Hard drive solution for storing Blu-rays


Aug 4, 2003
I've decided on ripping my Blu-rays to hard disk as opposed to burning them to recordable media. I need a large drive to store these massive images on. So far, it seems that any drive 1.5TB or up, Seagate is the only company to make a 7200rpm drive. I have heard horror stories of Seagate drives having firmware issues, and the last thing I want is to lose my data. I want a cost-effective drive that offers speed and reliability. I don't want one of those stupid "Green" drives that runs at 5400rpm and saves the rainforest. Screw the environment and the power bill, I want my performance. Is my best solution a pair of 1TB WD Black drives, or are there any 1.5TB or 2TB drives worth looking at?
green drives are perfect for storage. 7200rpm drives are absolutely not needed to store or stream movies. newegg has a special on 2 samsung 5400rpm 1.5tb drives for 199.
The seagate drives are fine. The firmware problem was isolated to a certain batch of drives. If you pick up a new one from Dell, you are going to get one with the newer firmware with no problems.

In a worst case scenario, you won't loose any data as you should have the originals around to re-rip. Yes, it's a pain, but any drive can fail. A good backup solution will prevent that, but you have to determine if thats worth it if you already have the data.

As far as speed goes -- a 5400 rpm drive should be plenty fast to play a movie from.
You don't need speed to stream even 1080p video... 5400RPM HDD's are still much faster then the bitrate of 1080p video.
Performance isn't going to be necessary for just storing or even streaming Blu-Rays so there is nothing wrong with the green drives. And as for the 1.5tb Seagates they had problems to begin with but are all fine now. I have two of them that shipped with the bad firmware and they are running great. The best bang for the buck is going to be a 1.5tb drive. If you don't trust the Seagate then WD and Samsung make them.
I picked up a handful of the Dell deal Seagate 7200rpm 1.5TB drives for $80 a pop. I'll have four at my disposal for a solid 6TB of drive space to store all of my Blu-Rays, it should hold me off for a while :D
How did you get them @$80 a pop? :|

Nevermind, found the link, coupon expired , damn!