have you gone back to winxp?

APOLLO, fair enough man! It seems that you've tried it for more than a few hours before passing judgment on it, and for that, I give you credit. Bummer that you don't like it!
It's more than 2 months, and still using it.
Tried vista for 2 weeks. Switched to XP

I'll wait for SP1 then test again.
Been running vista 64 bit for a few months and I luv it. Plays all my games and runs all my apps.
I still have some of the kids comps running xp. I will change that soon, no need to run an obsolete OS on them. (I know its not obsolete, but vista runs better and just plain kicks ass)
Tried vista for 2 weeks. Switched to XP

I'll wait for SP1 then test again.

The beta is out now.

What are you looking for SP1 to fix? The main thing it does is improve performance a little bit.
It will not fix lazy hardware manufacturers' lack of motivation to write decent drivers.
It does fix a few hardware issues, but not many.

The only thing "waiting for SP1" will do is buy you more time, for third party companies to get their acts together.
tried vista 64 for 2 days went back to xp media center edition( xp ultimate)
too buggy ,annoying, and didn't care how they changed stuff and renamed things and re arranged things. It took a while to teach my wife and daughter how to use the SHARED documents folders on our home network and for them to change it to PUBLIC documents
i mean what for? what benefit or gain could this possibly add? also had problems networking with other computers running xp, i mean i am sure i could of resolved the issue if i would of kept vista around but i didn't
For new users- it is a ton easier.

"Public" makes alot more sense to a new user than "Shared".

So does "Pictures". One of the problems people had is they were looking for other folk's pictures, and didn't look in "My Pictures" because they thought those were just theirs... Stupid to you and I, I agree... but it does help the uneducated users out.
Not to split hairs either, but if regular drive/folder shares were used, they would be unchanged going from XP to Vista. My wife learned how use shared drivers and folders, and now has shortcuts on her desktop for each that's important to her on our server. When I upgraded her from XP to Vista, I put the shortcuts back on her desktop, and nothing changed for her.