Hardform phone


Limp Gawd
Jan 16, 2015
Would u guys like to see a hardforum android phone and if so what would u want to see in a phone hardware wise
Can you elaborate on what a "hardforum" phone would be? Obviously it would be the highest end possible with endless ways of customization.
Nope, that being said, keep on with your random posts, got to get your post count up son.
well, it would need a "H&B" button for our hookers and blow needs at our fingertips.
Accidently read thread title as "Hardform". Oh wait, I was right. :p

Make it with the same specs as this is speculated to have, along with a fully unlocked bootloader and an AOSP/GPE 5.0 ROM and I'd be interested, as long as it would carry a price tag of no more than $500.

Good luck with that. :)
Spamming to 50..? Dafuq kinda thread/question is this?! Lol
I believe the ideal Hardforum phone is one that increases screen size while decreasing thickness as it gets older. Something on the order of an additional .2" of screen size and 1mm thinner a year.

It will also have a removable permanently enclosed battery with a capacity of 50,000mah, 3 microsd card slots, water proof, lava proof, green lantern proof, it will have support for Cortana, Siri, Google Now, and Jarvis from Iron Man.
It would be able to side-load iOS & have the same specs as the iPhone 6 plus.
A true Hardforum phone is a phone where some ripped the guts of a phone, and make a custom case with better cooling and front facing stereo speakers. I might have inadvertently described the HTC One, but if only custom rom has been achieved on the Note 4.
It should be able to fit water cooling plus up to 4-way 980 SLI and not be uncomfortable in my pocket.
I believe the ideal Hardforum phone is one that increases screen size while decreasing thickness as it gets older. Something on the order of an additional .2" of screen size and 1mm thinner a year.

It will also have a removable permanently enclosed battery with a capacity of 50,000mah, 3 microsd card slots, water proof, lava proof, green lantern proof, it will have support for Cortana, Siri, Google Now, and Jarvis from Iron Man.

No Star Trek computer? No sale.
It can only be called an [H] phone if the answer to "But can it play Crysis?" is a profound "Yes" or even "Duh"
I dunno. Not sure people are ready to read their phones when the screen is in an H form-factor.
Let's talk about future phones (I don't want to create a new topic). Have you guys seen the Neptune Duo? That's where I predicted we will be in 2020 (I made this prediction like in 2011). The future I think will still be smart watches, smart clips, and multi-sized dumb screens. Obviously, Neptune Duo the watch at least looks kind of crappy, but this is generation 1.
Would u guys like to see a hardforum android phone and if so what would u want to see in a phone hardware wise

It must be able to play Crysis 4 at Ultra settings, score chicks that are only 10s or higher, and mine bitcoins for millions of dollars all at the same time.

EDIT: It cannot be Asian or Sextron will ruin it. And must come from a plushy made by pliskin679's wife. Also must have option for Sculelos rant of the day as a screensaver.