Has anybody heard any news about Fable 3?

There's no word on when it might come, but they did recently confirm that it was still in the works. I've heard it isn't a particularly great game anyway, so it's not like we're missing out on something special... maybe you should rent it on the 360 if you have one or something.
Dear god I hope they fix some of the endgame bullshit before releasing this to PC gamers.
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Yeah, I have to agree that I've been waiting patiently for this PC port. The first game was excellent!
Yesh, what is so special with May 17th? We got Brink, The Witcher 2, L.A. Noire, and now Fable 3 on the same date.

Nice observation. I sure hope that that LA Noire makes it to the PC. Rockstar, of all developers, seems to be abandoning the PC.

Normally, Brink, The Witcher 2, and Fable 3 would all be day one's for me.
I want to know what the DLC situation is going to be. Is MS going to force us to buy all the DLC, will some of it be included, will we have the chance to get it at all?
This DLC issue is cropping up with EVERY game.

I wish that the developers had never even thought up the idea. Gamers are now bitching about every game's DLC schedule, and are using it as an excuse to trash games they haven't even played.

One person in another thread was pissed off that Dragon Age - a game that was a commercial and a critical success, and easily provided over 60 hours of gameplay for the average gamer - was a shambles. And why was it a shambles? Apparently because Bioware, instead of pumping out all of the 'promised' DLC, had decided instead to invest its resources in creating a second title. That is just so stupid on so many levels.

We saw the same thing with Dead Space 2 just recently - just wall to wall bitching about some liitle piece of DLC which most people knew nothing about. Dead Space 2 is a great game - just shut up about the DLC and enjoy what's being offered.

Besides all that, the vast majority of DLC is almost never as worthy as the main game anyhow - about the only DLC I've ever played that was worthy of the main game was Point Lookout. This issue crosses over into the Twilight Zone when people start advancing the idea that the sequel for a game should itself be available as free DLC. The idea that Left 4 Dead 2 should have been free makes me want to hurl and just... give up on the Internet.

Let's just be glad that Fable 3 is coming to the PC. This is a title that I just wasn't even remotely expecting to see on this platform. There comes a time when you just have to be grateful for what you're getting rather than focusing on the little things that you haven't got.
This DLC issue is cropping up with EVERY game.

I wish that the developers had never even thought up the idea. Gamers are now bitching about every game's DLC schedule, and are using it as an excuse to trash games they haven't even played.

One person in another thread was pissed off that Dragon Age - a game that was a commercial and a critical success, and easily provided over 60 hours of gameplay for the average gamer - was a shambles. And why was it a shambles? Apparently because Bioware, instead of pumping out all of the 'promised' DLC, had decided instead to invest its resources in creating a second title. That is just so stupid on so many levels.

We saw the same thing with Dead Space 2 just recently - just wall to wall bitching about some liitle piece of DLC which most people knew nothing about. Dead Space 2 is a great game - just shut up about the DLC and enjoy what's being offered.

Besides all that, the vast majority of DLC is almost never as worthy as the main game anyhow - about the only DLC I've ever played that was worthy of the main game was Point Lookout. This issue crosses over into the Twilight Zone when people start advancing the idea that the sequel for a game should itself be available as free DLC. The idea that Left 4 Dead 2 should have been free makes me want to hurl and just... give up on the Internet.

Let's just be glad that Fable 3 is coming to the PC. This is a title that I just wasn't even remotely expecting to see on this platform. There comes a time when you just have to be grateful for what you're getting rather than focusing on the little things that you haven't got.

I agree with most of what you said but I am not going to kiss MSFT's ass just because they are bringing out a game for the PC 2 or 3 years after the fact. It should have been released along side the 360 version. Since afterall Microsoft cares so much about the PC as a gaming platform amirite? Nah I agree with the other poster here. I'll buy this on steam or gfw later this year for dirt cheap or I'll pass on it all together. I wanted to play this game 2 years ago not get thrown a bone now. I'm supposed to be happy about that? You can if you want too and I'll buy something else.
I agree with most of what you said but I am not going to kiss MSFT's ass just because they are bringing out a game for the PC 2 or 3 years after the fact. It should have been released along side the 360 version. Since afterall Microsoft cares so much about the PC as a gaming platform amirite? Nah I agree with the other poster here. I'll buy this on steam or gfw later this year for dirt cheap or I'll pass on it all together. I wanted to play this game 2 years ago not get thrown a bone now. I'm supposed to be happy about that? You can if you want too and I'll buy something else.

It hasn't even been two year since it came out. May will be around a half. Which is why I posed the question about DLC, especially due to making us wait that long for a version that was announced near the release of the console version.
I agree with most of what you said but I am not going to kiss MSFT's ass just because they are bringing out a game for the PC 2 or 3 years after the fact. It should have been released along side the 360 version. Since afterall Microsoft cares so much about the PC as a gaming platform amirite? Nah I agree with the other poster here. I'll buy this on steam or gfw later this year for dirt cheap or I'll pass on it all together. I wanted to play this game 2 years ago not get thrown a bone now. I'm supposed to be happy about that? You can if you want too and I'll buy something else.

You are confusing 2 with 3. Fable 3 came out last October for 360.
You are confusing 2 with 3. Fable 3 came out last October for 360.

Ahh ok then my bad. I think your right. Just pisses me off when I see us get releases so late or never and then we're somehow supposed to be happy that we are even getting it. Just irks me. I stand corrected. :p
Ahh ok then my bad. I think your right. Just pisses me off when I see us get releases so late or never and then we're somehow supposed to be happy that we are even getting it. Just irks me. I stand corrected. :p

Honestly I played Fable 2 over at a friends house and wasn't impressed plus the fact that I already have a ton of rpg's to play means that buying new games is very low on my list.

Actually I'm pretty sure I'm only going to buy Duke Nukem Forever and Elder Scrolls V this year. I'll buy the Witcher 2 but only after I beat the first one.
If this title hits Steam under 20$ I will buy it, otherwise pass.

I can see why you would say that, but for me, no matter the price, this has got summer written all over it.

I also just like the idea of this game. It's cartoony and light, in a Torchlight kind of way, except the production values are obviously way higher. This is a title which, in my opinion, you don't want to over-think too much.