hard drive dieing, trying to save


Limp Gawd
Jun 30, 2005
ok, i couldnt come up with a good title. but if anyone reads this, here is the problem.
I recently formatted a family friends drive because they caught a trojan virus which rendered it unbootable, the drive is also failing/dieing.

the drive: 40GB 5400rpm Westerndigital

First thing I did was plug it into my computer as slave to retrieve the data. Of course the thing had virus and my AV was spazing like crazy and couldnt delete the virus. I drag and dropped everything that i thought was important to another drive on my comp. I then proceed to reformat and install win xp home again. After reinstalling and everything, i gave the comp back and they were like, where is my quickbooks file. I'm like o crap.

So now i have installed the Demo File Scavenger to retrieve the file. It works, but the harddrive locks up my whole pc when it get to a certain sector. Basically it only retrieves 33% before the HDD crashes. Any fixes for this? i stopped the scan at 30% and recovered the files, but still not enough, i need the 70% left on the HDD.

WD disk utilty detects the drive with SMART failure, but is unable to run the test. Speedfan shows the error as Write Error Rate.

Any way to fix this or skip over the error sector to scan the good part?