HD 3850 Pro 512MB-last fling for agp


Limp Gawd
Mar 6, 2004
Has any one put one of these in an older rig like mine. Dont intend to build anything new for 6 months plus but want to eek out a bit more life on the gaming front.

MS FS 10 is my main game right now. got bored of playing crysis on low medeium level with no candy- would this card be better than my 7800gs Using XP with service pack 3- not worried about Direct x 10 as no support in xp. would not use vista in a fit after seeing that spinning circle all the time on high spec machine-seems its not good at handling files-duh!!! is that not what computers do most of the time ??? OH SP3 definitly feels a bit nippier

any thoughts on above welcome


Has any one put one of these in an older rig like mine. Dont intend to build anything new for 6 months plus but want to eek out a bit more life on the gaming front.

MS FS 10 is my main game right now. got bored of playing crysis on low medeium level with no candy- would this card be better than my 7800gs Using XP with service pack 3- not worried about Direct x 10 as no support in xp. would not use vista in a fit after seeing that spinning circle all the time on high spec machine-seems its not good at handling files-duh!!! is that not what computers do most of the time ??? OH SP3 definitly feels a bit nippier

any thoughts on above welcome



I would start here and I would have to say "YES", you will see improvements.
I have a very similar system but with an Athlon X2 at 2.5 and the 3850 AGP. I noticed a HUGE performance increase going from my single core A64 system with a 6800GT (more than double). However, I think you will be severely CPU bound unless you primarily play at very high resolutions. Personally, I would wait. Crysis doesn't play that much better even on top of the line cards. The next generation is right around the corner and 6 months from now will be an excellent time to cheaply put together a brand new machine.

Also, Vista is great but unfortunately does not get along with anything below an nForce4. Blame nVidia for that one, not MS.
Thanks nice pun-that was quick-looked at spec and it does look better- On Toms Hardware it seemed about twice as quick on frame rates with aa and anistropic on. Are the ati crds better at aa etc at the higher resolutions .ie. 1024 x 1280
noted harrah and thanks for advice-since the card is a potential birthday present I am not going to be out of pocket. I wonder about the CPU side my trusty barton seems to handle any other type of application with ease and only slows down under severe multi tasking. I am alos experimenting with this http://alacritypc.kensalter.com/ a nifty and robust utility thats switchs off backgroung stuff when a game loads and switchs it back on when you exit-check it out

