Halo 3 Multiplayer Beta Sign-up


Jun 2, 2006
Just giving a heads that the sign up to participate in the H3 beta begins Dec. 4. Just go to the H3 home page.
Thanks I forgot it was tomorrow, I believe the commercial is going to air as well on the 4th.
it's monday and i'm not seeing it!!!!!! maybe later in the day? :(
it's not up yet.

they are toying with us!! bastards! :p that would be cool though I never played a beta console game before.
I'm beginning to think that they wont post it until the H3 commercial airs tonight during MNF.
Well, I can tell you what it looks like ;)

PS: the sign-up page isn't working yet though. :D
So how is this going to work? Does everyone that registers get to play?
palabared said:
shit i dont have my 360 with me,hope the serial # thing wont own me

I wouldn't worry about that, I would worry about the fact that they are probably going to be choosing a couple thousand out of likely 500k-1million people who register for the initial beta.
yeah just about to ask that, theres like a blank white page with some stuff on the bottom
ok cool. i figure its probably overloaded. i wasnt sure because im on a library computer at school and alot of things are wonky, even without an overload.
haven't had a chance until now but their site must be getting slammed, i can't get the damn page to load after i sign in
Darkatom said:
it took me a while but I registered both of my accounts ;) .
how did you do it? keep reloading that one page till something shows up or something else?
tskiller said:
how did you do it? keep reloading that one page till something shows up or something else?

I was just lucky enough to load the page at the moment it was made available, so who knows how many millions of people I beat :cool: .
Registration Successful. Thank you for participating!

Now, as to whether i actually successfully registered, or the server spit out some arbitrary lines of text to get me to GTFO im not sure. Any of you who registered ok get an email or something like that?
dammit! I've been getting the white screen for the past 2 hours and now I can actually get past it, but once I submit my registration, the page fails to load :mad:
HedgeHodge said:
dammit! I've been getting the white screen for the past 2 hours and now I can actually get past it, but once I submit my registration, the page fails to load :mad:

same thing for me and its pissing me the hell off.. how annoying im about to give up, i dont think i care this much lol
HedgeHodge said:
dammit! I've been getting the white screen for the past 2 hours and now I can actually get past it, but once I submit my registration, the page fails to load :mad:

Protip: if you submit your form and get a failed loaded page, hit f5. It *should* go "hey, we need to resubmit some data, is that ok?" Click ok. Its just like resubmitting your form without going to that page again. Eventually, it will work.
Mine just went through. Keep refreshing.

JohnleMVP said:
Does it email you a confirmation?

Not from what i can tell. Which makes sense at the moment, they need all the server power for purely signups. I expect an email within a week or two, when things settle down.