Hard drive not working in Vista


Nov 24, 2007
I have a 400gb hitachi hard drive as my main media drive.
I also dual boot ubuntu 8.10 and vista home premium.
I've been in ubuntu for the past 2 days, i copied a ton of files and stuff. It's got about 1.5gb left of 400gb.

I booted into vista today to sync my mp3 player. I went to the 400gb hard drive, and it says that "D:/ drive is missing or corrupt." It's vista that did/is doing something to the drive. I can still access it in Ubuntu just fine. Copying, deleting, moving stuff on and from it, in ubuntu works fine. I can play movies from it too. But in vista it's not showing up at all like it should. I cant get anything from it, play my music from it or anything. I have it backed up about 80%, but it's not dead.. obviously.

Do you guys have any ideas? Thanks for the help!
perhaps you needed to install ubuntu first, then vista. like when you dual boot xp and vista im sure you have to install xp first then vista.

just a suggestion:)
Well, i had heard that, but it has been working fine before. I've had Vista and ubuntu dual booted for 3 months now. I boot into vista 1 day, and ubuntu the next. It's been working fine for 3+ months. But then, suddenly last night, it's not being read in vista, but it is in ubuntu.