Halo mod for BattleField:Vietnam

thats copyright infringement, those guys are gonna get busted, as well as anyone who plays it. i suggest you don't download that unless you have nothing else to do other than going to jail
thenerd said:
thats copyright infringement, those guys are gonna get busted, as well as anyone who plays it. i suggest you don't download that unless you have nothing else to do other than going to jail

Fuck, I just wish you would shut your cake-hole and die slowly. :rolleyes:

IF thats copyright infringement, then so is the SW mod for BF1942. :rolleyes:
merlin704 said:
Fuck, I just wish you would shut your cake-hole and die slowly. :rolleyes:

No kidding, you'd think the guys at bungie gang-raped his mom or something as much as he posts his dislike for anything Halo related.
JBark said:
No kidding, you'd think the guys at bungie gang-raped his mom or something as much as he posts his dislike for anything Halo related.

I think he is just pissed that he can't afford to buy a console or upgrade his 386 PC. :p
Yes, everyone who plays that mod is infringing on Bungie's copyrights, and will surely go to jail!

Where the hell did you pull that from? Your ass wouldn't even have the physical dimensions required to support misinformation of that size.
merlin704 said:
Fuck, I just wish you would shut your cake-hole and die slowly. :rolleyes:

IF thats copyright infringement, then so is the SW mod for BF1942. :rolleyes:

ouch, and he stated the truth on copyrights also, why so harsh
1st. bfv is an absolutely atrocious game! give me back my money and time spent on that craptastic of a game. i mean dude, the choppers are frigging cheap, and some are absolutely invincible! ie spiralling around you while you do jack sh*t about it. also, the infantry combat in that game is a disgrace! just look at the vietcong's rpg class... 3 rockets and a crap pistol?! wtf is with that? also, all the guns cept for maybe the carbine and ak are effectively useless! it seems the only good game are half life/2/cs/call of duty!!

all hail half life !!!
you call the two teams covenent and humans + a replica of the warthog not copyright infringement? they could've at least called the aliens something else!
thenerd said:
you call the two teams covenent and humans + a replica of the warthog not copyright infringement? they could've at least called the aliens something else!
Go away.
k1pp3r said:
ouch, and he stated the truth on copyrights also, why so harsh

Sorry, no truth was stated by thenerd.

The SW mod for BF1942 isn't licensed from Lucasarts but yet the mod exists. And last I checked, Lucas wasn't beating down their doors telling them to cease and desist.
merlin704 said:
Sorry, no truth was stated by thenerd.

The SW mod for BF1942 isn't licensed from Lucasarts but yet the mod exists. And last I checked, Lucas wasn't beating down their doors telling them to cease and desist.

neither would i, but that doesn't mean they can't
merlin704 said:
Sorry, no truth was stated by thenerd.

The SW mod for BF1942 isn't licensed from Lucasarts but yet the mod exists. And last I checked, Lucas wasn't beating down their doors telling them to cease and desist.

well, should you remember when the Galactic Conquest mod originally started...they did call it Star Wars....and Lucas Arts did come banging on their door to stop using the name. They did stop using the name and are now called Galactic Conquest...GC for short.
Also to note: the word HALO is not used in the mod and they are not generating any money for it.
i downloaded it, played for about 10 minutes, thought it blew anal and unisntalled it.

everything is teh same except a few models. even the sounds are the same. for example "charlie spotted" makes no sence for space age combat.

i would not recomend this game
why would you play a halo mod when u can just buy the damn game and play it...

warsawtag said:
why would you play a halo mod when u can just buy the damn game and play it...

Maybe they don't want to waste $50 to "buy the damn game"? ;) Mods are always cool because you can get more gameplay out of a game for free instead of buying a whole new game. IMO Halo for the pc blows anyways.
warsawtag said:
why would you play a halo mod when u can just buy the damn game and play it...

Maybe cause I have already PLAYED Halo half a dozen times with 4 of them being on ledgendary and it makes me yawn now when I play it...I hope they make it MUCH harder next time...ledgendary is child's play...I'm interested in this mod cause of the change...and cause I love playing Battlefield: Vietnam...