Happy Easter Everyone!

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Aug 16, 2003

Happy Easter Hard!
coffee33 said:
Lmao, dude I didn't get shit from no damn bunnys. No love, no love at all. :(
neither did i, being poor blows :(. my uncle has 3 kids,one got a PSP one got a plane ticket to florida with his friends and the other $300 cash. uncle has a habbit of anything knows i would want as soon as he buys for himself or his kids he CALLS ME UP and rubs it in my face. then he drives down here and does it man to man. i fucking hate him. :(
Happy Easter all.

Gave me a chance to finally watch "The Passion Of The Christ". Powerful movie!
Ballz2TheWallz said:
neither did i, being poor blows :(. my uncle has 3 kids,one got a PSP one got a plane ticket to florida with his friends and the other $300 cash. uncle has a habbit of anything knows i would want as soon as he buys for himself or his kids he CALLS ME UP and rubs it in my face. then he drives down here and does it man to man. i fucking hate him. :(

Just make something cool as hell in time for when you know he'll brag again; say christmas or the birthday's of one of his son's. In fact, giving one of his son's an amazing present, mostly done through hard work and creativity should outshine any expensive trash he throws at them, with the added effect that he'll be be embarrassed for not overcompensating enough. Also, maybe it will teach the kid you give it to that not everything can be bought with money, or some such life lesson.
ohnnyj said:
Happy Easter all.

Gave me a chance to finally watch "The Passion Of The Christ". Powerful movie!

Did the same thing. Indeed it is.

Mod Edit - Funny pics....no doubt. Off topic for G[H]...?? Also...no doubt. Perfect, however, in the subscription areas of the forum....General Mayhem, for example.

Thanks - B.B.S.
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