Having a hard time chosing a Wireless mouse. Help needed.


Nov 18, 2014
Hi guys ... hope I'm not breaking any rules by posting a topic like that. Basically need urgent help, cause I'm buying a new PC in 2 days and would like to get some bulk discount on buying some peripherals with it.

My previous mouse was a G9 by Logitech, which I truly love, but it's too old now and it's time for a change.

I'll try to list as much info as possible, so it's easier for some kind person to help me out :) So here it goes:

  • Type - I need a Wireless Rechargeable mouse. I read a lot of good reviews about the G602, though it's not Rechargable.
  • Usage - Need the mouse for work and gaming. In general, I don't play a lot, but that will probably change a bit after I get my new PC. Games I'm into are Dota 2 and shooters like CS:GO and CoD. So will use the mouse like 80-85% of the time for work and 15-20% for gaming. Probably MX Performance by Logitech wouldn't be a wise choice because of those 15-20% :)
  • Sensor - I don't understand much about sensors, just need the mouse to work properly. Surely it will be better for the mouse to work on different surfaces. I also don't care that much about dpi and switching it often (I'm usually taking some time to find the best dpi for my daily usage and don't change it during gameplay).
  • Buttons - I really don't need a lot of extra buttons on my mouse, but probably can live with them if the mouse that I get has them (most of the gaming mouses have too many buttons). What I surely need and am used to is the left/right scroll wheel buttons. Other than that the 2 main buttons and two side buttons are absolutely enough for my daily needs.
  • Options - Customizable mouse will be a plus. I know most of the new mice don't have customizable weight and sizes, but as long as it fits well in my hand and feels good, it's absolutely enough. I like the options on the Ouroboros, though hate the R.A.T.9 looks.
  • Weight - I prefer something in the middle. Until now I've used my G9 with all the maximum weight added (4x7gr). Though when I tried the Performance MX in the store today, it felt a bit heavy to me. Again, customizable weight might be a plus.
  • Durability - I hate paying 100-200$ for a mouse and having to deal with build issues like rubber or paint peeling off (my hands get a bit sweaty from time to time), something loosening a bit, cracking noises etc.
  • Looks - well, I like fancy stuff especially the customizable colors on the Razer Mamba, so that can be a plus also, but it's not that important.
  • Battery - Battery life will be a huge plus, though I know that I cannot expect a lot from a wireless rechargeable mouse. It will surely be better if the battery keeps a normal life after at least an year of usage.
  • Add-Ons - Docking Station is a Plus. It will be better if I can just place the mouse somewhere during the night, so it can be ready for heavy usage on the next morning, rather than having an extra cable on my desk.
  • Brand - Prefer to go with a company that I know has a good quality like Logitech, Razer, but might think about other options as well. MadCatz products look terrible to me, but if the durability and the quality are perfect, I might change my mind. Also might consider Corsair, Roccat, Gigabite etc. (whatever you suggest is good).
  • Price - Price is not that much of an issue.

With all the things I listed above, I'm down to several options:

  • Logitech G700s - No idea about how good the sensor is, also no clue about the battery life. I know it feels quite well in hand. Price is also good compared to my other options. Not customizable, too many buttons, but not that big of an issue I think. Heard that there is no lag and it's comparable with the G602 (not 100% sure though). Doesn't have a docking station :(
  • Razer Ouroborus - Heard bad things about the battery life and that it's getting worse after some usage. Also heard about lags and software issues (but not as many as the Mamba). Love the customizable options, also the button layout and the looks (though heard that after some time of usage the corners of the buttons begin to fell bad on the fingers). Huge price, but if everything else is good I might go with it.
  • Razer Mamba - By far the best looks for my taste. Though a lot of mixed (bad) reviews around. Heard that the rubber grips peel off very quickly, has huge problems with software, disconnects randomly after some time (which is a HUGE issue for me) and has lags when in wireless mode.Don't know if there is any difference between the old one and the 4G Elite version, but again ... the mixed reviews are driving me more into choosing the Ouroborus if I decide to go with Razer. I love the docking station though.
  • Steelseries Sensei Wireless - For me this mouse looks pretty cheap for a 160$ mouse tbh. It looks pretty simple (which I like because of the buttons layout) and love the docking station. Haven't used a Steelseries product in my life so am not sure what to expect.
  • Logitech MX Performance - It fits perfectly in my hand, but as I mentioned above it feels a bit heavy. Heard that it has a good battery life, it's pretty durable in general and has a good build quality. But if it has lags and is not usable for gaming while in wireless mouse, I cannot buy it. Price/quality seems great.
  • Logitech G602 - If this mouse is that much better than all the rest, I might consider buying it, but will surely try to avoid that option, because of the not rechargeable battery.

Any other suggestions of a mouse for my needs will be greatly appreciated.

And one more question, which is really important. Is there a mouse that is announced and coming in the next 2-3 months, so I should forget about the bulk discount and wait for it? Any news about a G702 or something like that?

