Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary Classic Mode Feature

Thanks for the info! Absolutely loved playing the original Halo game on PC. Any chance we'll see the anniversary edition on PC, or is this Xbox 360 only?

EDIT: Looks like console only, HENCE you posting this in the console forum. Durrr!!! Sorry
I bet the damn thing is priced at 29.99. It does look good though.

E: Oh wait it's not on marketplace only?
I'm going to rent it to see how bad the reach engine multiplayer is. I wanted orignal halo engine multiplayer. If its crap after renting it im not going to buy it, if its good I will buy it.
Any chance we'll see the anniversary edition on PC, or is this Xbox 360 only?

I have my fingers crossed but, for the time being, it is Xbox 360 only.

I bet the damn thing is priced at 29.99. It does look good though.



The game also supports 3D TVs and the Kinect sensor and there are terminals throughout the campaign that show you videos of what is to come in Halo 4 (they are also an achievement.
Can you still launch the Warthog? :D

I never got an Xbox, so when I built my first PC back in '04 (AMD 4000+ / X850 XT PE ;)), I got a handful of games to play on it immediately. The first two of which were Half Life 2 and Far Cry. After playing those extremely well designed games, I installed Halo: Combat Evolved. I'd say about 2 hours later, I could take no more and I uninstalled it without ever intending to try again, lol. I really tried to give it a shot (2 hours of game play) and it never once grabbed me anything like HL2 or Far Cry did. I guess I should have started the other way around, eh?

So now I might consider getting this sometime down the road. Definitely not this season with all the other blockbuster titles out or coming soon. I still have to put more time in Gears 3, Uncharted 3, MW3 and BF3.. tis the seasons of 3s, I guess, hah.

Lol this is the main reason I am going to buy or not buy this game. I hate destroyable warthogs. This is what made orignal halo awesome, making hog doors on blood gulch or getting on top of blood gulch with ghost. The double wack/gernade throw. Gernade jumping, fall damge. I can live with out some of that stuff but if the hog is destroyable I will not be getting this game.

Oh yeah. You can still get outside the map, get the Warthog where it isn't supposed to be, etc. etc.

Matter o' fact, where the video was taken, you notice I have a the Warthog up in there, that is where you can get up on top of the map...just finished doing it before I shot the video. :D
Steve, I had no idea you'd be into Halo.

I love the concept and will definitely pick this up. I wish it was on PC though.
I have my fingers crossed but, for the time being, it is Xbox 360 only.



The game also supports 3D TVs and the Kinect sensor and there are terminals throughout the campaign that show you videos of what is to come in Halo 4 (they are also an achievement.

there is hope steve http://www.computerandvideogames.co...versary-dev-pc-version-wouldnt-be-a-surprise/ not a lot though id say wait 6 months to a year for it and they need to have it so you can play pc vs 360 ppl already
I haven't cared about the Halo franchise since the second game but having the ability to switch between the remake and the original is an absolutely brilliant idea.
I'd most assuredly get it for PC should they release it. As much crap as I give Halo, it was genuinely fun to play and the series does have a good musical score. I just always saw it as more of a lighthearted jaunt compared to other shooters.
its also one of the last "arena" type shooters, atleast console wise. While different than quake/ut series, its closer to them and better than than cod games.. Never played Battlefield games. I bought BF:Bad company 2 and havent had a chance to play it.

Halo games have always had some fun with physics. I still have a vid saved from halo 3, where a guy went to shot rockets, and a grenade exploding deflected the rockets up in the air in a half circle loop, only to come down into a cave and get a double kill. Another great one is where a guy thru a sticky at another person that was throwing a brute grenade. The Plasma grenade stick the brute grenade and caused the plasma guy to commit suicide..

If anybody interested in playing halo anniversary with me, my gamertag on xbox live is Zohar78
Oh if it came out for PC I'd buy it in an instant! I had so much fun growing up on the original Halo PC, playing in Klan Wars, made lots of good friends. It is really what got me into PC gaming and computer hardware in the first place.
I've been waiting for Xbox Live enabled Halo: CE since Live was introduced. I'm getting antsy to have my pistol again.

EDIT: Wow, only 6 original maps for multiplayer AND. NO. BLOOD. GULCH. What the fuck? (Hemorrhage is not the same)
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I've been waiting for Xbox Live enabled Halo: CE since Live was introduced. I'm getting antsy to have my pistol again.

EDIT: Wow, only 6 original maps for multiplayer AND. NO. BLOOD. GULCH. What the fuck? (Hemorrhage is not the same)

Does it still have that ice one with the big 90 degree corner in the mid? Loved that map lol
Does it still have that ice one with the big 90 degree corner in the mid? Loved that map lol

Sadly no. :( And I miss Sidewinder too. This is such a letdown to me. I didn't know it was a DLC to Reach's multiplayer. I thought it was going to be a true remake of the original Halo:CE with all of the original weapons/maps from the Xbox and PC, only with updated graphics and Live enabled. This sucks.
When Halo first came out,I thought the PC version was a fairly entertaining game. Not great,but it showed promise if future sequels had been developed for the PC. Now I have nothing but contempt for the franchise,it started the whole console exclusive trend that has crippled gaming.
Sadly no. :( And I miss Sidewinder too. This is such a letdown to me. I didn't know it was a DLC to Reach's multiplayer. I thought it was going to be a true remake of the original Halo:CE with all of the original weapons/maps from the Xbox and PC, only with updated graphics and Live enabled. This sucks.

BOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Not gonna pay $40 for a remake that doesn't even have my favorite maps. Oh well lol.
Well if you look at this way: Its only 25 bucks for the campain. Which is in a way still bit too much. How many people would buy the dlc? The DLC costs 15 bucks. Still a bit high. Maybe i should have saved up another 20 for Gears of war3
not recreating the original mulitiplayer makes this almost worthless in my eyes...
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I swear i saw blood gulch listed in the DLC..... i'l have to double check
Ok. I thought they'd give the old multiplayer maps this treatment as well. I was hoping all the Halo 1 and 2 maps would be able to use classic mode and this new mode. I would be willing to pay 40-50 for that...especially if it was on PC...
not recreating the original mulitiplayer makes this almost worthless in my eyes...

They do have a classic mode that strips away the armor abilities, bloom, and 3 shot pistol. Which modifies it towards the original halo. Not sure what else it changes. Though i wish sprint was always in the game.

The upcoming title update (which is still in beta) does alot of nice tweaks for halo, and should help most of the issues currently plaguing reach. Though i really wish they would get rid of jetpack.
Well, I decided to keep it of course, I missed playing the campaign, especially the Silent Cartographer.

The campaign is the same Halo:CE that everyone loves. Fun, huge maps, good characters, awesome soundtrack and a great story. The updated graphics are impressive and it is cool to switch between the updated and old (just pressing the "Back" button toggles between the two modes). However, there are some parts within the updated graphics that do not align correctly with the old models. An example is on the level "Halo". With the updated graphics, Elites appear to be standing in the open, but when you switch to the original graphics, they are protected by rock. It's kind of frustrating, especially on Legendary when your shots and ammo count.

I also have been using the Kinect to scan objects within the game for the Library. Kind of cool, but the voice recognition for reload/grenade/flashlight are worthless. Actually, one of my roommates thinks it's hilarious to come into the room yelling "GRENADE" as many times as he can to see how many I throw.

Multiplayer - Disappointment. Just a DLC for Reach. Oh, and there is NO 4 PLAYER SPLIT SCREEN!

I'd recommend buying if you're a true Halo fan and want to play through the original campaign or co-op with pretty graphics, but if you were looking for a true remake of the original (as I was), you will be very disappointed.
I actually don't like the new building artwork. I was considering it until then. The old artwork could use a boost in detail, but the new robs the old atmosphere, imho. The Disney style Covenant could go though.
Sadly no. :( And I miss Sidewinder too. This is such a letdown to me. I didn't know it was a DLC to Reach's multiplayer. I thought it was going to be a true remake of the original Halo:CE with all of the original weapons/maps from the Xbox and PC, only with updated graphics and Live enabled. This sucks.

343i made a statement that any remade maps that already existed on previous 360 titles (Halo Reach and Halo 3) or maps that could easily be recreated in forge would not be remade for Halo Anniversary. That would be maps like Hemorrhage (Blood Gulch), Avalanche (Sidewinder), Assembly (Derelict), and Magus (Forge World clone of Wizard). Though some left out maps don't fit either of those categories (Boarding Action and Chiron TL-34), which really doesn't make sense to me unless 343 is planning yet another map pack within the following year. Hopefully. I also don't understand why Headlong was included as it's from Halo 2.

I've been enjoying the hell out of the campaign again, but it isn't without a few nitpicking drawbacks. The character animations in the remastered cutscenes need a lot of polishing as everyone kind of moves around in a jerky fashion. There's also a bit of hitching and hesitation when transitioning from gameplay to cutscene, an issue that wasn't present in the original game. The collision system is not really synced up with the remastered geometry so you'll either hit objects that are invisible in remastered mode or clip right through them (this is very obvious if you perform the early banshee trick on AotCR and scrape along the canyon walls). There's also a noticeable amount of texture pop-in in the remastered graphics.

Lastly, I'm very disappointed with Keyes' appearance. He doesn't look anything like the Halo CE version, more like a poor recreation based off the Reach version. He looks like he's had several collagen injections, too.
Honestly if they just took the original and added live to it and touched nothing else not even graphics I would pay $60 for it.

That brings back memories. My brother and I, along with one of our cousins, would goof around with the physics, and getting onto levels and areas of the map you weren't meant to go, and the Warthog launching was something we did. Fun stuff.

I don't have the game yet, but will pick it up once I beat the game I'm currently working on. I'm disappointed it doesn't have every map from the original game, but I'm happy with some of the ones that are included... including Hang Em High. We use to play that one a lot, with only shotguns and it was fun with enough people.