Half-Life/Half-Life 2 Tribute

The Snail

Aug 22, 2004
This is a joint effort between me and flow207. We originally started this design in April but we put it off until a friend came to us and ask for a Half-Life/Half-Life 2 case. Are plans are to put a floating HL Logo on the left side panel. We are then going to put bullet holes on the plexi. The right side panel then will have the HL2 logo cut into it with the inside circle (with h cut out of it) and 2 floating on mesh. On the front panel will be the power up module from HL2 made of bondo and formed from foam. The inside of the bottom panel will look like toxic waste and have a mesh walk way. All edges on the inside of the case will be out line with a yellow and black striped border. The will be 3 rectangular windows in the mobo tray picture of progress will be posted later tonight. We also have a dead line set for August 26.
I started taking pictures part way into working on the power up module.

this is the foam mold with some detail peices added
the center of triangler piece aboce the glowing cilander will become the power botton



The peice added will have an LED lighting up the center



removing the foam from the molds


after the first stage of the window was cut
Preparing to cut the h out


Preparing to cut the h out


after all teh cutting of teh left side panel.there will be a shot up peice of plexi that it will be floating on .
more progress tomorrow
Nice work so far. I'd suggest smoothing the edges a bit on the side of the case where you cut the window so it looks a tad cleaner, and more importantly, so you can't cut a finger on it :).

I really wanna see what you end up with the foam!
Accually we are going to add styrene to the panels to add more depth so we didnt do a final cleanup on it. i forgot to metion that i use plater of paris bandages to make the mold of teh foam. i then fill the molds with bondo to make a stronger form.
couldn't sleep so i decided to continue working. i've filled all the molds with bondo and all but the main chunk are free from the molds. main chunk isnt drying very fast so will have to wait till tommorrow to do that.
Looks pretty cool.

Oh, and just FYI, the half-life symbol isn't an h, it's the greek letter Lambda. If I remember correctly, it's used as the symbol for wavelength.
Yes it is but it also is used to represent The radioactive decay constant or half-life of an element.
more progress though i have the under part of the powerup module and almost complete.

Removed from teh mold uncleaned


test fit of add ons


add on out of the mold


the refind version


this is a close to finished picture the under part. i will still need to do a final coat a bondo ,finish sanding and add some old model car parts.
Those cheap ass SkyHawk cases seem to be the modder's choice now adays (my self-modded case is the same as that one :p)
We have been working most of the day and we have gotten the second window cut. i havent done any grinding on it yet and wont until the design is epoxyed to it.



This is the last picture we have uploaded for now. I have added mesh behind the logo to see how it will look and it is looking pretty good. There may be more pictures later on tonight of it with the mesh and lights.

The front panel thing, is that a faucet? With the little turner thingy? XD
Nuzzles said:
The front panel thing, is that a faucet? With the little turner thingy? XD
it is all made out of bondo and the middle is a rim to a model car it just matched the center of the power up module
You could really do with scaling the size of those pics down...too much sideways scrolling! :)

Looking good though.
I am about half way through painting the front panel


primer and some dry brushing base coats


some dry brushing started and full base coat on



metal plates that have been partly punched with a rubber mallot and a countersink punch



this section is about finish dry brushing


i am planing on get the painting finished in the next few days and also add the panels to the power up mudule
Wow, this looks fantastic. Great professional look you have so far. Very nice cuts, good mold job. Very good work.
Thanks for all the comments. Progress has slowed down latly because i have had to work about every day. but hopfully i can finish painting the power up module and make the panel to go on it.