Has Nintendo waited to long to reveal Revolution?

WickedAngel said:
The insanity effects were a nice touch. It's too bad that they didn't do more with the series.

It's all pure conjecture, but maybe that's what they've got planned this go-round. :) Doing more with what they're seeing people are wanting.

The Xbox does not have better graphics than the GC... the pop-up I find in every xbox game is purely annoying - while I don't have that problem in the GC.

Nintendo puts out very solid consoles. Between Sony's overheating, and the Xbox's power cords/dvd drives, I have NEVER had ANYONE complain that something from Nintendo didn't work.

The hardware is NO problem for Nintendo - EVERYONE'S problem, is the severe lack of titles that we (the more adult oriented community that dominates the gaming genre) on their system. That, and the online gameplay.

If they nail both of those down on the Revolution, PLUS backward compatibility, I think they have a winner.

Nintendo needs to get some 'gotta have' games on the Revolution (ala Halo, or the Final Fantasy series)
Doward said:
It's all pure conjecture, but maybe that's what they've got planned this go-round. :) Doing more with what they're seeing people are wanting.

The Xbox does not have better graphics than the GC... the pop-up I find in every xbox game is purely annoying - while I don't have that problem in the GC.

Nintendo puts out very solid consoles. Between Sony's overheating, and the Xbox's power cords/dvd drives, I have NEVER had ANYONE complain that something from Nintendo didn't work.

The hardware is NO problem for Nintendo - EVERYONE'S problem, is the severe lack of titles that we (the more adult oriented community that dominates the gaming genre) on their system. That, and the online gameplay.

If they nail both of those down on the Revolution, PLUS backward compatibility, I think they have a winner.

Nintendo needs to get some 'gotta have' games on the Revolution (ala Halo, or the Final Fantasy series)

Nintendo stated they would have Super Smash Brothers with online capabilities at the release of the Revolution.

That alone makes the Rev pay for itself.
retardedchicken said:
Nintendo stated they would have Super Smash Brothers with online capabilities at the release of the Revolution.

That alone makes the Rev pay for itself.

Um no, nintendo should have had online this generation like everyone else. It's funny how you act like online gaming is something amazing.
One thing I'm finding interesting is that if you look back at the history of consoles, Sony and Microsoft might be making some huge mistakes. Everyone claims Nintendo is going the way of Sega, but think about this.

Sega releases the Saturn to compete with the PS1. Here is the problem though, they rush its release with no games for months. Plus it's too expensive and too hard to develope for. In a rush to beef it up to compete with the PS1, they had to use too many off the shelf parts instead of cheap and slick integrated ones. Then, they abandoned it early and there was a huge gap between when support for the Saturn died, and the Dreamcast appeared.

I'd say you can throw these mistakes (possibly) into both MS's, Sony's and Nintendo's camps now. Microsoft could be doing a rushed release. Sony clearly has the pricing issue to work with, and Nintendo sure is screwing Gamecube users early (I hear Zelda will be their LAST game for the GC, and with no 3rd party support...) Although to their credit, MS had playable games at E3 (although most people said they didn't look much better than X-Box games), and Sony is well... Sony. And another thing, one aspect which eroded Nintendo's user base was $60-$70 games during the N64 period. Well most reports indicate that first party titles on the PS3 and X-Box will hit that mark yet again.

Personally the only console I might pick up right away is the Revolution. Full backwards compatibility is just too nice to have. Plus I'm looking forward to any future Metroid, Pikmin and Zelda games. Not so much on the Mario.

