hard disk / cpu issue


Limp Gawd
May 30, 2005
a friend of mine has a Dell M70 laptop

these last 4 days he witnessed a degraded performance on his pc and we finally concluded that the problem most probably was the hard drive

the problem actually is that sometimes the computer freezes for a couples of seconds, as if it pauses untill everything is written on disk

we ran HD Tach v3 and the throughput result was of an average of 2mb/s

according to S.M.A.R.T everything is working just fine

we noticed another thing, while benchmarking the system with HD Tach, Both CPU's and the relevant Kernels were 100% usage

the disk is freshly defragmented
asap i'll post the laptop details regarding components and the exact model of the hard disk, what i'm sure about is taht its a toshiba
another factor to consider is that this pc is only about 6 months old

thanks in advance
Is the disk in DMA mode? Start->run->compmgmt.msc->device manager->IDE/atapi controllers->the one the disk is on->properties->"advanced settings" tab->"current transfer mode"

Is this a sata disk or IDE? IDE will have a lot of little tiny pins on it, no idea what laptop sata looks like.

Are you saying that both CPUs were at 100% usage and both were all kernel? you wouldn't be able to use the machine if this were the case. get rid of spyware/crapware/adware/etc, and then see if it helps.
mwarps said:
Are you saying that both CPUs were at 100% usage and both were all kernel? you wouldn't be able to use the machine if this were the case. get rid of spyware/crapware/adware/etc, and then see if it helps.
infact it is quite unusable witha pause of aprox 3second after each click, even a single selection of an icon

of course, done with 3 antispyware programs
check for viruses with mc afee enterprise and stinger
and clena registry with regscrupxp

yet the problem still remains
Ok As promised i got a little bit the detailed specifactions of the laptop

Dell Precision M70
Intel Pentium M 2.13Ghz
Instructions MMX, SSE, SSE2

HD: Toshiba MK8026GAX

re: unhappy_mage; i just sent an email to him to check if its on DMA mode, in case it is or it isnt, what do you suggest?

*Edit* : Spec Sheet For Hard Disk Drive
|Leviathan| said:
'Delayed Write Fail' any idea on what this means / and whats the cause / solution?

That means a write command was issued to the drive but it never ackownledge that the write was complete.

It sounds to me like the hard drive is failing. I would get everything off it that is needed and then RMA to dell.
He ran the Dell diagnostics software and it failed the hard disk read test with error code 0F00:0244 and the confidence test with error code 2F0F:1344. Chkdsk shows 100kb in bad sectors. Also the IDE driver has changed to PIO mode

*waves goodbye to hard disk*
I just built new system and have exactly the same problem. When going from one folder to another, sometimes it pauses for like 2sec.. I have SATA drives. Any ideas?