halflife 2 bug w/ 6800 gt


Aug 24, 2004
I have a geforce 6800 gt and I get a bad graphics bug in Halflife 2. I updated drivers, reinstalled Halflife 2, got the latest update but it looks like crap. I had halflife 2 running and looking great before. Only Halflife 2 does this other games look fine. If anyone has an idea please help.

This pic is with all details maxed 4xaa 8xaf

Have you tried running drive cleaner and getting rid of your nvidia graphics drivers, and then reinstalling the drivers?
I don't see any AA action and the AF is lacking. AA worked last time I tried it... before I switched to playing in high res. (first 2048x1536, now 2304x1440).
earthscore said:
what looks like crap to you

Are you serious?? This is half life 2 we're talking about and the picture looks like it was taken from the first Doom.
Try going into your driver settings and under the D3D/OGL tabs, make sure texture preference and mipmap detail level is all set to high quality. I could imagine it's the same on a NV card; I have an ATI.

Good luck.
what card did you have in there before?

id run drivercleaner (in safe mode!!) and try to reinstall your drivers then, its definatly a driver problem

what looks like crap to you
i really hope thats cuase you havent tried anything newer the v3 in your sig. also, warez are illegal and absolutly not-tolorated on this board.
When I first saw that picture, I thought it was from the original half-life.
Reinstall the game but first i'd recommend reinstalling your drivers and using drivercleaner. If neither works, i'd freak out and throw shit against the wall or just format.
Erik_K said:
I have a geforce 6800 gt and I get a bad graphics bug in Halflife 2. I updated drivers, reinstalled Halflife 2, got the latest update but it looks like crap. I had halflife 2 running and looking great before. Only Halflife 2 does this other games look fine. If anyone has an idea please help.

This pic is with all details maxed 4xaa 8xaf

Dude.. looks like a filtering issue to me... looks like you have somehow (prolly a driver issue), you need to do a driver clean to remove old ATI settings/driver remnants.

Anyways... use Driver Cleaner, then re-install the driver and it should fix ya right up.


Good luck!


PS: looks almost like software rendering. Ick. :(
mr.fishie said:
The screenshot does look like crap.

Have you played HL2 at max details? While not a pretty as D3, it's a hell of a lot nicer than the image the poster, er, posted...