Have you noticed comcast throttling your torrents?

Have comcast throttled your torrents?

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[H]F Junkie
Jan 16, 2005
I have comcast and they have been receiving alot of flak for supposedly throttling torrents. I haven't seen any throttling when I use torrents, I limit my up speed to 35kbs and I download at 800kbs. So I am wondering if others with comcast have had issues with torrent throttling.
They haven't been throttling torrents, they have been sending RST packets to both ends of communication when attempting to seed with systems outside of the comcast network.
Um, you really should've added a 3rd option "I don't use Comcast or don't use torrents." Your data's going to be heavily biased towards "No".

Um, you really should've added a 3rd option "I don't use Comcast or don't use torrents." Your data's going to be heavily biased towards "No".


there would be no need for this, the op says 'have you noticed comacst throttling your torrents'

if you dont have comcast or download torrents there would be no need to vote..
I'm outside of the Comcast network and still download from Comcast peoples at a substantial rate (read: 50kB/s currently)
MOST of the time, people having Torrent issues haven't spent the time tweaking Windows to handle all the half-open connections and in other ways, as well as opening the correct ports on their routers and/or firewalls.

But, I have to say, even when I do these things correctly, my Torrent speeds are ALWAYS dismal (I have Comcast). I am usually averaging between 10-20k/sec on torrents, which is ridiculous. And I have read all the guides, tweaked all the settings, increased my limits, made sure the correct ports are open, messed with my firewall, etcetera etcetera. I'd like to blame it on Comcast, but who knows what the problem is?
i have repeated issues, with all of the sudden disconnects... and not a tweaking issue
Mine is touch and go...
I just grabbed a file at 1.7Mb/s and sending at 150k/s, but once you have the file is where is starts getting shady for me. My connection will run good for 2-3hrs, then poof 0, but my webserver and ftp are still going strong
I wasnt to say I read something that as long as you are connected to other comcast leechers there is no issue, but when you go outside the isp is where these issues start. Obviously I have not tried to prove or dispel, cause I still get my file :)
Anyway, i think my problems are a related...currently in Wichita, Kansas if it matters
Yes. About a week before the news broke on the internet I started noticing oddities occurring on a much more regular basis with my regular torrents (Openoffice, Ubuntu and Fedora.) I am running a smoothie and have a dedicated 2k3 box for torrenting; that about eliminates the tweaking issue. On the other hand, I've noticed that downloads from FTP and sites like Fileshack/Fileplanet and such have sky-rocketed.
I'd be glad for them dropping priority for the warez hunters, so my use wouldn't be slowed down by that type of abuse.
Same, though (and I know you already understand this) not all torrents are warez. :) This goes along with the whole bandwidth usage argument - "unlimited" should have logical limits and those who exceed that should be notified that they may continue at the risk of losing access or being throttled.

The "punish everyone" approach never works; if Comcast is having a bandwidth issue, which I could easily believe, they should punish those who grossly abuse the service not everyone on their network. Cutting the guys downloading a TB (or close) of data month off would free up a lot of pipe for the rest of us without even having to consider traffic shaping. :)
I DO NOT download Warez, but I do use torrents about once a month. A lot of mirrors for linux DVD ISO's will only have the Torrent. Example here. it's becoming more the norm. I certainly understand not wanting to bog down your connection with illegal activities, but torrents for perfectly legal activities are growing not diminishing. It's almost like saying there should be no pictures on the net, because children could be exposed to pornography.
I'd say it's like Ivory Soap...99 and 44/100ths percent. ;)
About a year ago I would not have challenged that statement but I'd wager it's closer to 70/30 now. That's still a lot of illegal or questionable use but legal uses of the technology are on the rise.

After all, I first noticed there may be something up with Comcast and torrent traffic when I went to patch my copy of World of Warcraft. :) There's a legitimate use of the technology that affects millions.
I don't know why anyone could ever say this does not happen.

Open up Utorrent, properly configured to have as minimal of an impact on a computers speed what so ever.

Open up a torrent of a linux ISO, and make a note of the transfer rate. It is 15k download, and 5k upload.

Turn on other computer running off the same network, and watch it take 30 seconds to load google.com.

Deactivate torrent download. Wait 30 seconds.

Other computer can now get to google.com, find Dennis Hopper's separation to Kevin Bacon number, download 5 emails of excel spreadsheets, and make a myspace friend comment, all in the same 30 seconds.
I have noticed, occasionaly, my torrent uploads will drop to 0. Though, the last torrent I had was a gentoo liveDVD, and the swarm seed/leech ratio was damn good.

What i HAVE noticed, is google.com not loading. Dont give me any of that "oh maybe its your router" BS. My router is freebsd, ive reinstalled it once already assuming it was at fault. Ive tried with no router, ive "power cycled" my modem more times than I would like to think of, ive changed my default DNS to opendns, ive changed my DNS to my own DNS server BIND9 on a spare box, ive tried using Fedora rather than windows XP, ive tried a different computer, and ive had different people on my instant-messenger list verify that google is indeed working. I can even ping google.com, and usually I can use google by getting its IP and putting the IP into my browser. IE, Opera, Firefox... its all the same result. Opera gives me a blank white page instantly, IE and firefox gives me a 404 instantly. Why I mention this, is from some horribly awful few minutes of using yahoo.com to search, it seems other people have this issue, and the RST packets have been mentioned as the cause.... Downloading wireshark at the moment. Its very frustraiting, think back to the movie "the shining". No google and no image search makes me go... something ...something... I really hope comcast isnt doing this, because they are the only broadband provider servicing my area.

...I would also love to see google send a swarm of lawyer teams, if comcast is indeed resetting google related connections.

Any other comcast uses having the no-google issue?
I'm using comcast, and I have no issues with Google or with torrents. Most recent was the Crysis demo, and I got about 75% of my rated connection speed up, (and about 125% down!)