Hands on with the Storm...(mini-review of a reps model)


Sep 25, 2004
So tonight I was in the area of my local Verizon store, so I decided to stop in and talk to the rep I’ve been dealing with on the phone in person. When I got there, he tells me that I JUST missed the two data consultants that were demoing the storm in the store for customers. Just my luck…so I continue to wait until he finishes with a customer so he can look something up on my account.

So another rep comes over with guys my age who were filing an insurance claim. When they get to the counter, they see the Storm flyer and are like “Woah! There it is. That #$%^ looks tight!” The next words I heard were music to my ears. Their rep says “Do you guys want to try it out? I have one in the back?” 2 Minutes later, the Storm was in our hands.

Before I get into my little write up, note a few things. First, this happened so fast and was unexpected, therefore I wasn’t able to do EVERYTHING or even remember what information to gather and/or test. Secondly, this phone I handled WAS using pre-release OS. Unfortunately I did NOT get the number, but I was told that it was older software. Now, onto the review :)


This phone is THIN! I couldn’t believe my eyes. For some reason, I thought the phone was going to be rather thick, at least that’s how the images on the net portray it. This is not the case. It is sleek, dead *** sexy, and stylish. The minute I grabbed a hold of it, you could FEEL the quality of the phone. This is NOT a toy. It IS a phone made of excellent engineering and quality. It just feels right in the hands, has the perfect weight distribution, and is SOLID.

The screen…AMAZING. It is crisp, clear, and vibrant. I did NOT watch any trailers or anything on the phone, as I wanted to savior that moment for when I get mine. However, using the GUI, the quality was amazing. Everything was readable, ****, even my dad could read the font without his glasses! That’s how clear this screen is. The buttons and font are also larger than normal phones, which helps the matter as well (don’t worry, it’s not granny large =p).

As far as the gap between the screen and the buttons go…let me put it this way. ANYONE who complains about this deserves to be ***** slapped. It’s BARELY a gap. It’s so tiny, it’s unnoticeable. To complain about this is just pointless. So if you were worried about the screen gap…don’t be. It will NOT be an issue one bit.


The only thing I was honestly concerned about and NEEDED to feel was the typing experience. I’ve heard great things, I’ve heard terrible things. Therefore, I needed to put a nail in the coffin and test it for myself. All I have to say is…HOLY ****. Just WOW…typing on this device just feels right. I only typed with the QWERTY keyboard, and made only one error the entire time. I was able to type insanely fast as well. I experienced no lag in the letters and all of the clicks registered. Texting on this phone is going to be amazing, especially when coming from a LG VX8550!

When you click on the screen, yes, the whole screen depresses. It’s almost as if it kind of feels like when you push the top of an opened Snapple bottle…it just doesn’t take nearly as mush force. There was NOT audible click, Well, let me put it this way, using it in public, you could not hear a click. There was NOT a lot of noise going on, and I still didn’t hear anything. So for all of you guys that want to text during class or meetings…have fun =p

A few people asked if it scrolls like the iPhone, to where you flick it and it keeps scrolling. The answer to this is kind of. You can scroll and flick, and it will indeed continue to scroll after your finger has left the screen, however, not for nearly as long as the iPhone does. With the iPhone, as many of you know, a powerful flick could get you half way through your contacts. This is not the case with the Storm. However, it DOES continue to scroll a few lines after your finger has been removed from the screen. Personally, I thought it was acceptable. They at least have some sort of continued scrolling feature, so I’ll take it :D

Surfing the internet was a breeze. Start the browser app, click on the address bar, and type a way. Within SECONDS, I had gone to youtube, searched one of my performance videos, and had it playing in the store on the Storm. Which brings me to my next topic. The speaker(s). I do not know if this phone as 1 or 2 external speakers, but whatever the case it, it’s pretty good! At max volume, the youtube video did get a little hot and static-y. However, turning the volume down about two notches…crisp, clean audio to where the whole store could hear me playing the piano on youtube. ****, the reps and other customers flipped out when they saw in a matter of seconds I had my own video of me playing the piano on the device.

I did not get to play with the camera, however, before I got the phone another customer took an image. I looked at that image really fast and it seemed to be of great quality for a CAMERA PHONE (Remember folks, this isn’t a DSLR). Let me put it this way, have you ever been on myspace or facebook and your friends has pictures up there that were OBVIOUSLY taken from a camera phone? To where the image is either to small, or is a decent size, but is so pixellated it’s worthless? Well you don’t have to worry about either of those with this phone. The images are large, and the quality is more then expectable for a mobile camera.


We have all heard about how long it takes for the accelerometer to kick in, which was stated to be roughly 2-3 seconds. Yeah, well whoever agrees with that statement, they need to learn the proper duration of a second. I had no problems with it responding to my rotations. From portrait to landscape, the response was instantaneous. From landscape to portrait, while it was slower (no more then 1.5secs) then the opposite direction, is was more then acceptable. Now remember, this was on a pre-release build. Therefore, if what CX said about this time being cut in half is true (which I don’t doubt that he isn’t), you guys have NOTHING to worry about.

