Halo 3 in the making!!!!!

I don't understand the hype anymore. Halo 2 was hardly a decent game, there is no way in hell I'm going to buy 3. I'll play it at a friends house.
Oh geez...

Let me jump on the bandwagon here...

Will I buy Halo3? Yeah prolly so... but yer right about Halo2... envelope needs pushing. Better at least have some hella nice eye candy cause I get tired with sequals fast. If I liked doing the same thing over and over, Id get a Nintendo for Zelda & Mario...
Meh I think Halos Graphics still suck. Game play was bad mp was kinda fun.
graphics pushed the xbox, they could have been better but they still pushed the limits. and halo is a MP series really, thats all its focused on. i personally found it funner to replay halo2 then one getting ontop levels and all kinds of shit
I hope it is much better than Halo 2. For those of us that loved Halo 1, a lot of us thought that Halo 2 was nothing special.

I have a feeling that it might use the Unreal Engine 3 depending on how long it has been in development. If so, it should look just great.
Halo has good storylines, and decent multiplayer, but it's nothing special over other games out there.

I'll still play Halo 3 when it comes out, but I'm not going to be drooling over it until then.
Im not a halo fan in the least, but it sounds like it could be fun.... I found that halo really didnt have all that good of a story line, but the mp was sorta fun.... But dont listen to me, i am biased because all i have heard since halo2 came out was TEH OMFG IT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD IT IS TEH BEST GAME EVAR!!!!!!

But i wont be hearing this about halo3 for about a year lol until it is just about to come out(my friends are uber noobs and dont know jack about anythign other than consoles) so i might be able to appreciate this game more.

We'll see.
I think Halo 3 will deff be good. Halo 2 was kinda lacking because they were so limited with the hardware of the current xbox, so they couldn't do much else. Imagine Halo 3 with Unreal 3-like graphics :D Releasing it on the same day as PS3 is just insane :eek: I remember about 3 months ago I told you guys about this and I said "someone please bookmark this so you can bring it up when they officially anounce it" :p
Circuitbreaker8 said:
I think Halo 3 will deff be good. Halo 2 was kinda lacking because they were so limited with the hardware of the current xbox, so they couldn't do much else. Imagine Halo 3 with Unreal 3-like graphics :D Releasing it on the same day as PS3 is just insane :eek: I remember about 3 months ago I told you guys about this and I said "someone please bookmark this so you can bring it up when they officially anounce it" :p
hehe.. and here is another one where you said close to that... :p


I just hope it at least has the same feel of Halo 1.
Yeah I can't wait my self I really did like aboth of the games I can't wait for number 3. And dinin't they say that bungie will not take part in Halo 3 in some aartice I read on MS website will I guess that they are.
bobsaget said:
hehe.. and here is another one where you said close to that... :p


I just hope it at least has the same feel of Halo 1.

Trust me, Bungie wont screw up this time. They have pretty much no boundries hardware-wise. Thanks to the Tri-Core CPU, we can have great AI, great physics, and huge levels :D IMO, they should've made Halo 2 & 3 on Xbox2...Halo 1 pretty much maxed out what that poor little GF3 could do :D I'll see if I can get anymore info on Halo 3.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Trust me, Bungie wont screw up this time. They have pretty much no boundries hardware-wise. Thanks to the Tri-Core CPU, we can have great AI, great physics, and huge levels :D IMO, they should've made Halo 2 & 3 on Xbox2...Halo 1 pretty much maxed out what that poor little GF3 could do :D I'll see if I can get anymore info on Halo 3.
I agree, the power is there... they had better not screw it up this time! :mad: :p
Gameplay should supercede graphics, ai, level siz, ect. If you fucked up gameplay only the fan.boys will play.

edit: example, Diakatana.
redhalo said:
Gameplay should supercede graphics, ai, level siz, ect. If you fucked up gameplay only the fan.boys will play.

edit: example, Diakatana.

HALO 2 improved on HALO is almost every possible way - the only reason people didn't like the sequel was because it was a bit of a rehash of the first. Once you play the first, you've pretty much played about half of what the sequel offers. At least multiplayer is kick ass.

Anyway, the gameplay still got repetitive after awhile, hopefully this will be addressed and improved.

AMDXPCottonFire22 said:
Meh I think Halos Graphics still suck. Game play was bad mp was kinda fun.

Wow, nice to have a legally blind person give his opinion. :rolleyes:
Strykur said:
HALO 2 improved on HALO is almost every possible way - the only reason people didn't like the sequel was because it was a bit of a rehash of the first. Once you play the first, you've pretty much played about half of what the sequel offers. At least multiplayer is kick ass.

Anyway, the gameplay still got repetitive after awhile, hopefully this will be addressed and improved.
Why am I quoted?
Let's hope they don't wait until the last year of development to actually make the game this time :p
drewb99 said:
Let's hope they don't wait until the last year of development to actually make the game this time :p

Well they got about 18 months left to finish the game and I will shoot them if they dont have atleast a couple builds by now concidering it been rumored to be in production the same time as halo 2. It possible to start seeing screenshots near the xbox 2 release. Howevor if they didnt start on Halo 3 untill Halo 2 was released I am very skeptic about whether they can finish the entire game in 18 months. With all the detail the next xbox is capable off then the artist team is going to have to be huge.
Metallica_Band said:
/STILL waiting on Halo 2 PC :mad:

just get a SmaprtJoy FRAG kb/m adapther, works great for me.

IMHO, i cant wait for halo 3. i have to say the Halo series is one of the best gaming experiences i have likes the story lines, the feel of the engine, and playing xbox live is a blast.
i will rent and rip it, just like i did with 1 and 2. The halo series is pretty fun, but there are games that would rather play and buy, for examle amped 2, burnout 3, project gotham racing 2, and starwars battle front.
compslckr said:
i will rent and rip it, just like i did with 1 and 2. The halo series is pretty fun, but there are games that would rather play and buy, for examle amped 2, burnout 3, project gotham racing 2, and starwars battle front.
Unless the next Xbox uses a different dvd encryption...then you may have to wait a bit for it to be broken.
I wonder if they are going to make master chief any diffrent and the live play on it will be f***ing awsome!
Looks like I was one of the few people who enjoyed Halo 2 more than Halo. The ending was a complete letdown, but the game itself was more enjoyable and engaging than Halo 1, IMO.

This year's E3 is definitely going to be something memorable.
Ballz2TheWallz said:
to rape sony of consel prophets by releasing it the day ps3 comes out

LOL! I highly doubt that the release of a game will dent Sony's PS3 sales. Good laugh though :)
ThomasE66 said:
LOL! I highly doubt that the release of a game will dent Sony's PS3 sales. Good laugh though :)

In some cases, this technique actually does detract from potential sales. Most of the time it doesn't make much of a difference, though game companies love doing it. Anyone else remember how Final Fantasy VIII was released the same day as the Dreamcast?
Terpfen said:
In some cases, this technique actually does detract from potential sales. Most of the time it doesn't make much of a difference, though game companies love doing it. Anyone else remember how Final Fantasy VIII was released the same day as the Dreamcast?

At best they get some piggyback sales from people like many of us here who buy multiple consoles.