HD 4850 Temperature Questions


Sep 20, 2008
I just installed a new HD 4850, and I know that the default fan speed settings (and subsequent temperature readings) are one of the big problems. Indeed, HWMonitor has my GPU core at 75C.

My question is, should these temperatures worry me? Should I test the temperatures at load? Are the default CCC settings going to ramp up my fan speed when the card is under load? In short, should I really sweat this, or just leave it like it is?

Thanks in advance!
which driver version are you using? If you are using the 8.11 drivers, then you shouldnt worry and because from what ive noticed the fan speed has been fixed and it will automatically adjust itself now, as well as you have the option in the overdrive tab to manually set the speed if you so choose.
The card's BIOS is programmed to automatically adjust the fan speed based on a the temperature. There's no need to change anything unless you're planning on overclocking the card.
The card is made to withstand those temperatures at stock cooling so you shouldn't worry. As temp goes up, so does fan speed which also increases noise. That is why many choose to put on aftermarket cooling.
Can't you just use RivaTuner and set the fans to run at 100% at all times?

Not like it matters for me anyways, I use a good sized desktop fan, placed on the side of my case ;)
I'll pick cooler temps over easily ignorable white noise any day ;) I doubt I'll hear anything over the desktop fan anyways.

Spoken like a true air OCer. Deltas and Tornados had me there for awhile, now I find a balance
That is why many choose to put on aftermarket cooling.

I bought the Palit that you may have seen around the forums. Aftermarket cooler that I have never seen spin more than 10% and have never seen the temps go over 52 C. It is fairly quiet, guess that is subjective. Anyway, if you are worried, aftermarket out of the box or upgrade helps ease the worries.
Spoken like a true air OCer. Deltas and Tornados had me there for awhile, now I find a balance

Ahh the good old days of trying to keep my Athlon Thunderbird cool... I think I have my 60mm delta somewhere around here.
I have a quesiton regarding temps:

If I manually set my 4870's fan speed using Rivatuner to 38%, will they still automatically crank themselves up when I start to game? Or will they only stay at 38% 24/7?
They'll stay at 38% I believe. You can however create fan profiles in riva tuner that will change based on temp. However, it's a chore and you'll likely need a guide to get it done.
Ahh the good old days of trying to keep my Athlon Thunderbird cool... I think I have my 60mm delta somewhere around here.

try 2 of them ;)


i run both of my reference 4850s @ 100% fan

What is with everyone freaking out over the idle temperatures of these new video cards?

You most certainly can run silicon well over 80C: for your average chip, the "commercial/industrial" temperature rating tops-out at 85-100C, and you can get "extended/military" rated parts that surpass 125C. What's the difference? NOTHING! All the parts use the same masks, and the higher-rated parts are simply tested at the greater temperature extremes.

All AMD has to do to guarantee your parts can stand 100C load is run their normal tests at the extended temperatures. The maximum target operating temperature for their fan driver (100C) is nowhere near the meting point of solder (around 180C for eutectic, and 220C for RoHS), so they have no external thermal issues to worry about.

If you want quieter cooling, that's one thing...but if you're concerned about the temperatures, don't be! Take this from an electrical engineer: if AMD's tests are incorrect, then they have a massive class-action suit on their hands. The odds of that happening are minuscule...so I let my 4850 idle at high temps with the fan on automatic. I trust the engineer who designed the card, and the engineer who designed the chip test system :)
Xfire 4850 at 100% fan duty isn't that loud, at least not for me.

Anyways my current idle temps are GPU0 38 degrees, GPU1 30 degrees. Load temps are average 60 degrees after a few hours.

So if you are getting high idle temps, something is out of whack or you just need to suck it up and stop bitching about loud fans when during the summer you probably have a ridiculously loud air conditioner blowing on you from 5 feet away on top of countless other white noises that you've learned to tune out.