And also, hard to tell how much this will even matter, but the CPU's in the PS3 and X-Box 360 are supposed to have terrible performance executing gameplay code. It's been a while since I read about this, but the PowerPC chips and the Cell chips have horrendous out of order intruction execution. Sadly, this is what composes 99% of code relating to gameplay. Visual, sound and networking code is all very straightforward, but gameplay code can often times be a mess. Now I've heard people claim this will make complex games too hard to make for the PS3 and X-Box 360, since they will require special programming practices. But then again, when the 2 biggest consoles both have the same supposed limitation, you kind of wonder if that will force any developers to the Revolution, or if they'll just grit their teeth and take it instead. Or if its even the problem some people claim it is.
I'd know I'm getting myself a PS3 for the one game I simply can't live without....DDR (and maybe some other titles too :p) !!! Damn it, I think it would be a revolution in itself if nintendo got konami to make ddr titles for their new console, or even the gamecube :D
Considering it isn't out till next year I'll say they haven't waited too long... They're advertising and getting the word out about current affairs which makes much more sense to me, eg> Zelda: Twilight Princess, DS online cinema ads etc. But from what I know about the next 3 consoles, the Rev has me most interested, the backwards compatibilty was great news. In relation to that they might be updating the graphics on the old titles while leaving the gameplay identical, plus they're trying to include online play into the back cataloge. Then there's Smash Bros online at launch, along with an online Final Fantasy title, launch line-ups usually don't do anything for me but this seems pretty sweet so far. Online play is free, and not just on weekends... I'll be looking into the 360 mainly for Perfect Dark. Sony's E³ press conference actually put me off the PS3, too much tripe, did they even mention the PS2 or PSP?

bjork said:
they say they don't want to post a picture of the controller, but that's bullshit. Their main reason is that they don't want anyone to copy it? Microsoft and Sony have BOTH ALREADY shown their controllers. what are theygoing to do? see the nintendo one and OH MY GOD BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD!

i doubt it.

Was that a joke? we've seen prototype controllers so far so they could easily change, especially the PS3 one. And even if they are final, Sony released a new controller mid console life cycle to compete with innovations Nintendo brought to the table.
Namork said:
One thing I'm finding interesting is that if you look back at the history of consoles, Sony and Microsoft might be making some huge mistakes. Everyone claims Nintendo is going the way of Sony(SEGA!), but think about this.

Sony (SEGA!) releases the Saturn to compete with the PS1. Here is the problem though, they rush its release with no games for months. Plus it's too expensive and too hard to develope for. In a rush to beef it up to compete with the PS1, they had to use too many off the shelf parts instead of cheap and slick integrated ones. Then, they abandoned it early and there was a huge gap between when support for the Saturn died, and the Dreamcast appeared.

I'd say you can throw these mistakes (possibly) into both MS's, Sony's and Nintendo's camps now. Microsoft could be doing a rushed release. Sony clearly has the pricing issue to work with, and Nintendo sure is screwing Gamecube users early (I hear Zelda will be their LAST game for the GC, and with no 3rd party support...) Although to their credit, MS had playable games at E3 (although most people said they didn't look much better than X-Box games), and Sony is well... Sony. And another thing, one aspect which eroded Nintendo's user base was $60-$70 games during the N64 period. Well most reports indicate that first party titles on the PS3 and X-Box will hit that mark yet again.

Personally the only console I might pick up right away is the Revolution. Full backwards compatibility is just too nice to have. Plus I'm looking forward to any future Metroid, Pikmin and Zelda games. Not so much on the Mario.

And also, hard to tell how much this will even matter, but the CPU's in the PS3 and X-Box 360 are supposed to have terrible performance executing gameplay code. It's been a while since I read about this, but the PowerPC chips and the Cell chips have horrendous out of order intruction execution. Sadly, this is what composes 99% of code relating to gameplay. Visual, sound and networking code is all very straightforward, but gameplay code can often times be a mess. Now I've heard people claim this will make complex games too hard to make for the PS3 and X-Box 360, since they will require special programming practices. But then again, when the 2 biggest consoles both have the same supposed limitation, you kind of wonder if that will force any developers to the Revolution, or if they'll just grit their teeth and take it instead. Or if its even the problem some people claim it is.
Sorry for the corrections, but I couldnt let the SEGA/Sony thing pass. Im not sure if I corrected them all. After your (SEGA!) blunders above, I have a hard time believing anything in the rest of your post. Besides, you dont make much sense.
Smiffy said:
Was that a joke? we've seen prototype controllers so far so they could easily change, especially the PS3 one. And even if they are final, Sony released a new controller mid console life cycle to compete with innovations Nintendo brought to the table.
Heh... thats the one they got sued for, right?
Luke_Skywalker said:
Um no, nintendo should have had online this generation like everyone else. It's funny how you act like online gaming is something amazing.

Are you the same luke_skywalker from genmay?

