HD 4870's in stock at Newegg

Don't worry, I think your first post will be appreciated by quite a few people ;) :).
I'm surprised they're still in stock 10 minutes later! :p

Also I believe other 4870's ETA is today, so be on the lookout!
Yeah, I saw this card in stock about 5 minutes before the OP, too, just didn't think to post it. Somehow they're still in stock, guess everyone's at work :p !
Ugh...must...resist... I have a stepup from 9800gtx sli to 260 SLI on the way. Must...not....buy...more cards.

BTW, they still have at least 2 HIS cards as i just put 2 in my cart :D
was just about to pull the trigger... then sold out!

Will grab one in the next round :)
Sorry, my bad, i must have gotten the last 2 :D At least i have until next july to figure out how to pay for them :p
All out of stock at the moment with the HIS version bound to be in stock sometime today (according to the ETA).
Let's hope they are in stock sometime this weekend or even on Thursday... I have a computer waiting for a GPU and I don't feel like waiting. This may drive me to spending 100 extra dollars to get a GTX 260... :mad:
This is getting out of hand. I've been trying to snag one since it originally came out. The HIS version looks like it just got out of stock.
Let's hope they are in stock sometime this weekend or even on Thursday... I have a computer waiting for a GPU and I don't feel like waiting. This may drive me to spending 100 extra dollars to get a GTX 260... :mad:

FXvideocards says that they'll get some 4870s tomorrow, both the Sapphire and Visiontek. Maybe you should check that one out?
reminds me of the 8800gt release in nov
haha yeah. i bought a 8800GT KO for 269$ at mwave on launch day, thankgod i did, sold out in matter of hours everywhere. then newegg decided to price gouge comsumers heh.
I asked NCIX to change my order from Visiontek 4870 to Powercolor because they actually have some stock of the Powercolor model and none of the Visiontek. They just emailed me and said they would change it for me but now I check stock of the Powercolor and they only have one left. I've got dibs on that card and it is mine I tall ya!
I ordered a HD4870 from Visiontek's online store. Hopefully they actually have it and will be able to fulfill the order.
20 minutes later and it's sold out....

Is newegg ordering these cards a single card at a time!
20 minutes later and it's sold out....

Is newegg ordering these cards a single card at a time!

Judging by the forums all over the net, people realized the greatness of these ATI cards and demand is thru the roof... 8800GT all over again :D
Mine will be here tomorrow....I can finally go back to 3 gigs of RAM in XP...SupCom demands it.
Finally got one. Sapphire card on the way.

I was beginning to think I was going to have to keep my 8800GTX for another year.
What's up with: "This Item Is PREORDER only. We expect to start fulfilling orders for this item on 7-2-2008"

I'm going to say that they have guaranteed stock on-order, and they are letting you pre-order from that stock. They expect to get the order on the 2nd.

Hey, given how quick these things are selling-out, I'd definitely consider a preorder if I only had to wait two days.

I bought my 4850 from these folks, and they took preorders the day preceding, and then shipped the card on launch day.
I managed to get in on 2 HIS cards yesterday from the egg. They'll be here thursday wewt. All of my watercooling stuff from petra's will be here thursday too. But as fate would have it, the reservoirs from mountainmods wont be here. So i get to play with the new cards on air :(