Have a question about RAID on the P5B Deluxe WiFi


Nov 8, 2003
Hey guys, I hope you can give me a little help. I'm helping my buddy build his system and he wanted to run a single 80GB drive in JBOD with 2 x 160GB in a stripe. The problem is that the system goes BSOD shortly after XP starts installing the files.

My question is, once the BIOS is set to run the SATA in RAID mode, is it possible to also run a single drive in JBOD, as well as have a SATA DVD drive, or is it an all or nothing proposition once the RAID function is enabled?

The manual isn't very clear on this, and we thought you could turn on the RAID, then select the drives to be put into the RAID configuration, and anything not selected to be in the RAID would still run in JBOD. Were we off base here?