Anyway, I never said online gaming was OMG TEH UBER just because its going to be on the Revolution, I said SUPER SMASH BROTHERS ONLINE will easily be worth buying the Revolution. Not that you would get it, you already emulate all of Nintendo's games on your xbox.
i doubt the revolution will be a gigantic hit, but i will buy one, PS3 and XboX 360 dont have any of the games i grew up with, aka Zelda, Mario, Metroid, hell even Kid Icarus, Megaman, although the PS has megaman i prefer the pre X5 megaman, and DDR is actually out for GBA, which i play when im bored on my emulator, i hope though they will come out with some new franchise games as many have said "ala Halo" or at least market some games such as the GTA series, since that series floated to the X but nintendo wouldnt have it. I think theyll survive this, but im starting to doubt how their family values attitude towards the games they put out, aka not putting GTA although they did do the Resident Evil series, will affect their sales.
Rune75 said:
Sorry for the corrections, but I couldnt let the SEGA/Sony thing pass. Im not sure if I corrected them all. After your (SEGA!) blunders above, I have a hard time believing anything in the rest of your post. Besides, you dont make much sense.

Haha, you got me there, shows what I get for posting too early in the morning. Don't let that allow you to dismiss me though.
I think what everyone is missing here is that the Rev is NOT being geared towards the hardcore gamers. It's geared for the mainstream.

My wife doesn't play games. She absolutely hates the new graphics and 'complicated' controllers. When I told her about the Rev, her first response was that we're getting one for the main TV(my consoles are hooked up to the TV in my office). Nintendo has realized that gaming culture itself has become a niche market, read males 18-34.

As a young (25) working professional with a family, house, and a crap load of responsibility; I've found that I no longer spend a lot of time gaming. As a result, I've gotten quite a bit of enjoyment lately out of games like psychonauts and PoP. I simply don't have time to invest 40-60 hours in a game any more. I consider myself lucky to be able to sit down for an hour a day for gaming, tv, or any other hobby.


ps. I feel that I should also comment on the current 'mature content' craze. I simply don't understand why people (read males 10-16) are so engrossed by this. Why is it that a game is suddenly better if it has vulgarity and violence? Why is it that these qualities will make a craptacular game great?
Sometimes a desire for a more 'mature' game doesn't necessarily mean more blood and gore. Take for instance Shadow of Colossus. I am anxiously looking forward to it this fall, more so than I am looking forward to Zelda: Twilight Princess. Neither should have excessive blood, gore, or vulgarities, but I can expect Zelda to be less 'serious'. If nothing else, I can expect comic relief. Chances of seeing any comedy in Shadow of Colossus, based upon experience with ICO. 0. That's sort of the difference in mature content and otherwise, from my perspective.

Anyway, I'm not even included in your generalization, being 23, but I thought I would bring it up. I do completely agree with you on Nintendo's target audience. I believe Sony and MS are attempting to target these audiences as well, but via different methods. MS seems to be interested in developing a gaming social hub of sorts, while Sony seems geared toward developing an all in one entertainment box. In both cases, it doesn't seem like they have much intent on marketing games to the mainstream. Nothing necessarily wrong with any of these aproaches. Just pointing out an observation.
ShadowFyre said:
ps. I feel that I should also comment on the current 'mature content' craze. I simply don't understand why people (read males 10-16) are so engrossed by this. Why is it that a game is suddenly better if it has vulgarity and violence? Why is it that these qualities will make a craptacular game great?

Because you misunderstand "mature content."

To analogize, Nintendo is offering Mother Goose to a market that wants Shakespeare.
Terpfen said:
Because you misunderstand "mature content."

To analogize, Nintendo is offering Mother Goose to a market that wants Shakespeare.

zelda is alot closer to shakespeare than halo, ect. ever will be
mature content is violence, swearing and nudity.

what does that have to do w/ how serious a game is?

metal gear solid is not very childish or comedic and it has been on the GC for a while now

maybe if everyone wasnt like "WTF nintendo is for kids cause it dont have GTA!!!!!!" your argument would make more sense

or maybe im misreading you and you want NINTENDO franchises to be more mature, and what you really want is "Mario Killstreak or Peach Erotica RPG"
ryanrule said:
zelda is alot closer to shakespeare than halo, ect. ever will be

No, it isn't. Halo's story does kind of suck, however, I agree. But "Ganon kidnapped the princess, now deal with the goofy antics of the IQ80 cititzens of Hyrule in your attempt to save her" does not Shakespeare make.

