HBO Would Want Netflix to Charge $20 a Month

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
HBO has no plans to allow Netflix to stream its content. Why? HBO doesn't share and, this is where it gets good, Netflix would have to increase rates to $20 a month. Do what!?!

“HBO believes in content exclusivity, especially for high-value content,” says Jeff Cusson, the channel’s senior vp corporate affairs. “That’s our rationale for not selling streaming rights to a competing subscription service.” While HBO licenses shows to such pay-as-you-go streaming services as iTunes and Amazon, it has “no intention of making its content available for streaming on Netflix,” he adds. A high-placed Time Warner executive says that if Netflix expects to get a meaningful amount of HBO content, it would have to raise the price of its streaming-only service from $7.99 a month to $20 before the economics made sense.
For $20 a month, I'd rather torrent it. I have the $9 plan now with Netflix, it suits my needs.
I can stand waiting a couple of years for HBO Original Series to make it to Netflix if the economics makes more sense then.
economics are economics, and HBO won't see a cent from me unless it's through netflix.
HBO isn't worth the free price you get when it's a promo for new service, let alone a $10+/monthly premium upcharge? HBO needs to get a clue or they're going to go the way of the dodo...not like the proprietors care, they already made their millions....
Makes sense to me. They'd want Netflix customers to pay about per month what cable customers pay.

I wouldn't pay it; but it makes sense that they don't understand new paradigms.
I like HBO, especially with on demand. However, I have and will never pay for it. Nothing they have on that station is OMGWTFBBQAWESOME. Most pay cable stations ( HBO, Shotime, etc) are easliy watched elsewhere for free :p

If they charged 5 bucks a month, maybe i'd think about shotime.
I love how TV/Cable companies think they are still holding all the cards.. Companies need to start realizing they better take what they can get because if they dont the masses will find a cheaper avenue, as we have proved over and over again..
HBO can suck it. I haven't watched HBO since the 70s and if they screw up Netflix I'll cancel.
I dropped HBO the day after they canceled Deadwood after two successful seasons. That show was awesome, it did not deserve an early death. To hell with HBO.
HBO doesn't mean anything to me these days.

And with that business model, they are a dying dinosaur. It's already over. They're breathing their last breaths and don't even know it.

Good riddance. The premium channels have become nothing but crap over the last decade anyway. Time to let them go under.
HBO should just stream online for $10 a month... mega bucks earned there they wouldn't get anyway
I loved Band of Brothers, Rome, and The Pacific.

But $20 a month? FUCK HBO!!!!!

This is why i buy the box sets on blu-ray instead of subscribing to their otherwise worthless channel.
For that amount of increase, wouldn't you be just as well to just subscribe to HBO and watch or record what you want?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't HBO's business model totally different than other channels? IE: you pay a fee/subscription, and they produce shows using that $, so there's no advertising, which allows them to make shows worth a damn?

It's like a free market version of PBS/BBC? No ads = higher quality content/creative license to do things even if they piss off advertisers or are too edgy?

Not that I would know, I always watch it through other means...
HBO sucks since they decided it was too expensive to finish the final season of Deadwood.. I mean, wtf, it was only planned for 4 seasons to begin with.. and was one of their biggest hits, but it still cost too much to just complete the freaking thing? They suck.

I think I'll stick with Showtime.
HBO reads too many message boards it has seen way too many "Well fuck them I'll use OTA and Netflix" responses to increased rates :D

Sad thing is I'm paying an arm and a leg to watch TV and there are no premium channels!
What I refer to as "movie" channels should just stick to showing movies. I like True Blood, but I never got into The Sopranos or any of the other shows. After while it will be like MTV or VH1 where they have all their own shows on. I miss the days when MTV and VH1 actually showed music videos.
This is the part where you give some people on YouTube a few HD cams and some editing software. Then you laugh at HBO. Back when I was a kid in the 80's and HBO really was a Home Box Office it would have been worth it. Today it's a waste, as is most of the content cable providers broadcast.
Totally agree with others on Deadwood. One-shot series like Band of Brothers are just too few and far between.
The Wire, Sopranos, BoB, The Pacific, Deadwood, Boardwalk Empire...HBO produces some quality programing. That said, AMC gives us Breaking Bad and Mad Men without there is a disconnect somewhere.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Meh, it won't matter in the long run. UBB is going to kill the internet as we know it and services like this won't survive in their current form.
What I refer to as "movie" channels should just stick to showing movies. I like True Blood, but I never got into The Sopranos or any of the other shows. After while it will be like MTV or VH1 where they have all their own shows on. I miss the days when MTV and VH1 actually showed music videos.

Cable movie channels like HBO and Cinamax suck at showing movies. Have you watched Final Destination on them?
Wow, you guys sure watch a lot of drama TV. The only time my TV is on is when I'm watching a movie I got from the interwebs. Not just any movie. Just good ones. No need to download bad movies and waste my bandwidth. Gotta remember, bandwidth is a commodity that we will someday run out of, just like oil.Gotta ration it, you know.
I can remember as a kid going to my sister's boyfriend's dad's house with my parents to pick her up and he had cable and had HBO. This was back in the early/mid 80's. I remember Raiders of the Lost Ark was on, and I thought it was the most awesome thing to be watching a movie like that in a home and with no interruptions like commercials. I didn't want to leave. I miss that "neat-o" feeling. I don't have any of the movie channels that you have to pay for. Between the theaters, DVD/bluray, and Netflix we've already seen most of everything we want to see any way.
HBO likes to try to screw over everyone. I want to say that i seen that with Directv if you have HBO they will charge you an extra $2 starting next month. Want to say they are calling it an HBO surcharge or something. Pretty soon everyone will start to drop HBO and they will need money so they will change their mind about this stuff.
hahah HBO doesnt get to shoot random number and decide how much their content is worth in a world where anyone can download their shows on torrents for free.

things like netflix are one of the few ways that companies can make money off of content. if you are on your high horse everyone will gladly send you off a cliff.
Fuck HBO.

I have HBO and HD services from TW and NONE of their on demand shit is in HD.. what a joke.

I'm on the cusp of canceling TV totally and getting a newsgroup account
I'd easily pay a couple more dollars a month for netflix with HBO. But with thier rational, I'll keep downloading HBO shows from bit-torrent.
Fuck HBO.

I have HBO and HD services from TW and NONE of their on demand shit is in HD.. what a joke.

I'm on the cusp of canceling TV totally and getting a newsgroup account

Thats what i don't like either about HBO. It has no HD on demand. Theres the HD channel but no on demand hd. It costs too much anyways.
just cancelled my cable today.... 25 years of monthly payments ending.. Between online boradcast and Netflix cable tv is an anachronism now.

I guess I will have to wait for a Game of Thrones to come out on NetFlix, but HBO will probably cancel it too after a season or two.
I can't think of an HBO show I watch besides Mad Men... so who cares?
That's an AMC series.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't HBO's business model totally different than other channels? IE: you pay a fee/subscription, and they produce shows using that $, so there's no advertising, which allows them to make shows worth a damn?
Yeah. HBO's original series are generally larger in budget than network series, there are no third-party ads (just HBO ads) and licensing newly-released movies isn't cheap. HBO is not FOX. Surprised that some seem to believe it is.