Half-Life Alyx Is Now Entirely Playable Without VR Headset

Neat. Unfortunately I don't think I'll want to purchase the game for an unfinished mod. And to be honest, I'm skeptical this game would be nuch fun without the VR gimmick. Even if the game wasn't designed for VR, the title "Half Life Alyx" isn't enticing. HL2's story in regards to Alyx and her father always felt like shoehorned diversity. It's also formulaic and lazy given the trends of games and Hollywood, somehow even more generic and formulaic than HL1.
Neat. Unfortunately I don't think I'll want to purchase the game for an unfinished mod. And to be honest, I'm skeptical this game would be nuch fun without the VR gimmick. Even if the game wasn't designed for VR, the title "Half Life Alyx" isn't enticing. HL2's story in regards to Alyx and her father always felt like shoehorned diversity. It's also formulaic and lazy given the trends of games and Hollywood, somehow even more generic and formulaic than HL1.
Though I do not fully agree with that sentiment, I wish they'd finish that story once and for all instead of a VR title. No matter how good the game is (I haven't played it nor watched playthroughs of it) - VR is a gimmick that quickly looses it's novelty factor. As I see it, it actually severely limits how you design a game just so the player will be able to "wave" their hands in front of the screen?! Come on...
Neat. Unfortunately I don't think I'll want to purchase the game for an unfinished mod. And to be honest, I'm skeptical this game would be nuch fun without the VR gimmick. Even if the game wasn't designed for VR, the title "Half Life Alyx" isn't enticing. HL2's story in regards to Alyx and her father always felt like shoehorned diversity. It's also formulaic and lazy given the trends of games and Hollywood, somehow even more generic and formulaic than HL1.
It takes place before HL2, so it could be it's own story. Plus any content that came after HL2: E2 is very much a wanted thing to people who love the series.
The mod is playable now, just some bugs, tweaks and some achievements haven't been finished.

I would definitely buy this to play w/ the mod, but not at $60 for 15hrs worth of Alyx fighting the Combine.
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This was excellent news to hear as I really hated that I had to miss Alyx and I wasn't going to buy a VR setup just for it.

Just played into Chapter 3. Very nice so far!
As I see it, it actually severely limits how you design a game just so the player will be able to "wave" their hands in front of the screen?! Come on...
HL:Alyx is pretty much without peer in VR. You absolutely should play it in VR if you have a chance, and are wondering if/when a videogame might excite you again.
Disappointed it's only a mod, I was hoping it is an official update that allows this. At this point I'm convinced I'm never buying a VR set, not going to waste €1079 in the current economy on a device that only a few games support. And I might not even like the experience.
Previewing HL3, requires the new 8950X3D and two 5090 5 slot cards with 1.5TB of DDR7xx as path tracing is used throughout. It's also 8K only and the target is 20 fps.

So... I tried assembling all that together, and it played better than I thought, but I left the room for a moment and I seem to notice some sort of humming sound a bright light. As I went to bed, my head was filled with all sorts of new thoughts. I'll be fine.