We need more games like Final Fantasy Tactics, though without its story's convolution.

Deadguy said:
mature content is violence, swearing and nudity.

That's gratuitous content, not mature content. A game must not be like GTA to be mature.

As for MGS: Twin Snakes, it's great that a Nintendo console has an update of a game I've already beaten six years ago. Had the GC gotten MGS3, however, that would've been a step in the right direction.
alright then how bout this, esrb says mature = violence/nudity/foul language, so theres goes that

can you guess which console has the highest percentage of M rated games??

ooooh burn, its nintendo gamecube at 12% of their total library, compared to xbox@5% ps2@6% and [email protected]%

now that is an interesting fact if i ever saw one :)
Deadguy said:
alright then how bout this, esrb says mature = violence/nudity/foul language, so theres goes that

That's nice for the ESRB, given that they need to produce some kind of definition for each of their ratings. Rating a game M for "has a story like Hamlet's" wouldn't exactly work very well, especially since the ratings are PR more than anything else.
im just trying to point out that whenever people think of a mature game something like gta pops into their head

im trying to think now, just how many "mature" games dont have the aformentioned properties?
Deadguy said:
im just trying to point out that whenever people think of a mature game something like gta pops into their head

And that's their fault. If they want violence and swearing, they should just say so. Just because a misconception is popular doesn't mean it's true.
It is that mentality which results in such disproportionate results. We don't want RATED mature games, we want mature games. Not that I am complaining about Nintendo's line-up, but from my perspective of mature, I am concerned with material that likely would not be of interest to a child. Slow, difficult, and thought oriented, rather than action oriented slaughter fests. The example I illustrated first could just as well be rated E, but would not be a game children will play. Ratings are irrelevant to the people who CAN buy "mature" games. If THEY say they want mature software, it means they want adult oriented content, not a mature rating. There IS a difference. If you can't understand what the difference is, I am truely sorry. I can't explain it any better.
its not a misconception..... gta is a pretty mature game

anyway, quit arguing w/ me and name me some "quasi-mature" games that arent available on the gc

edit: i understand what youre saying, basically something that a kid would be disinterested in or would be of such a high intelligence factor that a child simply couldnt play it

but how many games are really like that? im seriously wondering since i might want to play some :)
Deadguy said:
its not a misconception..... gta is a pretty mature game

GTA is mature in spite of its violence, not because of it. Hell, if you want to really get technical, GTA isn't mature because its games carry an anti-drug message.
Yes, I agree there is a difference between a Mature-rated game, and a game that has Mature content.

The reason that Nintendo doesn't have so many 'gotta have' games (and lets face it folks - the games sell the hardware) is because they have held on to the cutesy-cartoon look that we all grew up with.

Nintendo has not grown with us.

I think Nintendo has realized that, and after 2 consoles of catching up - I think they'll actually be fighting it out this next go round!
Broken Sword 3: Sleeping Dragon (was on PC) is a decent example. Modern adventure game. No combat. No button mashing. I'll bring it up because it took priority on consoles, if I recall. Still didn't do terribly well.

Ico. I can't see my nephew picking this thing up and having fun with it. If the running and jumping did occupy him for a few hours, there is an entire dynamic of relating to the characters in game which would likely elude him entirely. Of course, the little dude is only 5, but let's just say the element of having to lead an AI driven character through the game world isn't particularly childish. Esspecially not in it's execution.

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy. It seems reasonably cartoony, but there isn't a lot of action in the game. In fact, the game is split into two gameplay types. 1 where you play as a Sphinx, which is pretty standard Zelda gameplay, and 2 where you play as the mummy. You are an immortal being, so there isn't any dieing, but likewise, it would make combat very stale. On that note, there is no combat. Just puzzle solving. Some of which had me stumped for a good while, and even when you do figure out what you need to do, there is a fair bit of cordination involved. Again, I can't see my nephew deriving a sense of satisfaction from solving and executing the puzzle. Now, the devices of leathlity the mummy has to use to solve puzzles (setting himself on fire, getting sliced into multiple mummies by blades) may be construe as mature content according to the ESRB, but it's the basics of the gameplay I am considering. :)

