Has anybody played ME2 on the 360?

Oct 2, 2001
Or has everybody gone the PC route? That's all of the discussion I can find from non blocked at work sites. Whining about the consolization of ME2.

I was planning on getting this for the 360 as I have a 100" screen to play on :)
Most people on this site probably bought the PC version. Also there is barely any whining about "consolization" because the game is awesome.
I bought the PC version for myself and have enjoyed it thoroughly. I did get my cousin the 360 version as a gift, he says it's one of the best games he's played in a while. Why would anyone complain about it being on a console though? 0_o I mean they developed it on a PC and there's the bonus of not needing to change discs when playing on a PC. I'd say it's really just a great sales strategy by Bio-Ware/EA to make it more available to those who don't have a "gaming" computer.

Anyways that's my two cents,
It is higher rated on the Xbox 360 on both Metacritic and Gamerankings (although not by alot, like 95 vs 96).
I have it on the 360 as I wanted to import my character from the first game.
The normal in-game graphics are cleaner and there's far less pop-up. Facial close-ups pretty much look the same, although several characters look cross-eyed.
Gameplay is good...although I can't seem to find out how setting macros for your team's powers actually work. They mapped those to L and R on the d-pad...which is the same command for telling your people where to go. One of the downfalls of playing the console version I guess :p
If you liked the first, you'll like this one.
I'm playing it on the 360 and loving it. I think the planet scan mini game is probably easier with the controller vs the mouse.

The normal in-game graphics are cleaner and there's far less pop-up. Facial close-ups pretty much look the same, although several characters look cross-eyed.

If you liked the first, you'll like this one.

I'm glad I'm not the ONLY person who thought that. It's weird, sometimes it isn't noticeable, then other times it's like OMG, that is weirding me out... LOL
Im playing it on the 360, also I've already had multiple bad days at work thanks to this game.....

...although I can't seem to find out how setting macros for your team's powers actually work. They mapped those to L and R on the d-pad...which is the same command for telling your people where to go. One of the downfalls of playing the console version I guess :p
If you liked the first, you'll like this one.

When you have an enemy in your crosshairs push left or right on the dpad to use the associated power. Your team will only move if you are pointing to the floor or to cover.
I have it for X360 as well. I went with X360 for the achievements, but will probably pick up the PC version on steam down the line to enjoy the graphics. So far I'm loving the game. They definitely took care of my gripes with the first one.
37 hours on 360 since it came out (that's while working full time) i think i have a problem.

it's bad because i'm already thinking about my next playthrough
I have it on the 360 and love it. To anyone who has either beat the game or thinks they are close, how long is the first run through taking you? I finished the first one with doing damn near all of the side quests in a hair over 30 hours. I am hoping this one is much longer due to there being 2 disks. I am about 11 hours into it so far and love the game. All of the gripes I had about the first one are pretty much gone. The inventory system being my biggest gripe.
I don't think "consolized" is the right word for ME2. It's more action and less RPG than ME1 to be sure, but I don't think that has anything to do with it being on the 360. After all, the 1st game had the 360 as the lead platform as well. Rather, I think it's moved more towards RGP-lite for a number of other reasons, not the least of which is that it's just better that way.

I realize that a lot of people will take exception to that last statement, because what they really want is a hardcore RPG set in this type of universe. But I don't think that it's Mass Effect's job to fill that role. If you look at the first and second game side by side, I think it's pretty clear that the 2nd one does a much better job of meshing the shooter and RPG aspects together to form something cohesive and enjoyable. And I think that it's pretty clear that a lot of that was accomplished by moving the balance of the game away from some of the more hardcore RPG elements, and putting more effort into fleshing out the action elements.
I think Itchy's right. It's far more of a shooter than the first game. They put a lot more time into the shooting mechanics and they all but removed the inventory system.
It's still very much an RPG in terms of the plot and the fact that you're playing a character, but the gameplay is action oriented.
The only thing I truly don't like is your AI squad. For me they're either idiots lagging around or if I control them by hand they don't seem to want to do anything BUT what I tell them to do. Give me the AI for the first L4D. Now THOSE were some helpful teammates.