Has anyone gotten Windows running on a Mac Mini?


Oct 29, 2006
Have you had any problems installing it? Any drivers/instability issues?
I want to make sure it's going to work flawlessly before I go buy a Mac Mini.
My dad has one and he has parallels desktop he's going to be installing it soon, I'll let you know how it goes
I'm sure you'd find more than a few results with a google search.
IntelOwnz said:
Anyone gotten it running using Boot Camp?

I have to ask. Why do you think it wouldn't work?

I did a quick search on google and got a ton of hits. Also, people use BootCamp on MacBooks which contain essentially the same hardware.

For what it's worth, I'm using BootCamp on my MacBook Pro and it works just fine.
Just the whole thought of windows running on a mac doesn't make sense...
i understand it's all intel hardware x86 hardware, but still, i want to fully confirm there isn't any problems before I go spend $600 and try to install windows to it.
IntelOwnz said:
Just the whole thought of windows running on a mac doesn't make sense...
i understand it's all intel hardware x86 hardware, but still, i want to fully confirm there isn't any problems before I go spend $600 and try to install windows to it.
There seem to be no problems once you install the included drivers.

My Dad had a few problems with his MacBook (the trackpad drivers wouldn't allow taps to register as clicks, and there was no two-finger scrolling), but that was fixed in one of the newest updates.

If you don't like BootCamp, you can try out Parallels.
IntelOwnz said:
Just the whole thought of windows running on a mac doesn't make sense...
i understand it's all intel hardware x86 hardware, but still, i want to fully confirm there isn't any problems before I go spend $600 and try to install windows to it.

apple advertises that it should work fine. dont worry, it will work. On my macbook, all the hardware and special features (isight camera, trackpad, even two finger scrolling) work under windows.
Ok, cool, thanks guys!
I'll prob be buying one on saturday and if it works I'll be going back for a second one.
I basically need very small, windows boxes that put off almost no heat and use little electricity.

Thanks guys!

Board Closed!
I wouldn't drop so much money on a mac if you're just going to run windows.

waste of a mac.
I won't...

We're talking a Mac Mini 1.5ghz Intel Solo w/ 512mb ram for $350 includes a three year AppleCare warranty.

Getting it from my work for that price, it's been discontinued and discounted.
But it's brand new still in box sealed up.
IntelOwnz said:
I won't...

We're talking a Mac Mini 1.5ghz Intel Solo w/ 512mb ram for $350 includes a three year AppleCare warranty.

Getting it from my work for that price, it's been discontinued and discounted.
But it's brand new still in box sealed up.

good deal, it's going to be a sweet machine, but i bet you find stuff you like in os x that makes you stay away from windows. give it a try for a while, you'll like it i'm sure.
I love macosx but I just need to set these up as windows stations for my little bros to do some light gaming on, homework, etc.

If there was a mac version of the games they play I would def stay with mac
You aren't going to be playing much more the Reader Rabbit on a Mac Mini, just a FYI.

The integrated video is trash.
taylorwilsdon said:
You aren't going to be playing much more the Reader Rabbit on a Mac Mini, just a FYI.

The integrated video is trash.

It seems to do fine for everything except gaming. I watch videos and do everything else OS X has to offer just fine on my MacBook. Integrated video isn't trash, it's just not for gaming, everybody knows it, it's a budget option for people who won't be gaming. It also saves a lot of battery life.

If you game on Mac hardware you have to pony up and pay the extra, just like if you were gaming on a PC.
Optional87 said:
It seems to do fine for everything except gaming. I watch videos and do everything else OS X has to offer just fine on my MacBook. Integrated video isn't trash, it's just not for gaming, everybody knows it, it's a budget option for people who won't be gaming. It also saves a lot of battery life.

If you game on Mac hardware you have to pony up and pay the extra, just like if you were gaming on a PC.

agreed...the integreted video in macbooks and mac minis is just fine for all of OS X's special effects.....
I have a Macbook, chill. I know what I'm talking about - it handles OSX fine, it just won't game - he said he was going to be gaming on it, so I commented.
taylorwilsdon said:
I have a Macbook, chill. I know what I'm talking about - it handles OSX fine, it just won't game - he said he was going to be gaming on it, so I commented.

right, gotcha, his "light gaming" didn't register as anything mission critical to me though so i just assumed he knew what he was getting into with an integrated graphics chipset.
tsn | spazz said:
I can play WC3 very well on my Macbook.

You guys are asking for too much.

Oh yeah I have WC3+FT installed on mine as well and I play that from time to time too, it works well enough, and WoW can play with medium settings at mative res as well so I have no complaints really for gaming, it does enough to keep me entertained with gaming, but I use my consoles mainly for games anyway.