Splinter Cell. There is a whole dynamic of being the fly on the wall in these games, but it necessitates you to not kill kill kill. It's not the best of examples, but it is a good example of how even when breaking people's necks are a part of the game design, they don't have to be gruesome. If is lacking a bit for anyone who wants a more involved story or characters, but still pretty decent. Again, they were all released for PC, though, so sorry for bringing 'em up. :D

The Suikoden series is half decent. Sort of along the lines of Tactics, as Terpfen mentioned, but notably more lighthearted. These I would say are reasonable as "Everyone" games, according to the ESRB, though I believe they have all been rated T. Regardless, the plots are political in nature, and most of the character interaction is anything but juvenile. 1 and 2 are for the PS1. I recommend them over 3 and 4, although I believe 3 is more fitting with mature themes in there series, but from a gameplay perspective exclusively, it isn't as accessible. :) Oh, and 4 is just crap. :D

Alrighty... I think that covers some good examples. A few the illustrate pure gameplay that isn't necessarily accessible to juvenile minds. A few with plots/characters that would probably go over the heads of younger audiences, and one that borders on 'text book' maturity, but illustrates some alternitives. I most all cases the games' ratings are irrelevent, but content or gameplay would probably disinterest younger gamers.
ahhh ya got me............ got me laughin at ya ahhahahahahh J/K

yeah gta is about crime so it would be mature (not intellectual, but mature) although i dont think such a frachise would hold its head above water if it werent for the shock value of the gratuitous content

but quit dodging my challenge, i agree that there arent many gc mature type game that dont have blood, swearing and boobs.

but if everybody and their mom is using the "kiddy" nintendo excuse then what kind of games are gc owners missing out on?

edit: splinter cell and sphinx are both available for the gc, and suikoden is an anime rpg and if those count, then the gc can kick some ass in that department as well

and the gc has plenty of gotta have games, you just may have to shed that "gangsta" exterior to play some of them :)
Dope. I read GC as PC. My bad. Either way, I'm getting caught in the middle of a Nintendo is kiddy war, which I'm reasonably indifferent on.
Deadguy said:
ahhh ya got me............ got me laughin at ya ahhahahahahh J/K

yeah gta is about crime so it would be mature (not intellectual, but mature) although i dont think such a frachise would hold its head above water if it werent for the shock value of the gratuitous content

but quit dodging my challenge, i agree that there arent many gc mature type game that dont have blood, swearing and boobs.

but if everybody and their mom is using the "kiddy" nintendo excuse then what kind of games are gc owners missing out on?

edit: splinter cell and sphinx are both available for the gc, and suikoden is an anime rpg and if those count, then the gc can kick some ass in that department as well

and the gc has plenty of gotta have games, you just may have to shed that "gangsta" exterior to play some of them :)

It takes a real man to play all the way through Super Mario Sunshine :cool:
retardedchicken said:
It takes a real man to play all the way through Super Mario Sunshine :cool:

I can't find the last six shines God damnit.

Anyways, mature titles aren't simply about gore (And if you think so then you're...well, the opposite of . It's about the atmosphere and environment. I don't always want to go into a game that is bright and happy; sometimes I want realism. The world we live in isn't always pretty, which means that realistic games will usually end up portraying things that are less than peaceful. It is up to console manufacturers to make sure they have all bases covered adequately.

deadguy said:
anyway, quit arguing w/ me and name me some "quasi-mature" games that arent available on the gc

Devil May Cry series
God of War series (Sequels are on the way)
Resident Evil series(Nintendo has lost this one; Capcom is going with PS3/X360 for RE5)
Ninja Gaiden series
Halo series
Unreal series
Full Spectrum Warrior
Mech Assault series

These are just off the top of my head. You do get Metroid Prime, which is a definite plus, but they're supposedly only going to make one more of those.

Nintendo does get Splinter Cell...nudered, uninteresting versions of it, but you do get some form.
Just a nitpick but...

WickedAngel said:
You do get Metroid Prime, which is a definite plus, but they're supposedly only going to make one more of those.

Unless you heard something I didn't, they said the next one would offer closure which most people interpretted as wrapping up the current storyline thats going on with Phazon and that Dark Samus figure. Not it being the last Metroid game.

