Hardware RAID card suggestion


Apr 10, 2005
I am needing a hardware RAID card for 4 SATA hard drives. I will be using Linux and software raid is just too much trouble. It doesn't seem like it plays well with failures and drive swapping either. I will probably configure the drives as Raid 10 (1+0). I want to be able to boot up to the Ubuntu installer and see 1 drive listed, which is what a hardware RAID controller would take care of (I think). Motherboard is an Asus P5BV-E, Intel 3200 chipset.

Any suggestions on a card? $300 or less. I see mention of the Dell Perc5/i, but I look on Ebay and see 15 different ones. Is this the one that everyone suggests when they mention Perc5/i? http://cgi.ebay.com/Dell-Perc5-i-PCI-E-SAS-RAID-Card-256MB-w-Battery-WX072_W0QQitemZ360127206633QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item360127206633&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1205|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50
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Perc5 are ok
I didn't really like it, but for the money you can't get anything better.

What is your budget?
Perc5 are ok
I didn't really like it, but for the money you can't get anything better.

What is your budget?

I'd like to do no more than $300. That really doesn't give me much headroom, I know.. but money is tight around here.
If you're only doing RAID 10 (as opposed to RAID 5), go with the Adaptec 2405. If you may want to do RAID 5 in the future, the Arecan 1210 and Adaptec 3405 are around $300 on Newegg.
I think I may go ahead and spring for the Areca 1210. I have heard bad things about the newer Adaptec.
Yea I have an Adaptec 31205 and its great, but I need more ports now so Im upgrading.

Slow performance, incompatibility with hard drives, etc. All of these can be resolved with firmware though.. and likely has been.

Edit: I also notice that the Areca 1210 has issues with VMware. I will go ahead and spend the extra 40 bucks on the Adaptec. It does what I need and also is in the VMware HCL. Thanks guys.