather than on the same level. At first, I actually left the guns downstairs to watch both sides, and took out the remaining stragglers. Then I brought up the guns. Then, to pass hard, I figured out that I could stack barrels and boxes in front of the doorway of one of the rooms of the second level, barricading myself inside. Boom shaka.
It occurs to me that Nova Prospekt was one of the coolest parts of any games in recent memory. Closest thing to pure strategy that I've seen any FPS games yet, I think.
I dunno of this been said or not, but this what you need to do ...there is a balcony on one of the hallways...i put boxes..and climb up there, but before that i put all the turrets together and i also help the turrets from the above...i pass that part wihout even loosing one health...before that i god killed in less then a minute...and then i saw that balcony up there..and w00t :D
I carried one of the turrets around and ran around like a chicken with my head cut off and jut pointed the turret at anything that moved and looked hostile.

It saved my ammo and was hella fun. Although I probably took a lot of unecessary damage.

took me half an hour to read all those suggestions! Thanks guys....

let me get back to you once I tried all! :D
I carried all the turrents and put them in one of the small rooms/cells off the hallway, layed them against the wall and had them facing the door way to the cell. I then stood in the corner with the a weapon and anything that got near the door I blasted. Once or twice a turrent fell over but if you switch to the grav gun you set it back up quickly. I like it doing it this way because your making all the combine come into one bottle neck area and you can have all the turrets pointed right towards it.
Dr.Makavelli said:
I dunno of this been said or not, but this what you need to do ...there is a balcony on one of the hallways...i put boxes..and climb up there, but before that i put all the turrets together and i also help the turrets from the above...i pass that part wihout even loosing one health...before that i god killed in less then a minute...and then i saw that balcony up there..and w00t :D
That's what I did! I stacked the boxes, climed up there, and "sniped" all the guys from up there until they stopped coming. That is the REAL pussy way out! :D
I'm not going to read the entire thread, but you can position some boxes on top of eachother and jump onto the second floor above the exit and just kill everyone from there. I'm sure someone already mentioned it.
Kankykur7 said:
theres actually a second story that you can get up to if you pile up all the wooden boxes. all you have to do is get the turrets up there by shooting them; then you can jump up on the boxes, get in the back of the room on the second story (its fairly large) and watch. i think i had to pick up a turret once. yeah i saw it in a game guide, kinda cheap, but after failing that part like 20 times it was a relief.
Same here. In my case I set up the sentry guns on the other side of the force fielded doorways on the first floor, placing guns near the Combine spawn points. :D

Cheap but very effective.
I always loved hearing about how everyone tackled this part of the game. It's so simple yet I've heard all these different strategies for getting through that section.
I used zero strategy, i ran around like a chicken with my head cut off blowing all my ammo and picking the turrets up... i think i must have tried it 20 times or so before I squeaked past.