But like I said, just a nitpick. By that same token I wouldn't be shocked if only one Metroid game came out on the revolution. GC was the only system to get more than one.
Either way, the aforementioned gripe is still the same; they're not even beginning to make an attempt at developing new Mature-oriented titles.
Not currently, but Iwata only took over fairly recently. Long enough, I suppose, but most of the plans for the GameCube's life span were probably well into motion. I'll see what they do with Twilight Princess and base my expectations of the Revo from it, since it seems we're looking at the first T rated Zelda. Not expecting the world, but if it turns out to be a reasonable departure from the sort of cute/innocent nature of most Nintendo brand games, I think it may be a fair assumtion there are enough changes within Nintendo to merit perhaps some new IP geared toward adult audiences.

I don't think I'll be disappointed otherwise. If I need another console beyond the revolution to fit the need for more mature oriented games, I have no issues with getting a 360 and maintaining my PC.

If Nintendo doesn't grow up with me, then I don't see anything wrong in staying young with Nintendo. :)
Killer7 will change you opinion on Nintendo. (i know its not exclusive, but that dont matter, have you played this game?!)

Just the fact that they allowed that game to be on the console (unedited no less, unlike the ps2 ver.) should tell you about their new direction. George Harrison from Nintendo even said after e3 this year that Nintendo would be looking for 'the GTA's and Halo's' (subjective, not those actual games..) for the Revolution.

You guys are just getting your panties in a wad because Nintendo refuses to disclose new info about their new console or their new ideology.

So is this the new Nintendo that everyone is begging for? Yup. You just wont know it till the Rev is out.

Seriously guys, chill out. Nintendo focuses on games, and what we can do NOW. Thats why e3 this year was the 'DS Show'. What the point of wasting all that show time for something you wont see for a year? Doing that screws everything now. Nintendo showed 30something new DS games. Sony showed the PS3. 7 of those DS games I can go and buy right now. Wheres my PS3?

See whats going on here? Now tell me whos the smarter company, cause honestly, when all this shit is over, it wont matter who has better specs or came first, its going to be about who made the right descions.
I agree with anyone who feels that specs can be disregarded if the games suck. Who cares how good the the piece of shit looks, or how fast it's crammed down your throat. It's still a piece of shit. That's not to say I'm writing any of the next gen consoles off, I'm just waiting patiently to see how the games play.

You can say what you want about Nintendo, but they haven't sold their souls. They know their roots, and they're staying true to pure gaming. I was really glad when I heard the Nintendo executives saying that specs don't matter at this point, and that they're going to be focusing on doing something innovative and fun. I think that anyone who truly thinks that better specs equal a better experience, is totally caught up in the hype that Microsoft and Sony are so good at creating. Less is more. Give me the biggest budget summer blockbuster film, and I'll pick a book over it any day.
Who said anything about specs anyways? All the people here who are against Nintendo are tired of their stale software lineup...I don't recall anyone saying anything negative about Nintendo's hardware.
They definately don't have a problem with hardware, Resident Evil 4 proved that. The lack of games though is the thing that kills them.
lol, against nintendo...... is that even possible

sony is like "haha the power of the ps3 owns the gay-box360!!!!"
microsoft is all "the gay-s3 is hella behind us cause we R teh Ferrari!!!!!"

nintendo comes in with "hey i got some bongos over here.... lets party!!!!"
slowbiz said:
You can say what you want about Nintendo, but they haven't sold their souls. They know their roots, and they're staying true to pure gaming.

I'm really tired of hearing this "Nintendo is a pure gaming company" stuff.

First, who cares how the company got their start? As long as they do what they say and produce a strong product backed up by plentiful, excellent games, what does it matter what industry the company in question is from? The fact that Nintendo got their start manufacturing playing cards is meaningless, just as it's meaningless that Microsoft is a software company and Sony is an electronics company.

Second, gaming has never been a purely isolated industry. Nintendo and Sega did not and do not have the technical resources to manufacture consoles on their own: they have to partner with other companies who then create the specific parts and release them to the selected manufacturer. In addition, Nintendo is the company who started the trend of bringing external companies into the gaming market. Nintendo brought Sony and Philips into gaming, and partnered with Matsushita/Panasonic to produce the DVD-capable version of the Gamecube.

"Nintendo knows their roots" is a meaningless, elitist insult that reveals a certain level of bitterness that non-gaming companies can do a better job in the video game industry than a gaming company.