HALO 3 Trailer Here !

Skirrow said:
They got a proper cgi studio to do this trailer???? What a waste of money. I could have knocked that together myself in a spare weekend. Theres nothing to it. Especially since they provided the studio with the character models.

Nice trailer but painfully short. I blinked twice and missed most of it.
Umm no, no you couldn't. And it was 60 seconds long.
ThirtySixBelow said:
nothing really to go off of, i guess it was ok

If you knew anything about the Halo story/universe you'd have seen a few things to get you excited.

Halo 1 and 2 never got my attention but Halo 3 does. The story looks good and if the trailer is any indication they ditched the florescent creatures and actually made them look decent. I know the trailer is CG but still might it be indicative of what the game will look like. They finaly got the gritty look that combat games need.
I think any complaints about shortness stem from the fact that it's a really compelling commercial that seemed short because it captivates and leaves one hanging.
I'm so stoked for this game. I wish I had a real true like 1080P version of this trailer though, that'd be awesome.
For the people that say that the two kids are Master Cheif and the last Spartan (Kelly) I think that could be possible. If you notice, they're both wearing the same thing, probably in somekind of training or camp. Also if you hear closely, when Master Cheif is recovering from the shellshock and he's about to pick up his gun, the girls voice says "Time to go"

Leaves me wondering
I did not like H2. Hopefully this will be MUCH better. I will not buy a junkbox for this. I'll go to nephews house and play.

Looks CRAZY though... when is this suppose to come out? I may have to sleep oer my sis house!!!
pkScary said:
I think any complaints about shortness stem from the fact that it's a really compelling commercial that seemed short because it captivates and leaves one hanging.

QFT. I can't wait for this game.
If that is how they expect the in-game graphics to look then, yes, I'm excited!

Anybody know the release date so I can budged for a hdtv?
I played HALO but I could never figure out why people liked it so much.
However, if I could play it with a mouse and keyboard, I'd probably give HALO 3 a try, cause I always like a good shooter.
halo just isn't the same to me with a mouse and keyboard, I'm a bigger pc gamer than a 360 gamer but halo just makes me wanna use a controller

side note: anyone with a xbox 360 vga cable with a game or two or a controller wanna trade for a MSI 7600GT Graphics Card, PM ME :)
You guys are so funny, especially the guy that said "holy crap" in giant red letters... this is a render, it won't look anything like that. This "trailer" gave no information about the game at all.
CodeX said:
You guys are so funny, especially the guy that said "holy crap" in giant red letters... this is a render, it won't look anything like that. This "trailer" gave no information about the game at all.
Bungie has said the commercial has a lot of clues at to what to expect in the game. Its been rumored that sprinting would be introduced, which the commercial has. We now know their is a new type of grenade, we also know a bit more about the location.
CodeX said:
You guys are so funny, especially the guy that said "holy crap" in giant red letters... this is a render, it won't look anything like that. This "trailer" gave no information about the game at all.

The spartan model actually very similar to the E3 trailer which was rendered in real time. So I would say a lot of it is pretty close to what it will actually be...
CodeX said:
You guys are so funny, especially the guy that said "holy crap" in giant red letters... this is a render, it won't look anything like that. This "trailer" gave no information about the game at all.

It kind of did. For starters, he used a grenade to create a force field around him, which may indicate a new weapon, or tool rather, for use in game.
Given that the game's release date is currently slated during merely "07", I'm fairly excited by this little teaser. It really shouldn't be categorized as a trailer per se, as it follows a similar approach to political advertisements - short, sweet, and create interest in a very limited period of time.

Personally, I think Bungie orchestrated a very good effect upon us hapless consumers who have adopted this franchise. Given the advancements in technology since the last title with respect to shadows, texture rendering, etc., I have no doubts that the game engine might very well reflect the graphical prowess displayed here.

Dark Assassin
Michael.R said:
Yep that was my impression as well, if I remember from the books her name is kelly.

I remember there are two surviving spartans for sure, (one being chief the other being kelly) the others are MIA or you don't really hear anything about them. Most, almost all of them are dead though.

I had a question regarding Halo lore, which came to mind while I was browsing www.ilovebees.com, last night. I was listening to some of the recordings, and they mentioned how Durga (an AI present in the story) was actually Yasmine, a 13-14(when killed) year old girl who was sent to Spartan training, but was killed for some reason. Is Yasmine, mentioned in any of the Halo books? as I have not read them?

Perhaps the two little kids are master chief and Yasmine?
Draax said:
Is Yasmine, mentioned in any of the Halo books? as I have not read them?

She might have been. I've read the three first books, but I can't remember any of the names. I'd have to go and look, but my guess would be that she'd be mentioned in the first one "The Fall of Reach."
Jerome36 said:
She might have been. I've read the three first books, but I can't remember any of the names. I'd have to go and look, but my guess would be that she'd be mentioned in the first one "The Fall of Reach."

**** SPOILER *****

Hmmm, I assume that ties into the audio chapters on ilovebees. They talk about a group which "turned on an artifact". It says when that happened the artifact sent out a signal to the covenant, and ends with air raids sirens wailing to alert that the covenant are comming.