All in all, I’m completely stoked for this phone. I was pumped before…but now I swear I just developed ADD for this thing. I was flipping out the whole car ride home. It IS that AWESOME of a device. If you guys have any other questions about it’s BASIC functionality, let me know. I’ll do my best to answer your questions.

However, just a side note: the Verizon reps at my store knew NOTHING. When I say nothing…I mean absolutely nothing about the phone. People were asking them questions about how visual voicemail works, how much storage can it hold, what’s the price, what comes in the box, etc. Every answer they gave was wrong. I had to correct them every time. ****, my friend that I graduated from HS with that works there told me they should hire me for the day on Friday to answer anyone’s questions since I knew more then they did. Actually, one of the customers wanted my cell number so I could help him set up the device once he gets it, haha. So while it’s very sad to say…if you’ve been following the storm from way back yonder like I have, chances are, you know more then the Verizon reps. So take whatever they say with a grain of salt, and be sure to confirm it else where.
Wow thanks for the review i was looking for something like this thank you
I only wish that this will come out before May (when my contract runs out) for sprint.
Great review! My 8320 T-Mobile contract is up in January '09. I've wanted a reason to jump to Verizon... now I've got one. :D
I've got a family friend up here in Canada who might be hooking me up with an Unlocked Verizon Storm. If it all goes as planned I'll have it to play around with and at least use as an mp3/video player until I pay out my contract with my current provider and switch carriers to activate the Storm.
sweet review man! if I wasn't amped before, I definitely am now !!!

I was stoked about the phone coming up here to Canada but was iffy about it without wifi. But it looks like I'm just going to live without that feature and just finally have a solid phone for once. Always seems like Bell drew the short straw when asking for newer phones.. :(

I'm also glad to hear you thought the device was thin, that's once decent aspect i enjoyed about the iPhone and I'm glad you believed it felt thin. that's good news and an even better review!! gj
Great Review... I just like the fact taht it comes with 8 gigs of removable memory OUT OF THE BOX... Ill let you all know when mine comes in!
I got my Storm on Friday. Hopefully I'll have a full writeup by tomorrow night. I'm LOVING the phone so far. There are some annoyances, but they are overshadowed by the pure awesomeness of this phone.
The only thing I'm struggling with is the fact that a lot of people are saying they're finding hardware limitations limiting their typing speed. Because the screen is one big button you (apparently) aren't able to type nearly as fast as you can if you're accustomed to your current tactile keyboard.

I still really do want the Storm, I can live with typing a little slower, the web browsing/multimedia advantages this phone has over the Bold are tremendous, and for the relatively small amount of actual typing I do with my BB I'm not TOO concerned.
Too bad Apple and RIMM can't work something so the iPhone and Storm can be used on ATT and VZN.
I want an iPhone incredibly bad, but I can't switch carriers, therefore this phone is a godsend! Can't wait to get mine!
The only thing I'm struggling with is the fact that a lot of people are saying they're finding hardware limitations limiting their typing speed. Because the screen is one big button you (apparently) aren't able to type nearly as fast as you can if you're accustomed to your current tactile keyboard.

I still really do want the Storm, I can live with typing a little slower, the web browsing/multimedia advantages this phone has over the Bold are tremendous, and for the relatively small amount of actual typing I do with my BB I'm not TOO concerned.

I will be posting up a video that demonstrates typing and how fast you can go. I don't see THAT big of a limitation. Granted if you SPEED type, you'll make mistakes, but you can always fix that one misspelled letter. I mean even on a keyboard you must finish typing one letter before you can input the other or the order will be messed up. Therefore, I don't see the issue with the click. It's not like the click is held down for 5 seconds before it springs back. It' milliseconds...people need to stop complaining about the speed of typing! It's nto a full sized PC keyboard. You won't hit 80+ WPM. But I guarantee you CAN be just as fast as if you were on a curve.
I will be posting up a video that demonstrates typing and how fast you can go. I don't see THAT big of a limitation. Granted if you SPEED type, you'll make mistakes, but you can always fix that one misspelled letter. I mean even on a keyboard you must finish typing one letter before you can input the other or the order will be messed up. Therefore, I don't see the issue with the click. It's not like the click is held down for 5 seconds before it springs back. It' milliseconds...people need to stop complaining about the speed of typing! It's nto a full sized PC keyboard. You won't hit 80+ WPM. But I guarantee you CAN be just as fast as if you were on a curve.

I can type just as fast as I could on my Samsung i760 or my Voyager, people have just gotten spoiled by fisical keyboards. More I use it the more I love the click screen.
hehe I work at bestbuy mobile and we got in 2 storms. We had someone coming from Dallas(3 hours away) to pick one of them up. We didn't have a demo model but we had about 6 mockups. I think our live model is coming monday.
Rumor has it that a OS update will be out Monday, aka today. We shall see...