Thank you in advance for all your help !!!
Logitech G700s is definitely the best wireless gaming mouse.
The G700s has 1000hz polling and a laser sensor that doesn't have any acceleration.
The G602 is a good compromise between gaming and battery life, but like you said you want rechargeable. The G602 only has 500hz polling and doesn't have quite as good of a sensor, but the battery life is really good.

G700s battery lasts about 15 hours or so of straight use. I've actually gone over 20 hours before. It doesn't have a docking station but you'll find that is a non-issue. You simply plug a micro USB cable into it instead of docking it. You can use it while it is plugged in and charging if it ever comes to that. But if you just charge it at night you'll likely never run into that. You can also just swap out the single AA battery.
You also have Logitech's awesome warranty policy if you go with them. If anything breaks they basically just send you a new one for free (at least in the USA).
Logitech G700s is definitely the best wireless gaming mouse.
The G700s has 1000hz polling and a laser sensor that doesn't have any acceleration.
The G602 is a good compromise between gaming and battery life, but like you said you want rechargeable. The G602 only has 500hz polling and doesn't have quite as good of a sensor, but the battery life is really good.

G700s battery lasts about 15 hours or so of straight use. I've actually gone over 20 hours before. It doesn't have a docking station but you'll find that is a non-issue. You simply plug a micro USB cable into it instead of docking it. You can use it while it is plugged in and charging if it ever comes to that. But if you just charge it at night you'll likely never run into that. You can also just swap out the single AA battery.
You also have Logitech's awesome warranty policy if you go with them. If anything breaks they basically just send you a new one for free (at least in the USA).

Well, I managed to narrow it to those 2 models (G700s and G602).

I'm taking all the pros and cons of both models into consideration and that makes it harder and harder for me to decide. Not sure if there won't be any new model from Logitech coming in the next few months, so I could wait a bit and get a G702 for example(If something like that pops out).

For me the pros of the G700s are:
  • rechargeable battery (though will hate if the mouse dies during gameplay and having to waste time to put the cable inside)
  • better button layout (hate those many buttons on the left side of the G602)
  • better specs (dpi, hz etc)
  • ability to use it wired if I have the opportunity to do so and don't wanna waste my battery
  • left/right clickable scroll (huge plus)

The pros of the G602 are:
  • better battery life (no matter that they should be changed and not recharged)
  • better sensor (and overall better feedback by users for the performance)
  • ability to reduce weight by taking out one of the batteries
  • better price

I guess I should just feel them in my hand and decide which one suits me more. But I cannot get the possibility of a newer model coming in the next couple of months (which is a mix of the pros of both mice) out of my head. The lack of a docking station is also messing up my mind. Plus I still like my G9 a lot and can live with it for a bit.

Not a lot of time for taking the right decision, so if someone else has something to say or suggest, I'll be more than thankful.
Well, I managed to narrow it to those 2 models (G700s and G602).

I'm taking all the pros and cons of both models into consideration and that makes it harder and harder for me to decide. Not sure if there won't be any new model from Logitech coming in the next few months, so I could wait a bit and get a G702 for example(If something like that pops out).

For me the pros of the G700s are:
  • rechargeable battery (though will hate if the mouse dies during gameplay and having to waste time to put the cable inside)
  • better button layout (hate those many buttons on the left side of the G602)
  • better specs (dpi, hz etc)
  • ability to use it wired if I have the opportunity to do so and don't wanna waste my battery
  • left/right clickable scroll (huge plus)

The pros of the G602 are:
  • better battery life (no matter that they should be changed and not recharged)
  • better sensor (and overall better feedback by users for the performance)
  • ability to reduce weight by taking out one of the batteries
  • better price

I guess I should just feel them in my hand and decide which one suits me more. But I cannot get the possibility of a newer model coming in the next couple of months (which is a mix of the pros of both mice) out of my head. The lack of a docking station is also messing up my mind. Plus I still like my G9 a lot and can live with it for a bit.

Not a lot of time for taking the right decision, so if someone else has something to say or suggest, I'll be more than thankful.

I'm hoping they come out with a wireless version of the G502 and call it the G702, but I have no idea if they will or when they would.

Docking stations for mice tend to suck, simply being able to plug it in is much better. I've used a couple mice with docking stations int he past. You have to make sure the mouse is perfectly sitting in it, if it gets bumped it will stop charging, or if the connecting surface on the mouse gets dirty sometimes it just won't work. It is more of a gimmick than anything, it is way more secure and just as easy to plug it in.

Now what would be awesome is if they used the wireless charging technology and built it into something you could put a mouse pad on.
I have been using the G602 for about 6 months now and I havent changed the batteries yet. I mean a pack of 4 batteries should last you a year. I love that mouse and I dont think you at least consider it....
I'm using a G602. No issues with it at all. Been working fine and the batteries really do last forever. Heck I keep it in endurance mode most of the time, I'm not sure how much higher polling rate even matters. Plus the buttons on the side are great. Very easy to tell apart 6 of them is pretty much perfect. A far cry from the confusing info overload that is the G600. Relevant for MMORPG use but not too many.

