Hardly Any Adults Use Twitter

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
A new study says that only 8% of adults use Twitter. It seems that the reason Twitter seems so popular is because the 8% that tweets...tweets their asses off.

The latest findings of the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that Twitter is most popular among women, with 10 percent of those who are online tweeting versus 7 percent of men. Young adults also rated high, with 14 percent of those between the ages of 18 and 29 hip to the ways of Twitter.
Do it with mental age, and the number will drop close to 0% of adults.
I suspect if 8% of adults in america visited hardocp as frequently as they visited twitted you guys would be rolling in advertising monies. That's a huge amount of people.
Do it with mental age, and the number will drop close to 0% of adults.


Another site that will die soon enough.


I think its a fad that will die out. Its superfluous. We already have a ton of other tools that can do what it can, without the critical limitations.

As Eric Schmidt said, it's the poor mans email.
Twitter is more unique and different compared to shitty copy-cat, spamtastic facebook at least.

It's good for so much more things, especially if you have problems with comcast.... @comcastcares on twitter is pretty much the #1 way to get things fixed with comcast problems.
You mean a woman can actually say what they want to say within 140 characters?

Now that is damn suprising.
I suspect if 8% of adults in america visited hardocp as frequently as they visited twitted you guys would be rolling in advertising monies. That's a huge amount of people.

Yeah, but real adults with jobs don't have time for twatting. I barely have time to post meaningless twaddle about twitter.
it takes you that much time to type 140char? i see why you're so stifled with work, you must be a hunt-and-peck guy :D
All you old farts opposed to anything new, go walk 10 miles uphill in 5 feet of snow to make yourself feel better.
I don't use twitter, but I'm surprised no one has bought them out and "integrated" them to death. Perhaps the KISS principle keeps them going, as opposed to other web hits that grew into bloated mass and faded into obscurity.
Signed up for it because of the hype followed like 4 people then completely forgot about it.
posting 140 characters or less in an online forum is the same as Tweeting
Only 14% of young people? That sounds like "hardly any" as well.
I used it once, in the vain hope of trying to win some Bioware swag, I can't even remember my password now from a year ago, probably a good thing too with all the daily hacks hitting that waste of space.
That's an impossibility.

If you use Twitter - You're not an Adult.
That's an impossibility.

If you use Twitter - You're not an Adult.

like all those CEOs and PR reps keeping in touch with their peers or customers? it has its applications, but most idiots dont utilize it. they just hurrrr durrrr look at this picture of my breakfast i made. doesnt have much to do with the service, but its constituency...exactly like myspace, facebook, etc. people vomiting out pointless shallow garbage is the problem, not twitter.

...although i dont like twitter :)
like all those CEOs and PR reps keeping in touch with their peers or customers? it has its applications, but most idiots dont utilize it. they just hurrrr durrrr look at this picture of my breakfast i made. doesnt have much to do with the service, but its constituency...exactly like myspace, facebook, etc. people vomiting out pointless shallow garbage is the problem, not twitter.

...although i dont like twitter :)

As much as i want to disagree with this statement, it is true. Twitter does have some useful function for business. However until it adopts a less retarded name, I will stick with email. While some businesses have adopted it, most don't take it seriously.
There's only 2 useful functions for Twitter I've found.

1. Lots of companies advertise offers or sales or giveaways that only apply there.
2. Lots of women apparently don't understand that thousands of people looking at your page thoroughly enough MIGHT find something you don't want them to see.. and it's a great place for hackers to post the nude pics they find on your phone so your whole fanbase can see them (I'm looking at you Hayley Williams of Paramore)
There's only 2 useful functions for Twitter I've found.

1. Lots of companies advertise offers or sales or giveaways that only apply there.
2. Lots of women apparently don't understand that thousands of people looking at your page thoroughly enough MIGHT find something you don't want them to see.. and it's a great place for hackers to post the nude pics they find on your phone so your whole fanbase can see them (I'm looking at you Hayley Williams of Paramore)

Definitely #1. I got a twitter account for that sole purpose alone
I use Twitter, but I rarely tweet. Mostly I use the service to subscribe to updates on organizations, services, and games I'm interested in. I *don't* subscribe or 'follow' many individuals.

This serves me well in the same sense an RSS feed would but more tersely.
Zarathustra[H];1036546029 said:
All twitter users are followers :p

unlike people who post on forums. child please.

Although it's hard for some to admit, Twitter is useful.
unlike people who post on forums. child please.

Although it's hard for some to admit, Twitter is useful.

Maybe this was lost on you, but it was a pun, since Twitter users "follow" other users.

I thought it was just a little bit witty (and kind of corny). I'm sorry you didn't appreciate it :p

I signed up for a Twitter account a long time ago to see what all the hype was about, but have never used it since.

Maybe I'm just long winded, but I can not deal with anything that has character limitations. Even Facebook's 420 character limits on status updates usually piss me off.

That, and I refuse to butcher the English language in order to try to squeeze what I am trying to say in under a character limit.
Twitter would be amazing if all the local authorities used it, so I could know instantly on my phone when there is a wreck at such and such intersection, or there is a fire here, or there is a crazy fucker with a shotgun roaming the neighborhood. Nope instead its just a bullshit website where people post short links to other actual websites. Why don't I just go to the website and completely bypass twitter?
1. People all the while telling me where they are.

Why do I care?

2. I go round and rob them while they are out.

The phrase that was touted in a advert for mobile phones in the UK says it all.
