HardOCP Question on SSD

To everyone who said Intel I 100% agree. OCZ is fast, but the failure rate is insane for something to be used as a hard drive. The level of inconvenience of having a failure is simply not worth even considering.
OCZ, Intel, Crucial

Does anyone else even make SSDs (sarcasm intended)

I'm kind of surprised this is even a question.

I guess I should throw a shout out to Corsair & GSkill since I have heard some good things.
Intel's work well with Intel motherboards and drivers (I wonder why...) and they got a good rep when one of their first series spanked all the others in performance until a newer controller came out to let the others compete. sand or force or such come to mind, but I've slept since I read up on this, as I now have one of these 80 gig Intel ones in one of my main PCs...

Honestly, I don't know how their current offerings are fairing up against the others, and I'd like to see a good comparison of actual use done sometime.

Those are the brands of SSD I have purchased. I look at specs, performance, and price before brand.
A-DATA, OCZ, and Intel.

My reasons:

ADATA: I've bought two (one 64GB and one 128GB) ADATA SSD's w/Sandforce controllers in them. The 64GB was for a build I did for a friend, the other was for me. Both drives were the best bang for the buck I could find at the time, and both were relatively inexpensive compared to the competition (with the same controller and capacity). I've had other A-DATA products and I've never had a problem with them either.

OCZ: I've got a 60GB Solid2 SSD in my secondary laptop. Got it for a great price and it performs great. No problems whatsoever. OCZ also went above and beyond in helping me with a problem I had with mis-ordered memory for a desktop I built. They earned my loyalty.

Intel: I've never owned any Intel SSD's, but they're kinda the defacto standard that others are measured by. Kinda waiting to see what they release for their third gen drives before I'd spend the money on one, but I'd definitely consider buying one.
gunna sound like broken record but .. Intel, OCZ, Crucial.

If Reliability is key, it's intel.
If Performance is key, it's OCZ, or if none are available (generally deal with 180GB+ so distributors don't keep many on hand with falling prices) I'll get the Crucial that also uses sandforce.
INTEL 1,2 & 3 (2x160g) currently own
They get my vote by default because I havn't tried others yet.
Currently Raid 0 (wish they had trim support :-( )
Intel, Corsair, ...??

? maybe WD//kingston//on-sale// dunno
Intel, OCZ and Corsair

I have Intel and OCZ SSD's already, they work great. I'm a bit biased toward Corsair, as they have so many other good products. My next SSD will probably be Corsair...
intel, corsair, kingston

although i've had a lot of issues with crucial memory over the years, i have 4 of thier SSDs and they run like a top...

the only other SSD i own is a toshiba, probably rebranded as something else...

kingston has pretty much never let me down in the memory department, so i don't feel you can go wrong with them... although usually not synonymous with performance...