Has Ubisoft made any changes to the Assassin's Creed 2 DRM?


Jun 26, 2007
Watching the trailers for AC: Brotherhood, I'm getting the itch to play AC2. I remember reading somewhere that Ubisoft is loosening some of their DRM on new games, but I was wondering if they'd made any changes to the AC2 DRM. Thanks.
I really hope that RUSE tells us they're going to dump it and just use Steam.

I broke down a while back and bought AC2 for $30 thanks to some setup I had with Amazon and had no regrets. I played arguably my Game of the Year.

I had the DRM screw me over exactly one time after MANY hours of gameplay. This happened a few weeks ago. There was nothing wrong with my quite good Internet, either.

I couldn't get too angry simply because when I pulled the trigger I knew exactly what I was doing and what I was getting into but it's galling nonetheless.

I'll take anything over this rubbish and Ubisoft will do well to abandon it post haste. Impulse, Games For Windows, Steam, a pipe up my ass...just about anything.
The DRM alone has convinced me to get one of the console versions used over the PC version.
The DRM alone has convinced me to get one of the console versions used over the PC version.

You've got a nice rig. It'll be a heck of a comedown for you. I'm pretty sure the console versions of a number of those games are still more expensive than at least retail versions of some of the titles. Might want to shop around and look before making a final decision. Newegg, the Going place that Games, Amazon, etc. And Steam and those services of course.

If you've waited this long, hell, you may as well wait a little longer because I'm halfway hopeful at this point that they might dump that crap before the year is out and just use Steam. *knocks on wood*

AC2 is gorgeous maxed out on the PC. It plays great. It runs great. So is Splinter Cell Conviction, another game I got cheap.
I'd still rather just Gooxex it for not that many points, and then Goozex it back out when it's done. I'm sure it would look great on PC, just like the first did. But I'm not giving any validity to their DRM scheme by giving Ubi a dime.
Big big big mistake.

Buying for the console, I mean. I was never disconnected in 40 hours of play. In comparison the console version looks awful.
...But I'm not giving any validity to their DRM scheme by giving Ubi a dime.

This is what I tried to do and I'd rather have waited for the exact same reason then get the console version. If you're used to gaming on your PC with the eye candy and all I can assure you that you willnot be happy.

Rent the console version and find out. ;)

In my case...I just flat out blinked and tapped out to lack of willpower because AC2 is something I wanted to play VERY badly and when Amazon's credit and stuff they had for me worked out to $30 I just couldn't say no. That's all there is to it. Nothing scientific about it. No excuses. I tapped out.

Such a lack of willpower. :( ;)

That's why I didn't come on here and bitch and rant when I had the disconnect. ;) I knew what I did. I knew what chances I was taking and what I was getting into. I got what I got.

AC2 is probably still my personal GOTY thus far.
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If you're used to gaming on your PC with the eye candy and all I can assure you that you willnot be happy.

In no way do I want this to take a Console vs PC turn (enough of those threads around already) but I'd be alot less happy if more and more games started using always-on connection protections.

I'll play it soon enough, but Ubi's not getting a penny from me, and when i'm done playing it I'll trade it off and get something else.
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In no way do I want this to take a Console vs PC turn (enough of those threads around already) but I'd be alot less happy if more and more games started using always-on connection protections.

As would I.

I'll play it soon enough, but Ubi's getting a penny from me, and when i'm done playing it I'll trade it off and get something else.

Not a bad plan. :)
They may have done away with the always on for RUSE but HAWX 2 will have it.

Did you guys hear about the $1 fiasco? For a brief time at the Ubi site, titles were one dollar, and Ubi has honored all sales.
In no way do I want this to take a Console vs PC turn (enough of those threads around already) but I'd be alot less happy if more and more games started using always-on connection protections.

I'll play it soon enough, but Ubi's not getting a penny from me, and when i'm done playing it I'll trade it off and get something else.

They're removing it from all future games.. relax.. You won..
Did you guys hear about the $1 fiasco? For a brief time at the Ubi site, titles were one dollar, and Ubi has honored all sales.

yep, got AC1 & 2 for a buck. great deal lol. the $1 download link was messed up and ubi honored the price and emailed a promotion code to get the real deal. for this price i dont care about the DRM....
yep, got AC1 & 2 for a buck. great deal lol. the $1 download link was messed up and ubi honored the price and emailed a promotion code to get the real deal. for this price i dont care about the DRM....

You know its funny, AC2 has this always online thing, and everyone bitches.
Blizzard does it with the game of the decade, and its not even a big deal.
somethings not terribly fair there.

And AC2 was a better game than Starcraft II also. (runs and hides)
Ok, if Ubisoft start consistently selling games for $1, then I'll be happy to put up with their DRM :p

Yeah, I'd buy an "always on" Ubisoft title for $1 too. Well, some of their games at least. Not the greatest library to start with.
The difference is the Blizzard one is online play, where as, the Ubisoft is only OFFLINE...
The difference is the Blizzard one is online play, where as, the Ubisoft is only OFFLINE...

And Blizzard's was arguably better implemented even at that.

People continue to miss the same fundamental facts over and over again. The same bad examples, same bad arguments...I've lost count how many times I've seen that Blizzard example brought up like it's supposed to mean something.

Always on Internet based DRM for an offline game is ridiculous. Period.
You know its funny, AC2 has this always online thing, and everyone bitches.
Blizzard does it with the game of the decade, and its not even a big deal.
somethings not terribly fair there.

And AC2 was a better game than Starcraft II also. (runs and hides)
There are two crucial distinctions between the two though. First of all, Assassin's Creed 2 is a single player only experience, while Starcraft, at its core at least, is an online multiplayer game. So the fact that they've extended the online requirement to the single player portion of Starcraft is somewhat less egregious than Ubisoft putting it in a game where it has no place whatsoever.

The second distinction is in the implementation. True, Starcraft requires you to be online to begin a game. However, if for some reason your Internet drops out during the course of a single player game, you can still keep playing. That's not the case with AC2. If, at any point during play, your connection to the Ubisoft server drops, even temporarily, you're immediately bumped out of the game.

I'm no fan of DRM. However, I've never minded it too much as long as it doesn't significantly interfere with me playing a game the way I want to play it. In the case of Starcraft 2 it really doesn't change the way I would play the game. In the case of AC2, it very well could.