A few cons are that the buttons on the side require too much actuation force and are a bit too "sharp". The surface area facing outwards to your thumb causes them to be very easy to distinguish, but it also causes them to be kind of painful to your thumb if you have soft skin. You have to adjust. The actuation force is kind of an issue in stability. Do not put anything you'll press repeatedly in rapid succession on the side buttons, put them on the (what are normally the) DPI change buttons near the clicker. Those are actually much more useful than the side buttons for that kind of thing (an example is the melee button when playing melee Zero in Borderlands 2. Putting that on a side button causes your view to literally go everywhere).

I'm using it for Diablo 3 right now and am not having any issues. In fact, your post actually made me facepalm a bit because I realized I had buttons on it that I could use for making gameplay easier that I hadn't been taking advantage of.

The optical sensor is also a nice touch.
Just a quick question: I've been using an MX revolution for a few years now, and have also been thinking of upgrading as mine is getting a bit rough. How would the G700s compare the Revolution?
Here are my takes on Wireless mouse and their batteries:

1. I avoid wireless mouse with its own special (that is, Non AA or AAA etc.), especially if it is irremovable. Rechargeable batteries are usually the part that dies the most easily, and having it dying much earlier than the rest of the mouse is waste of the mouse.

2. An USB recharge cable is almost no better than a wired mouse, because if it runs out of battery during gaming, then it becomes a wired mouse. May as well just get an actual wired mouse, since that uses only 1 USB port, not 2.

3. Whether a mouse that runs on AA or AAA batteries come with rechargeable batteries or not doesn't really bother me, chances are I am going to use other rechargeable batteries (EG Energizers), so I can swap the batteries when one set runs dead and recharge it. That way I won't needto have the USB charger cable turning the mouse into a wired mouse when its charging
People are getting 15-20 hours per charge on the G700s? I own two of these mice and lucky to get 3 straight hours. And doesn't seem to matter what mode I'm in performance, endurance, etc. I've also read many other places of people having the same crappy battery life. Nothing like after doing stuff on the web for an hour or two to have to charge your mouse up just to know you'll have enough time to play a game later.

Get the G602. If replacing batteries bothers you buy the external battery charger from best buy or something.
People are getting 15-20 hours per charge on the G700s? I own two of these mice and lucky to get 3 straight hours. And doesn't seem to matter what mode I'm in performance, endurance, etc. I've also read many other places of people having the same crappy battery life. Nothing like after doing stuff on the web for an hour or two to have to charge your mouse up just to know you'll have enough time to play a game later.

Get the G602. If replacing batteries bothers you buy the external battery charger from best buy or something.

I am pretty sure you are doing something wrong. I have 2 as well and get 20 hours. I haven't heard of anyone getting shit battery life like you.
I have both, two G700's and a G602.
I like them both but got the G602 for my laptop since the G700 cable can't be used in my configuration, there is no room to use the mouse plugged in.

I use my laptop a lot during the day and would drain the G700 battery in 8-10 hours of continuous use.

The stock batteries lasted about 5-6 weeks using the G602 in Performance mode 8-10 hours every day, some days up to 16 hours of use.
I switched to Economy mode and I can't perceive a performance difference while gaming in CSS or Diablo 3.

My main rig has a G700 on it and I use it wired unless I am gaming, then I go wireless.
I like them both equally, they are both good mice.
I think the G700s is just a styling upgrade over the G700, don't think they changed anything else.
I have a G700s and it's my favorite so far. There is a Razer Mamba in the closet and it's good as well, but I didn't like the soft-touch surface as it made my hand sweaty and uncomfortable.

If the issue with the G602 is that it is not rechargeable, pick up some Eneloops and bam, it is now. The G700s comes with an Eneloop so surely it will be sufficient.
I have both, two G700's and a G602.
I like them both but got the G602 for my laptop since the G700 cable can't be used in my configuration, there is no room to use the mouse plugged in.

I use my laptop a lot during the day and would drain the G700 battery in 8-10 hours of continuous use.

The stock batteries lasted about 5-6 weeks using the G602 in Performance mode 8-10 hours every day, some days up to 16 hours of use.
I switched to Economy mode and I can't perceive a performance difference while gaming in CSS or Diablo 3.

My main rig has a G700 on it and I use it wired unless I am gaming, then I go wireless.
I like them both equally, they are both good mice.
I think the G700s is just a styling upgrade over the G700, don't think they changed anything else.

They put in a better sensor and used more durable buttons for the left and right click in the G700s over the G700. The sensor is better, but probably not worth upgrading for most people.
My Steelseries Sensei Raw lost it's right click this afternoon after about a year and a half of playing LoL way too much. Went to BestBuy since the G700 and G602 were both on sale there for close enough to online prices. With the exception of the primary mouse buttons, the G602 buttons all feel better with a more positive click action than the G700.

As an aside, I did not like the G502 wired. The body is too narrow by about a quarter inch for my hands. The G602 and G700 both feel much better.

Because of the cheaper feeling buttons ont he G700, I picked up the G602.
