Hardware/display for gaming


Mar 8, 2008
Hi guys, I need a bit of help.

Right now I have the NEC 20WMGX2 with a 9600gt graphics card. I can play everything decently on native resolution. But decent really isn't good enough. I'd like to play with high or Ultra high settings. I plan on getting a new graphics card, but I'm a bit unsure about what to get.

Also, I'd like to replace the 20WMGX2 with a new 22" or 24" monitor. My question is what would be the best display/gfx card combo? How fancy a graphics card would I need to play games with high-ultra high settings and with 1920 x 1200?

I'm thinking about either getting a Dell 2408WFP or Dell 2209WA. And I'd like to just get one graphics card (no SLI).

Edit: And another question: How much better is 1920 x 1200 over 1680 x 1050 in gaming?
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The characters and background look in greater detail the higher resolution you go.
Higher resolution requires a beefier setup.

How great a difference? That's subjective to the viewer based on how much you are willing to spend. If a higher resolution requires lower settings in the game options, a lower resolution that allows higher/max eyecandy is preferred.

A HD 4870 or 260GTX are priced low enough, that many are able to enjoy max settings on most games.
With either, make sure your PSU is up to snuff.

List your system specs and games you might be thinking of trying to max out.
Thanks for the response.

I have Q6700 at stock speed (though not for long)
4 gigs RAM
PSU is Corsair VX550W
9600gt gfx card.

Games: elder scrolls 4, Mass Effect, Fallout 3, The Witcher.

Would ATI 4890 be good enough?
Yes a 4890 would be a great choice and wouldn't break the bank for the perfomance boost.
I've read the 2408WFP had input lag the 2407WFP didn't. I've not seen anything good or bad about the 2209WA.
Might be worth doing a search for reviews and owner feedback for a better idea of what to expect from either monitor.
I've been using an LG Flatron L227WTG 22" LCD for a few months and love it. 22" may not be what you're looking for, though.
I would go for a good 24" panel, most 22" panels are still TN which are really crap quality, try and shoot for a PVA variant or if you have the cash an IPS variant, 1920x1200 is a good resolution to power with a single powerful card like a GTX280 or a 4970X2

Thats a pretty sweet setup, few people have better.