HardForum Issues

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Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Currently the search function will stay disabled, not permanently though as we simply need it too much. One of the BIG reasons for moving to a new database server is to have a better search functionality so do not think it is being written off. I hate forums without search and generally refuse to use them. Currently though, the search seems to be the thorn in our side as of this morning. (There have been plenty of others for the last week as well.)

We think that MySQL was not playing well with FreeBSD on the new database server under load. We think that we experienced some data corruption, that is why we rolled the server database back 10 days. Moving back to a linux database server with the old database seems to have fixed our issues for now.

We will be moving forward again in the coming weeks with the hardware upgrade, hopefully done in a better manner. Our forced move from the Planet impacted all of this as well then me having to be in Taiwan for a week has slowed our responses.

HardForum seems to be on a better track now. Thanks for your patience. Sorry for the outages, they should have been avoided by us.
Kyle, we're all behind you 100% man. We can't thank you enough for your efforts! :) ;)

If it's not too bold to ask, why are you being forced away from Planet?
Kyle, we're all behind you 100% man. We can't thank you enough for your efforts! :) ;)

If it's not too bold to ask, why are you being forced away from Planet?

Thanks for the support.

The Planet kicked us out saying our contract was up or else pay some rediculous pricing for services, then they said, please come back, we will do another barter agreement, then they totally acted like idiots and left us hanging and quite frankly we did not know if it was safe to leave our equipment in their colo as they stopped answering all mail, trouble tickets, and phone calls. So we went in and got all 24 servers that were in the cabs and moved them in one afternoon.

All of this mess is still some of the fall out from not migrating properly.
Wow. Sounds like another hosting company I've had the displeasure of dealing with for the last few years. You should put "sucks" in big red letters under The Planet logo on the [H] Front Page. I'm sure any agreement you have with them doesn't expressly prohibit that...
I know your pain... My company had to move all our servers from a Level 3 colo over to AIS. We couldn't even get started until after 6PM and had to have everything up and running by 6AM the next morning. Not fun.
Kyle, we're all behind you 100% man. We can't thank you enough for your efforts! :) ;)


Thanks for working so hard to get the forums back up for all of us... It's been a little rough but worth the wait. Hope all goes well over the next few weeks..

Good luck and thanks again!!
My most used feature is the New Threads link. Sucks that it has to be turned off for now. :(

Thanks for the hard work!
Heh, for the scope and size of the HardForums, they still operate far better than a lot of larger message boards out there (VN comes to mind, ugh).
Thank you for your efforts in getting the forums up, and most of all thank you for letting us know what has been going on :) Now get some sleep!
My most used feature is the New Threads link. Sucks that it has to be turned off for now. :(

Thanks for the hard work!

That will be coming back. Forums are "useless" without good search features....
[H]ardforum is being run under FreeBSD.....i think i just got a semi :) :) :) :)

We moved to FreeBSD on "all" of our servers a couple years ago, except for the forum database. It and FreeBSD do not seem to get along, we will be moving back to Linux.
I can only imagine if some people were frustrated that they couldn't use the forum, the anguish you (Kyle B.) must've been going through the past couple weeks. Good luck w/ attempt #2 at upgrading. ;)
Hey, we appreciate all of your hard work. I know you guys put your hearts and soul into this site, but that still cant stop crap from happening. This place is free and one of the best resources on the web.

Dont worry about the outages, the only thing that would keep me from coming back to [H] is a ban :D
I'm glad the forum is back up. I was having withdrawls :(

Hopefully everything gets situated here shortly.

Keep your head up. People love this forum....as I know I do. Yeah it sucked while it was down, but the speed is back.

Thanks....much appreciation is due.
Just do what you do Kyle. :) We'll be here for the duration, doing what we can do to help.

Just curious, but what version of MySQL/linux distro are you going with?
we appreciate the time and effort kyle. :eek:

as far as the complaints, it just shows the forums were missed.:)
I'm just happy the forum's are up again. :)

Thanks for all the efforts you and your staff have put in!
Holy Crap Kyle i can only Imagine bro, as a Admin for several forums keeping them up , and hell even up to date can be taxing. You guys are awsome either way, i mean what you guys must have been goin thru, jees , that even may baby jesus cry a little..
figures, I haven't logged in since May, and I need to look up stuff, and no serachy

Ahh, the trials and tribulations of running your own board....I sympathize. I even tried to bypass with direct url ;)
Yes, they should have. But those few words of yours will go a long way in appeasing the masses. Things happen, and sometimes they happen far worse than expected. Thanks for the post. :)

BTW, that sounded like a complete nightmare to move all those servers. I feel your pain.

I don't think anyone felt more pain the past couple weeks than Mr. Bennett. :eek:
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