HD-555s w/ headphone amp or new soundcard


Limp Gawd
May 7, 2007
I've been the proud owner of the HD-555s for a bit now and am already craving better sound haha. I got them for $106 shipped and just recently sent in the rebate stuff for $30 back so I'd say $76 is a great deal for a pair of Senn's hifi headphones for a college student.

However, I've noticed the entire time that the vocals sound a few rows back in terms of the sound stage. I am used to the clear mids and highs from my set of Swans M10s. I am working with onboard audio (ALC889a) which has gotten the job done with my Swans thus far.

My question is, as a college student on a budget and with limited desk space, would I be better off getting a dedicated sound card or a dedicated headphone amp using my onboard ALC889a. Obviously, getting an amp AND a soundcard would be the best choice, but I have some constraints (unfortunately). I'm not willing to spend tons of cash on an Asus Xonar D2 + a Zero DAC.

So, if I'm better off getting a new soundcard, which one should I get? If I'm better off with getting a headphone amp (nothing too big b/c of small desk plz), which one would you guys recommend there? A USB DAC so I wouldn't have to worry about the generic quality of my ALC889a?

I'm using it mostly for music. I don't think I would pay anymore than $200.

What do you guys think? I know people post 5+ topics like this per day, and I have been looking around for awhile (especially for a sound card), but I know little to nothing about amps and I'm not sure if getting a dedicated headphone amp would be better than a new soundcard for me.
The HD555 doesnt benefit alot from an amp, well they do, but its so minimal, I would consider a sound card a more worthy upgrade. A CMoy amp is more than sufficient for the HD-555 and go for $35ish ebay, that would fit in your budget if you want both a sound card and an amp.
Ok, that's what I was thinking as well. The 555s aren't really anything intense like the 600 or 650. Also, is the Xonar D2/D2X too much? Are there any legitimate options in the mid-range that will get me a pretty noticeable increase in sound quality?

If the Xonar is my best bet, should I pay $180 for the PCI version or an extra $20 for the PCIe version (D2X)? What are the advantages there? I'm not completely familiar with power output and speed differences between the PCI and PCIe bus.
Have you had any problems with your 555s? I've gone through 2 pairs of crackling/hissing 555s, but I'm just hearing that I have bad luck, so I'm gonna give them 1 more shot.
I've had no issues yet. I posted in your thread I think haha. I think you just had some bad luck unfortunately =\

3rd times a charm
If you're on a budget, you could build an Alien DAC + Mini3 (or something similar, pimeta, CMoy, etc) and pair them in a medium sized hammond case and have a nice desktop setup for <$200. Whether or not the HD555s will open up/benefit much from an amp or not is another concern entirely.
I think a sound card would be fine. The HD 555's are 120 ohm cans and I can drive my SB40's which are 120 ohm just fine from my X-Fi Fatility without an amp.

I do notice a minimal increase in Sound quality when I rum the SB40's through my Zero.

If you game at all and listen to music The Prelude is your best bet for all around sound quality and EAX performance: On sale now for 150$ after rebate.

thanks for all of the feedback guys.

it says that the 555s are 50ohm on the box?

also, in terms of games, i just dabble in some HL/HL2 mods like CS, ESF, CS:S, etc. I'm really getting this for music I guess.

I guess i'm down to the Prelude and the Xonar D2. The deal on the Prelude is great, but I can get the Xonar for 153 w/ free shipping on Amazon.

what to do, what to do... haha damn it always comes down to some crazy deal like this.
thanks for all of the feedback guys.

it says that the 555s are 50ohm on the box?

also, in terms of games, i just dabble in some HL/HL2 mods like CS, ESF, CS:S, etc. I'm really getting this for music I guess.

I guess i'm down to the Prelude and the Xonar D2. The deal on the Prelude is great, but I can get the Xonar for 153 w/ free shipping on Amazon.

what to do, what to do... haha damn it always comes down to some crazy deal like this.

sorry for the confusion the spec sheet that I have says 120 ohm:


Anyway the one advantage I do see of the Prelude is that you can upgrade the Opamp at a later time and this is important especially if you are a music lover.